Chapter 122 Liu Heng (Two in One)

After getting off work on Wednesday evening, Yu Dong rode to "Zhongshan" first, and then rode to Jinling Hotel with Su Tong.

When they arrived at the hotel, the two sat in the box for a while, and the door of the box was pushed open.

To Yu Dong's surprise, it was not only Zhang Yimou who came in, but also a slovenly man next to him.

The man was taller and stronger than Zhang Yimou. He was wearing an army green jacket with the zipper unzipped and left open. Inside was a gray shirt with two buttons undone, looking very casual.

There are beards on his lips and chin, but it can be seen that he doesn't take care of them very much, letting them grow wantonly.

Compared with the lushness of the beard, the volume of the man's hair is much less. The temples and the back of the head are fine, but the top of the head is almost gone.

The most distinctive feature is his hooked nose, the tip of his nose is sharply curved, and he looks like a white-browed eagle king.

Su Tong should know him, so he went up to say hello, "Director Zhang, Mr. Liu, you are here."

Yu Dong shook hands with Zhang Yimou first, and then heard Zhang Yimou's introduction: "Old Liu, this is Teacher Yu Dongyu. How about it, he is younger than you think."

Old Liu smiled and said, "I expected it before when I was young, but I didn't expect to be so beautiful."

"What word is this called?" Zhang Yimou smiled, and then introduced to Yu Dong: "Teacher Yu, this is my old friend Liu Heng, who is the screenwriter of "Ju Dou" and the author of the original novel "Fuxi Fuxi". "

Liu Heng?

Yu Dong was stunned for a moment. The Liu Heng in his impression should be bald, fat, and beardless, and the one in front of him might only have a nose.

I didn't expect Liu Heng to be so casual when he was young.

In fact, Liu Heng is not considered young now, he should be almost 40 years old.

"Ms. Liu, hello, I've seen you for a long time." Yu Dong smiled and shook hands with Liu Heng, and then greeted: "Everyone sit down."

After all four of them were seated, Yu Dong smiled and said, "When did Director Zhang and Teacher Liu arrive in Jinling?"

"I arrived in the afternoon. After I arrived, I stayed in the room with Lao Liu. We live here, so it's very convenient to come over for dinner." Zhang Yimou replied with a smile.

Then Zhang Yimou pointed to Liu Heng and said, "Mr. Yu, Mr. Su, you two, guess why I brought Lao Liu here this time?"

Yu Dong and Su Tong glanced at each other, and they both saw the answer in each other's eyes.

The two of them guessed right, Zhang Yimou came here this time for the right to adapt novels and films.

But they didn't expect that Zhang Yimou would get into the theme as soon as his ass hit the bench.

"Let me guess, you probably invited Mr. Liu here because you were afraid that the three of us wouldn't be able to play poker after we came here, and let him serve as a pawn." Su Tong said jokingly.

Speaking of Pandan, Zhang Yimou also smiled, "Although Pandan is fun, but I am here for business this time. Mr. Su also knows Lao Liu's current situation. He is interested in screenwriting, and his focus is also on this. By the way, in addition to the previous "Ju Dou", he also acted as the screenwriter for "Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" which I just finished filming."

Yu Dong nodded. Liu Heng really started his career as a screenwriter from "Ju Dou", and from then on, he gradually became a leading figure in the domestic screenwriting circle.

But the current Liu Heng, in fact, is mainly a writer.

In 1977, he published his first short story "Little Stone Mill". A few years ago, he also won the National Excellent Short Story Award for "The Food of the Dog Day", which is considered a small achievement in the literary world.

Zhang Yimou continued, "We are here this time, in fact, for Teacher Yu's "Death of a Widow."

"Director Zhang means to adapt this novel into a movie?" Su Tong helped Yu Dong and asked.

"That's right." Zhang Yimou nodded, "To tell you the truth, I became interested in this novel when I saw it. Put it aside for the time being. Now that I have free hands, I ran over immediately."

"Does Director Zhang have any specific thoughts on this novel? In fact, "Death of a Widow" should be regarded as two novels, and one of them is written by the writer Yu Xi." Yu Dong asked.

"Well, this is what I have focused on. It is very special and attractive to write in the novel, but it is impossible to shoot it. Not to mention whether this expression method is good or not, technically speaking, it is impossible for me to prepare two sets. Actors. Regarding this matter, I chatted with Lao Liu for a long time on the road, and I can talk about something." Zhang Yimou looked at Liu Heng.

Liu Heng understood, took over the topic and said: "I will try my best to show the content of Yu Xi's novel through the dialogue between the characters, as long as the audience knows what the content of Yu Xi's novel is like. , what kind of influence it has on the heroine. And Lao Zhang’s intention is to highlight the character of Li Xuelian as much as possible, so in the development of the plot, we will try to focus on describing Li Xuelian’s living environment in the village.”

After Liu Heng finished speaking, Zhang Yimou said again: "Teacher Yu, I really want to praise Lao Liu's screenwriting ability to you. Although he has not written many films, his screenwriting level is definitely among the best in China." .”

"I absolutely believe that." Yu Dong smiled and nodded.

Liu Heng glanced at Yu Dong in surprise. He didn't expect Yu Dong to react so simply, and his words were very sincere, and he couldn't tell that he was flattering or echoing.

Of course Yu Dong is sincere. In fact, he understands Liu Heng's level of screenwriting better than Zhang Yimou.

"Assembly Number", "Youth Son of Heaven", "A Lawsuit by Qiu Ju", "Ju Dou", "Thirteen Beauties of Jinling", "Yun Shui Ballad", "Once Upon a Time in China" and other film and television dramas are all produced by Liu Heng.

Later generations, in the domestic screenwriting circle, Liu Heng is like a mountain to look up to.

"I don't have any opinion on the screenwriting. It's a great honor to invite a screenwriter like Mr. Liu to lead the script."

Zhang Yimou raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, are you agreeing?"

"I agree." Yu Dong said with a smile: "I have no reason to refuse, but I am still a little worried."

"Well, tell me." Zhang Yimou looked at Yu Dong with piercing eyes.

"The novel involves a sensitive period. If it is filmed according to the novel, will it be difficult for the radio and television to pass the review?"

Zhang Yimou patted his chest and said, "Don't worry about that, I know very well how to pass the trial."

Hearing Zhang Yimou's words, Yu Dong's ears buzzed: Why are these words so familiar?
Then he remembered that Zhang Yimou also told Yu Hua later when he was filming "To Live".

But in the end, "To Live" did not pass the trial.

With this "lesson from the past", Yu Dong was also beating his heart, saying that Zhang Yimou should not play it off this time.

If the play is off this time, it will not only be a problem of "Death of the Widow" not being able to come out, but the later "To Live" may be even more difficult.

"I think Director Zhang, you should be more prepared." Yu Dong reminded.

Zhang Yimou nodded and said, "Okay, I will pay attention."

Yu Dong observed that although Zhang Yimou said so, judging from his expression, he didn't take the trial seriously.

That's right, Zhang Yimou's career as a director is too high, and so far it's been smooth sailing, and he can achieve whatever he shoots.Today, he has not experienced any major setbacks, and he is at his most energetic. Of course, he has full confidence in himself.

At this time, Su Tong smiled and asked, "How did Director Zhang arrange the actors this time?"

"I can't talk about the arrangement, but I just have some ideas." Zhang Yimou said with a smile: "There are not many main characters in it. I plan to let Gong Li play the role of Li Xuelian. She is also suitable for the role. Another important role is Yu Xi. I recommend Li Xuejian."

Liu Heng on the side nodded and said: "I am the screenwriter of Li Shaohong's new movie "Forty Not Confused", so I had a lot of contact with the lead actor Li Xuejian some time ago. He played an intellectual in "Forty Not Confused", and the role presented There won't be any problems."

"But the role of Yu Xi is very controversial. Would it be inappropriate for Li Xuejian to play it?" Yu Dong worried.

Li Xuejian has been very popular in the past two years, starring in "****" and "Longing" consecutively.

His current image is extremely positive. If he is suddenly asked to take on a role like Yu Xi, he may not be willing. Even if he is willing, the audience may not be able to accept it.

Today's TV audiences take things too seriously, and it's easy to tie actors to characters.Many people really think that those who play good people are good people, and those who play bad people are bad people.

If a person plays the villain very vividly, the audience's first reaction is not how good the actor's acting skills are, but that this actor is such a person.

Feng Yuanqi, who later acted in "Don't Talk to Strangers", is an example.

With the development of the film and television industry, although this situation also exists in later generations, it is not as exaggerated as it is now.

Zhang Yimou thought for a while, and said: "The role of Yu Xi is very complicated. Although it is very controversial, he is not completely a villain. He is a literati with some shortcomings. In fact, he still has a bottom line and persistence in his heart. It's just because of a momentary thought. , contributed to Li Xuelian's tragedy."

Liu Heng said, "That's why I think Li Xuejian should play the role. Although the role of Yu Xi is not as many as Li Xuelian, he is very complicated and important. There are not many actors who can interpret him well. Li Xuejian is very suitable. And according to my understanding of him, he should not refuse, at least not because of the controversial image of Yu Xi's role."

Yu Dong nodded, "The two of you know more about actors."

Of course Yu Dong was happy to let Li Xuejian play the role of Yu Xi.Li Xuejian is an actor Yu Dong likes very much, and his roles as the emperor and Qin Shihuang left a very deep impression on Yu Dong.

And Yu Dong is not worried at all about whether Li Xuejian can play this role well.Li Xuejian's acting skills are very good, and he has a wide range of acting skills. It can be said that he looks like what he plays.

When the matter came to this point, the atmosphere in the box became more relaxed.As for copyright royalties, Yu Dong didn't ask, and Zhang Yimou didn't mention it either.

The main reason is that Su Tong and Liu Heng are here, so it is not convenient to discuss the specific cost.

At this point, Zhang Yimou’s goal of this trip was basically achieved, and his hands started to itch again, “Anyway, the food hasn’t been served yet, let’s play cards for a while. I have played with them in the film crew, and Lao Liu can also, so don’t bother to teach him the rules.” .”

The proposal was passed unanimously, and the table was quickly set up.

While playing cards, the few people stopped talking about business and started chatting about some gossip.

Liu Heng has been quite busy during this period. The shooting time of the two films "A Lawsuit by Qiu Ju" and "Forty Not Confused" overlapped. He needed to take care of both ends, which was not easy.

But he himself said that he is happy, and since he started working as a screenwriter, he has been full of energy.

Liu Heng said with a smile, "I feel like I can't stop the car now."

Su Tong sorted out the cards, looked up at Liu Heng, "How do you say that?"

"People, once I taste the sweetness, I will continue. In fact, I have always been very yearning to reproduce a certain scene. When I see a certain scene in a movie, I will be instantly moved. So I hope that one day my own Creation can also achieve this effect, which is also my initial expectation for the film, to communicate directly with the audience."

Hearing Liu Heng's words, Yu Dong and Su Tong nodded at the same time.

In fact, literary creation and script creation have both similarities and differences.

In script creation, the shaping of the picture is basically necessary.But for literary creation, this is not the case. Sometimes the sense of imagery can be discarded.

From Liu Heng's words, Yu Dong also found the reason why he could become a top domestic screenwriter step by step.

For a person's success, internal motivation is very important, and Liu Heng's internal motivation is what he calls shaping the picture and communicating directly with the audience.

Of course, external motivation is also very important, which is what he called "sweetness". If "Black Water" hadn't been changed to "Benmingnian" at the beginning and "Fuxi Fuxi" was changed to "Ju Dou" immediately after, I'm afraid he wouldn't throw himself into script creation like this without hesitation.


After dinner, Zhang Yimou found an opportunity to tell Yu Dong that they would meet again tomorrow, and Yu Dong readily agreed.

At noon the next day, Yu Dong and Zhang Yimou met again and discussed in detail the authorization of "Death of a Widow".

Yu Dong issued a power of attorney to Zhang Yimou, and then charged Zhang Yimou 500 yuan, and the cooperation between the two was reached.

The next thing will be handed over to Zhang Yimou, who will immediately start the film project, prepare the filming crew, and recruit actors.

At the same time, Liu Heng will also work overtime to get the script out.

Zhang Yimou himself predicts that the filming will begin in September, and if all goes well, the film will be released next summer.

Seeing Zhang Yimou's vigor, Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, his creative enthusiasm in recent years is really full, making movies one after another without rest at all, he is a real model worker.

Perhaps Liu Heng's words can also be applied to him: Once you have tasted the sweetness, you will continue.

 Thank you [Suzhong Three Wolves] for the 200 reward
  Thanks to [Everything is really interesting] the big guy for the 1500 reward
  Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [XXLXLXX in the book] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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