Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 120 May I Find You About Cooperation

Chapter 120 I May Talk to You About Cooperation (Two in One)

On the morning of May [-]nd, Yu Dong was working hard in the office preparing the lesson plans.

Because the response to the general education class last time was very good, Wu Changxin thought that he should make persistent efforts, strike while the iron is hot, and offer another class this semester.

The course has been decided, and I will continue to talk about "Literariness in Drama" following "Drama in Literary Works".

At about ten o'clock, Hu Changqing walked in with a smile.

He put a copy of "Zhong Shan" magazine in front of Yu Dong, "Yu Yu, you are too low-key, if I hadn't read the wishing stone in the novel, and paid attention to the author, I would not know you are here again." "Zhong Shan" published a novel."

When Hu Changqing said this, several other teachers in the office were shocked.He Yu was the most active and leaned over all of a sudden, "Really, Lao Yu's work is on "Zhong Shan" again. I also subscribed to Zhong Shan, but I haven't had time to watch it yet."

Li Zhenguo from the Department of Vocal Music couldn't help but sighed, "Mr. Yu, you have made good use of this time. Didn't you have two novels in "Science Fiction World" a few days ago, and with "Zhong Shan" there will be three." I see that you have not missed work every day, and you have to work overtime and give lectures at night, how did you manage to make time?"

"That's right, we are so busy with the work at hand every day." Another teacher nodded in empathy.

Hu Changqing looked at them, rolled his eyelids and said, "When people are less than rest days, they lock themselves in the room, the door is not out, and the second door is not open. Look at you, what are you doing on rest days? Time is a sponge As long as you are willing to squeeze the water inside, you can definitely squeeze it out..."

Then he said to Yu Dong with a smile, "Yu Yu, you did a good job this time, keep working hard. You go to work first, and I won't bother you."

After he finished speaking, he walked out of the big office. As soon as he reached the door, he saw Liu Changmin coming over with a magazine in his arms.

"Secretary Hu is here." Liu Changmin greeted with a smile.

Hu Changqing looked at the magazine in Liu Changmin's hand with a smile, it was "Harvest", and said, "Changmin, you made a wrong choice today, you should read "Zhong Shan" first."

Liu Changmin didn't know why, so he raised the "Harvest" magazine in his hand, "Thanks to me, I read "Harvest" first, otherwise I didn't know that Yu Dong had published a new work."

After saying this to Hu Changqing, Liu Changmin walked into the office with the magazine in his arms, and before reaching Yu Dong, he shouted: "Yu Dong, you are too low-key, we don't see you every day Feng, your novel on "Harvest"..."

Hearing Liu Changmin's words, Hu Changqing standing at the door was dumbfounded, and other teachers in the classroom were also dumbfounded.

Holding "Harvest", Liu Changmin felt that something was wrong with the atmosphere in the office, and asked with a puzzled look: "Is there anything I don't know?"

He Yu was the first to react. He held up "Zhong Shan" and said to Liu Changmin: "Old Liu, Lao Yu also published a novel in "Zhong Shan", and we were talking about it just now."

This time it was Liu Changmin's turn to be dumbfounded.


The fact that Yu Dong published two novels in "Harvest" and "Zhong Shan" at the same time caused quite a stir in the school.

All in all, after Yu Dong arrived at Jinyi, in less than two semesters, he has published four novels in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest".

You know, these two magazines are bimonthly, and there have not been many issues in the past few months.

Yu Dong's frequency of submitting manuscripts is the real treatment of a famous artist.

If it is said that Yu Dong published two novels in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" before, some people think that it was just a flash of inspiration or luck.But now the frequency of drafting made them have to admit Yu Dong's strength.

However, many students in the school did not pay attention to Yu Dong's posting frequency at this time. They were more concerned about the wishing stone written in "Lu Xiulan".

In the novel "Lu Xiulan", at the beginning, Yu Dong used the No.1 perspective to describe an event that happened in the school a few years ago from the perspective of a teacher.

There was a mentally abnormal woman who went to school every day to "visit" the wishing stone for a certain period of time, and was chased away by school security because she often didn't wear clothes.

One day a few years later, "I" met a colleague from the former school on the road, and we talked about this matter while chatting.

The novel starts from here, and the perspective begins to change, from one "I" to another "I", and the following things are told by colleagues in No.1 and third person.

So the story actually begins with a wishing stone in the school.

Yu Dong did not point out the school name of "Jinyi" in the novel, but only used the word "school" instead.

But Jinyi's students all know that this school refers to Jinyi, and the wishing stone mentioned in it is the one at the entrance of the library.

Teacher Yu wrote the wishing stone into the novel!


On May [-]th Youth Day, just as Yu Dong handed over his teaching plan to Wu Changxin, he came out of the principal's office when he saw He Yu.

As soon as He Yu saw Yu Dong, he greeted him with a smile, "Old Yu, now you have another title of patron saint."

Hearing He Yu's words, Yu Dong was a little confused, "Old He, what do you mean by that, what kind of patron saint?"

"Haha, you don't know yet, I'll take you to the entrance of the library and you will know."

After arriving at the entrance of the library, Yu Dong was directly amused by the scene in front of him.

I don't know who it is, got a small wooden board and inserted it next to the wishing stone.

"The prototype of the wishing stone in the classic masterpiece "Lu Xiulan" is written on the wooden board, and there are some history and legends about this stone.

In addition, a sentence "This is a cultural relic, please do not damage it" was written at the bottom.

"Look, you have now become the patron saint of the wishing stone, and those students who are reluctant to part with the stone have pulled your tiger skin to make a banner."

Yu Dong smiled and shrugged, "Let them do it, it doesn't matter if I let them use my name, but the school may not buy it."

"Then let's wait and see."


What Yu Dong didn't expect was that the school really bought it, and it moved very quickly.

On the second day, May [-]th, the school issued an announcement to further inform the handling of the wishing stone.

The notice said that considering the students' feelings for the wishing stone, the school decided not to deal with it for the time being, and moved the stone to the entrance of the government affairs building when the school gate was rebuilt.

Careful people have noticed that the stone is directly called the "Wishing Stone" in this notice, which is regarded as a solid name.

As soon as this announcement came out, the reputation of the wishing stone in the school has been raised to a higher level. At the same time, what people remember is the "Lu Xiulan" that made it stay.

Although the school's announcement stated that the wishing stone was not processed because the students' feelings were considered, but everyone knew that if "Lu Xiulan" hadn't been released, the school would not change its decision.

In this way, Yu Dong inexplicably became the "Guardian of the Wishing Stone".

He Yu and Feng Ming, the two idiots who love to boo the most, naturally wouldn't let this opportunity pass by.For several days after this happened, the two called Yu Dong "comrade Yu Dong, the patron saint".


"Guardian God Comrade Yu Dong, someone is looking for you."

At noon on May [-]th, when Yu Dong was about to take a nap, he heard Feng Ming's loud shout from outside.

Yu Dong stood up and looked out through the window, only to see Su Tong standing next to Feng Ming.

After Feng Ming shouted, he pointed to Yu Dong's room and said to Su Tong, "He should be in the room."

Su Tong nodded his thanks and walked towards Yu Dong's room.

Seeing that it was Su Tong, Yu Dong walked out of the room to greet him.

"Brother, why are you here?"

"Why can't I come and see you?" Su Tong smiled and asked again, "Why did that guy just call you Comrade Yu Dong, the patron saint? Do you still have a nickname at school?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "That's my colleague Feng Ming, who usually likes to have fun."

"Very good. Having a nickname proves that you have integrated well." Then Su Tong entered Yu Dong's room and looked around, "Your room is quite simple."

"I live alone and have few things."

"I live alone now, and it's much more chaotic than yours. Speaking of which, the school conditions are better now. When I first came here, I lived in such a big house. Two people lived together. At that time, because there were roommates , it’s not convenient to write, so I often go to Han Dong and the others.”

Yu Dong nodded. He had heard this from Han Dong and the others when he had dinner with them before.

It was also during that time that the relationship between the three of them gradually established.

Yu Dong made a cup of tea for Su Tong, Su Tong took the cup and smelled it, "Your tea is really good."

"I don't know much about tea, and I usually just drink it. This tea was given by my colleague, the one who talked to you just now."

"So I'm not worried about you at school. Although you don't talk much, you have the ability to quickly integrate into the environment." Su Tong smiled and blew on the powdered tea, and said, "No, last time I met with Zhang Yimou and the others, and he was very impressed with you. He called me yesterday afternoon and said that he would come to Jinling in the next two days. He told me repeatedly that he must invite you.”

"Director Zhang wants to come over. As the host, we should arrange it. You invited me last time, senior brother. Leave this opportunity to me." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Su Tong was not polite, nodded and said, "You are a big family now, and I don't have any psychological burden to eat you. Since you said so, I will call him back later and let him find a time to come."

"Well, did he say what it was for?" Yu Dong asked.

"I didn't say that. He just said that he was in a hurry last time and was a little rude. He came here to visit this time." Having said that, Su Tong reached into his pocket and touched it, as if he wanted to get a cigarette, then stopped and asked Yu Dong: "Is it convenient for me to smoke here?"

"It's okay." Yu Dong reached out and brought him a teacup, "I don't have an ashtray here, so you can make do with this."

Su Tong pushed the teacup back, and found the trash can again, "The cup is for drinking water, I can just use this."

Then he lit a cigarette, took a puff comfortably, and continued, "Although he didn't say it clearly, I can understand what he said. This time he should be here for you."

"For me?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

Su Tong narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Isn't that hard to understand? He probably didn't expect you to be so powerful last time, so he took you lightly. This time he's making amends."

"I didn't feel slighted."

"The problem is that he feels differently from you, and you have to be mentally prepared, maybe he will talk to you about cooperation."

Afterwards, without waiting for Dong to answer, Su Tong continued to analyze to him: "Last year, Zhang Yimou originally planned to shoot "Chicken Feathers in One Place". I said it was because I couldn’t find the feeling.”

"Later, he accidentally saw Chen Yuanbin's "The Lawsuit of Wanjia" from "Chinese Writers", and became interested in this novel again, so he changed to "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit". It will be released in a month. During this time, Zhang Yimou should be thinking about what to make next movie."

While Su Tong was talking, Yu Dong was also recalling and thinking.In his impression, after Zhang Yimou finished filming "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit", he should be filming "To Live".

However, "Alive" has not yet been published, and Zhang Yimou may not have come into contact with it.

If he really came here this time to talk about making a movie, then which novel of his is he looking at?
Yu Dong went through all the novels he had published in his mind. First of all, he must have ruled out those science fiction novels. article.

"Lu Xiulan" was only half published, so it should not be in his consideration.

However, "Mending the Sky" and "Hou Yi" obviously don't match Zhang Yimou's style, and "Death of a Widow" is the most likely one.

"I suspect he's taken a fancy to "Death of a Widow." Su Tong said again.

Yu Dong looked at Su Tong, nodded and said, "This is the most likely."

But then he smiled and shook his head, "Of course, this is all speculation. Maybe this time he came here just to take a look, and he may not necessarily talk about cooperation."

"Well, your mentality is good. I tell you this to prepare you mentally, otherwise you will be caught off guard when he mentions this to you. "

Speaking of which, Su Tong also finished his cigarette, he put out the cigarette butt, took two sips of hot tea, then chewed the tea and got up and said: "I came here today to tell you about this, I am no better than you, I still have to go to work in the afternoon. The club is still busy, so I’ll go back first, you go to the club the day after tomorrow, and I’ll tell you the exact time.”

Yu Dong also stood up, nodded and said, "Okay, I'll see you off."

Su Tong was good at blocking it, "I came to school and I asked you to send it. That's a joke. Don't forget, I've been here for several years longer than you. You can do your work, I'm leaving."

Looking at Su Tong's back, Yu Dong chuckled softly, "Will you stay for a few more years?"

 Thank you [theoretically exists] for the 600 reward
  Thanks for the 500 rewards from [Basic Boiled Wine and Tasteless]
  Thanks to [The world says I love Chang'an] big guy for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Lao Zhu is a thin man] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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