Chapter 123
Tomorrow, June 22, the book will be on shelves at twelve noon.

Let's talk about the update first, and the five updates will be guaranteed tomorrow.

If the first subscription is over [-] words, a minimum of [-] words will be guaranteed every day thereafter.

If the first order is more than [-] words, there will be a guarantee of [-] words per day thereafter.

If you order more than [-] words for the first time, you will be guaranteed a minimum of [-] words per day thereafter.

Not to mention those over three thousand.

The monthly ticket is two hundred, plus one change.Reward [-] starting coins, plus one update.

I don't recommend tipping. I owed ten chapters before, so I'll talk about it after I finish paying it off.


I'm an engineering student, my writing talent is not high, I'm a hardworking type, and my coding speed is slower than others, so the update is not very gratifying.But I haven't stopped updating, I have taken leave, and there are four to five thousand words per day in the new issue, which is not bad.

I thought about selling it badly, but I really can't sell it badly.

Less than thirty, with a car and a house, healthy parents, a wife who is unbelievably beautiful, gentle and understanding, and has a lovely daughter, it’s not miserable at all.

But the pressure is indeed great, car loan and housing loan, Pengpeng is still young, it has not yet come to the time to really spend money, the time to really face the test of life has not yet arrived, people who are running around in a flash, and I don’t know how far they are from establishing a career.

I dare not make excessive demands, I just ask you to support the genuine version.This book was first published on the Qidian Chinese website. If you have the conditions, come and support the first order. Now you can watch the video on the Qidian app to receive free Qidian coins. It is said that you can receive hundreds of dollars at most every day, which is completely enough.

In addition, there is an event post in the comment area, support the first order and have a chance to get [-] starting coins, everyone can go and participate.

Finally, let me talk about my gratitude. First of all, I would like to thank my editor Wu Xing. This book cannot go to today without his appreciation and support.

And my operating officer, Lao Liao, is the one who generates electricity for love and helps me organize a lot of activities.He taught me many things that I don't understand myself.

Finally, friends who reward, vote, and follow up, you are the foundation of this book to this day.

Sincerely, salute.

Kowtow, boom boom boom.

(End of this chapter)

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