Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 119 The first pit is not leveled, and the other pit comes again

Chapter 119 One pit is not cleared, another pit comes again (two in one)

On the evening of April 24th, the end of the last class of the general education course "Drama in the Composition of Literary Works".

Yu Dong put down the lesson plan on the podium and said to the students: "I believe that it is not only literary creation that needs to use drama. No matter what major you study, it may be closely related to drama. The study and research of drama can also be Provide a different path for your artistic creation."

"This general education course is over, and what I want to talk about has also been finished."

The students were listening with great interest, when they suddenly heard Yu Dong's "closing statement", they felt a little uncomfortable.

"Teacher Yu, this class is too short, it will be gone in more than a month."

"Yes, yes, Teacher Yu, we don't know enough about drama yet."

"Let's start the class again, Mr. Yu, didn't you say that there is still a literary aspect in drama, so let's talk about it together."

Yu Dong looked at the classrooms that were already full and smiled proudly.

At the beginning, in order to restrain these students, he had to take the roll call.

It was later discovered that each time there were more people than those on the roster, and sometimes the extra students could only stand behind and listen to the class.

Jin Yi's students are more interested in literature and drama than he imagined, and every time before and after class, students always come to ask questions.

Some students even buy some professional books at their own expense, and after reading them, they will come to ask questions if they don’t understand. Their positive attitude seems to be like treating a professional course.

In order to explain the case to his classmates, Yu Donghui mentioned some novels published in China in recent years, such as "The Ordinary World" mentioned in the last class. In the last class, he saw many students hugging Author of "Ordinary World".

The students also spontaneously set up a drama club. It is said that it is doing well and has attracted many students. In addition to discussing the content of the class, they will also exchange other things related to drama and literature.

Moreover, they are now applying for an event venue with the school, and they are very eager to do something special.

I believe this application will be approved soon. Wu Changxin asked Yu Dong to start the class in order to create an atmosphere of drama and literature in the school.The students are so enthusiastic, of course Wu Changxin will support them.

Looking at the agitated students, Yu Dong raised his hand to signal them not to speak.

After the classroom quieted down, he said, "The next class will come soon. Please wait for the announcement of the specific time. Class is over now."

After speaking, Yu Dong walked out of the classroom with the lesson plan. This time, he didn't leave time for the students to ask questions, and ended the class neatly.

After walking out of the teaching building, Yu Dong didn't rush back to the dormitory, but strolled around the school.

At night at the end of April, the shadow of summer can already be seen, and the crowing of frogs in the cucumber garden is getting louder every day.

During this month, Yu Dong spent most of his time on school work. Although he conceived a few novels, he was not in a hurry to start writing.

Even so, his output is surprising enough.

Next month, no, it should be said that starting from the end of this month, several of his works will be launched together.

"Lu Xiulan" will be published in "Zhong Shan", "Hou Yi" will be published in "Harvest", "Prison No. [-]" will be published in "Science Fiction World" and "Second World" is still being serialized.

Even leaving aside a few science fiction novels, it is extremely difficult for a young writer to write "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" in the same month.

At this time, a gust of wind blew, and Yu Dong shook his head, no longer thinking about the novel, he decided to let his brain rest, temporarily put his body on his legs, and let them take him wherever he wanted.

Along the playground, through the government affairs building, Yu Dong came to the entrance of the library.

Under the street lamp, a young couple was pressing their hands on the wishing stone at the entrance of the library and muttering something. After seeing Yu Dong walking this way, they probably felt embarrassed, so they walked hand in hand from the other direction.

Yu Dong looked up at the sky, but there was no moon.

In late May, the construction of the school's new gate will start. When the old gate is demolished, this wishing stone should be transported away along with the demolished gate.

Probably because of this, even if there is no moon, the students will come to make a wish.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong realized that he had never made a wish on this stone in two lifetimes, and he felt a little regretful.

Walking in front of it unknowingly tonight was probably due to some kind of fate, so Yu Dong walked slowly to the stone and decided to make a wish.

"Do you put your left hand or your right hand?"

Yu Dong hesitated for a while, then simply put both hands on it.

But here comes the problem again, if you put your hand on it, what wish should you make?
It's not that Yu Dong has no wishes, but that he has too many wishes, and he can't think of which one to choose for a while.


Just when Yu Dong was thinking about what wish to make, a bicycle bell rang.

Yu Dong turned his head to look and saw Wu Changxin riding a bicycle, so he took his hands off the stone and stood on the side of the road.

Wu Changxin stopped in front of Yu Dong, and said with a smile: "Yu Dong, it's so late, what are you doing here?"

"I've just finished class, so I'm going for a stroll." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

Wu Changxin looked at the wishing stone next to him, with a smile still hanging on his face, "I think you seem to be trying to use this stone as if you want to use it. Is it possible that this stone is really as spiritual as they said?"

As he spoke, Wu Changxin raised his hands in a gesture of showing power.

Yu Dong looked at Wu Changxin in surprise, this old Wu usually wouldn't joke like this, he must have encountered something happy.

"Principal Wu seems to be in a good mood today."

Wu Changxin looked at Yu Dong with a smile, "It seems that I am very obvious, and I have shown it to you. That's right, there is good news. The drama department has a plan. If it goes well, we will be in Jinyi next semester. You can have the drama department again."

"It's really good news." Yu Dong nodded, and then said in doubt, "But at this point in time, I'm afraid I can't catch up with the enrollment. The college entrance examination will be in July."

Wu Changxin waved his hand, and said relaxedly: "It's not important, there are many ways, don't worry. The main issue I'm considering now is to get the teachers as soon as possible. Our drama department can't just rely on you."

"I'm not a drama major either, so it's okay to help out."

"Excessive modesty is pride." Wu Changxin smiled and rode on the bicycle: "I'll go back first, you can continue to walk."

"Principal Wu, go slowly."

Watching Wu Changxin leave, it can be seen that he is really happy. He is over half a hundred years old, but now his steps are as light as a young man chasing the wind.

Yu Dong couldn't help feeling that it was really not easy for Old Wu. He worried about school affairs all day long and went home very late every night.

He actually had a house in the school, but because there were too many people in the family, he didn't move to the school.

When Wu Changxin rode out of the school gate, Yu Dong turned his head to look at the wishing stone.

"Hey, give this wish to Old Wu."

Then Yu Dong made a wish on the stone, hoping that Wu Changxin would be healthy.


On Saturday morning, Liang Yongsheng went to the bookstall early in the morning, because the boss told him that the new issue of "Science Fiction World" would arrive today when he passed by the bookstall yesterday.

When he arrived at the bookstall, the boss had just set up the stall. When he saw Liang Yongsheng, the boss pointed to the magazines on the shelf with a smile, "It's here, Mr. Liang, take it yourself."

Liang Yongsheng nodded and walked quickly to the stand.

This stand is made by the boss himself. Although the workmanship is rough, it is still useful. Usually, it is specially used to store some best-selling and unsellable books.

Liang Yongsheng looked at a row of "Science Fiction World" on it, and said unexpectedly: "Boss, have you bought so many books this time?"

"Shouldn't you just buy a few more copies if they sell well? Who can't live with the money. Last time I bought ten copies and it wasn't enough to sell. I just bought twenty copies this time. Anyway, I can return it if I can't sell it all."

It was still early, there were no guests, and the boss was free, so he simply pulled two benches over, one for himself and one for Liang Yongsheng, then sat down and lit a cigarette.

"Not to mention, it's also thanks to you. Originally, I didn't enter this magazine here, but later I got a few more because I brought it to you. I didn't expect it to be quite popular."

Liang Yongsheng took a copy of "Science Fiction Magazine" from the shelf, "Who usually reads this magazine?"

"There are a lot of students, and they are all relatively young. Generally, older students can't read this magazine."

Liang Yongsheng shook his head. He didn't agree with the boss's words, but he didn't say anything to refute.His attention was focused on the cover of the magazine, and when he saw the words "Yu Dong's new works", his eyes narrowed immediately.

"Another new work?"

Muttering a word, Liang Yongsheng hurriedly found the new work "Prison No. [-]", and read this article first before reading "Second World".

The novel is quite long, and Liang Yongsheng read it for a while... no, it's not over yet.

Seeing "to be continued" at the end, Liang Yongsheng gritted his molars and resisted the urge to curse.

It's a familiar taste and a familiar formula, and the new work "Prison No. [-]" is actually serialized again!
This is simply a pit that has not been leveled, and another pit comes again.

And it was cut just right, "Prison No. [-]" was being serialized until the protagonist was about to escape from prison, and then it was cut off.

That's all, that's all, chasing two novels is almost the same as chasing one novel, it's all from one magazine anyway.

Then Liang Yongsheng thought of the latest serialization of "Second World", and his mood eased a lot, so he hurriedly turned to "Second World".


"These readers are all talents!"

A few days later, Tan Kai read the letters from readers and smiled while reading.

Yang Xiao next to him took a sip from his teacup and said, "Read two and listen."

"Okay, I'm here to find some interesting ones." Tan Kai found a few in the pile of letters, and then started to read, "Listen to this—can't you add a little more? Who do you look down on? Are we still short of you?" How much for a few magazines?"


"Listen to this again—I was caught reading a magazine by my mother last night. Not only did she not criticize me, she even praised me, because she knew that I was chasing "Second World" and thought I was very persistent. So If you can persist in chasing the slow serialization, why worry about the failure of the big event..."

"There is also this—serious notice, I order your company to release a new issue of the magazine as soon as possible, otherwise I will lead a hundred thousand sons to capture your company, and the building will be destroyed and the manuscript will be lost. Don't say it was unpredictable!"

"Haha, it's really interesting." Yang Xiao rubbed the crow's feet that appeared from the corners of his eyes with his hand, "The enthusiasm of the readers is very high recently."

Tan Kai put down the letter, nodded with a smile, "It's really high, and most of them came to complain about the serialization, and many people threatened to unsubscribe. However, the sales volume of the magazine can't fool people. The conservative sales volume of the new issue is [-]. About ten books, compared to last November, it has doubled."

"It will get better and better." After speaking, Yang Xiao stood up, walked to his desk, took "Zhong Shan" and "Harvest" from the table to the coffee table and put them down, "The new "Zhong Shan" You haven’t read Mountain and Harvest, have you?”

"These two magazines arrived at my office in the morning, but I don't have time to read them. The editorial department is really busy these days. Why did you suddenly mention these two magazines?"

Yang Xiao pushed the two magazines in front of Tan Kai, "Look at it."

Tan Kai looked at Yang Xiao suspiciously, then picked up "Zhong Shan" first, searched it in the catalog, and then saw Yu Dong's name.

Holding back his surprise, he picked up "Harvest" again, and saw the word Yu Dong in the catalog again.


"Yu Dong published "Harvest" and "Zhong Shan" at the same time this month. "Harvest" is a novella, and "Zhong Shan" should be a novel, and only the first half is serialized."

"President, have you read it?"

Yang Xiao nodded: "Look, it's very exciting. Especially the "Lu Xiulan", although only half of the serialization, but the things shown in this novel are already very shocking. Yu Dong's narration is still so amazing, I don’t know much about literature majors, and I can’t tell what genre or system his narrative style is, but it’s very charming.”

"I don't understand that either." Tan Kai spread his hands.

Both of them were born in science and engineering, and their appreciation of literature is mainly based on intuitive feelings.Sometimes Yang Xiao is also thinking about this matter. Although science fiction literature has higher requirements for storytelling, the charm of narrative must not be underestimated.

Yu Dong's science fiction novels provide a template. If you compare reading to eating, then the pot of rice cooked by Yu Dong will not feel harsh and dry in your mouth when you first eat it, and you will have endless aftertaste after chewing it several times.

Tan Kai didn't get entangled in Dong's narrative, he just sighed, "I always believed that Yu Dong would become a leading figure in domestic science fiction, but now it seems that he may not only be a leading figure in science fiction literature, but may also be a leading figure in pure science fiction. The leader of the literary world."

Yang Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile, "I'm afraid it's impossible. No one in the world of pure literature can be the best. Literati in any period are competing, but it's hard to compete. As long as science fiction sells well, If you win a lot of awards, that’s great. However, no matter how many awards you win and how well sold a pure literary work is, some people will not accept it.”

Tan Kai nodded, "That's true, but what is certain is that Yu Dong's name must not be ignored during this time."

"It's natural."


Tan Kai is right. During the week from the end of April to the beginning of May, the name Yu Dong appeared in front of all kinds of people in different ways. Some people even felt that he was everywhere in their lives.

Fang Tao and Zhu Fuxian, a group of middle school students, felt the most strongly.

"Crazy, crazy, he is also in "Zhong Shan"."

A few students lined up the magazines "Zhongshan", "Harvest", and "Science Fiction World" and sighed.

Three magazines and four novels appeared in front of them one after another within a few days, making them feel unreal.

It seemed that one second they were still enjoying the tortuous and bizarre fantasy world under Yu Dong's leadership, and the next second they were dragged back into the cold realism by Yu Dong, a real double sky of ice and fire.

"Maybe Mr. Zheng will tell these two novels again in class." Zhu Fu said first.

The other students nodded in agreement. Everyone knew that Mr. Zheng loved Yu Dong so much. During class, he always talked about Yu Dong, and when he talked about rhetorical and expressive techniques, he would mention how to use Yu Dong.

 Thank you [Spanking Bug] for the 200 reward
  Thank you [Chen Jiuru] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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