Chapter 124 Meng Hua (First Order)

After leaving Zhang Yimou's place, Yu Dong went back to the school directly. When he reached the door, Uncle Zhou called him in surprise: "Mr. Yu, when did you go out? Why didn't I pay attention?"

Yu Dong stopped the car and said with a smile, "Uncle Zhou, you can't have a radar on your head, you didn't see that it's not normal for me to go out."

"Oh, it's like this. A young man came to look for you just now. I thought you were at school, so I asked him to go to the government affairs building to look for you."

"Boy? Haven't you seen it?"

Uncle Zhou shook his head, "I haven't seen it before, the accent sounds like a northerner, and I've been here for a while."

"Well, I see." Yu Dong nodded, and rode his bicycle to the government affairs building.

After entering the office, Yu Dong saw a strange young man sitting in his seat at a glance, it should be the one Uncle Zhou mentioned.

At this time, there was no one else in the office, only the young man.

He was staring at the table in a daze. After Yu Dong walked over, he heard the movement and turned his head to look over.

Seeing that his eyes were full of doubts, Yu Dong knew that although he came to look for him, he didn't know what he looked like.

"Hi, I'm Yu Dong, are you here to see me?" Yu Dong said.

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the young man froze for a moment, stood up abruptly after a slow tempo, "Hello, Teacher Yu, I'm Meng Hua, the editor of "Yanjing Literature". Nice to meet you."

"It's okay, you can sit down." Yu Dongchong beckoned to Meng Hua to signal him to sit down, then he pulled He Yu's chair over and sat down by himself, "I heard from the doorman, Uncle Zhou, that you have been here for a long time ?”

"It didn't take long. When I entered the building, I happened to meet a teacher who brought me here. He told me that you would be back in a while." Meng Hua pushed his glasses and said with a smile.

Yu Dong took a look at Meng Hua. He was about 24 or [-] years old, of medium height, a little toothless, and looked like he was smiling even when he was not talking.

"How do you have my address? "Harvest" and "Zhongshan" should not be so kind, so let me disclose my information to you." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Meng Hua scratched his chin, and said with some embarrassment: "I did call "Zhong Shan" and "Harvest", and they did not disclose your information to me. I still read "Science Fiction World" "Only after your last interview did I know that you work for Jinyi."

"Aren't you afraid that Yu Dong is a pseudonym, and people in our school don't know my pseudonym? It won't be worth it if you miss out."

"I have also thought of this possibility, but I have also made plans. If I really miss you and don't see you, I will go to visit other teachers in Jinling."

Yu Dong smiled, Meng Hua was quite honest and didn't say anything nice.

If it was replaced by other smoother editors, I am afraid that the big talk is already flying around.

After some chatting, Yu Dong probably knew about Meng Hua's situation.After graduating from the University of Political Science and Law last year, he joined "Yanjing Literature" as an editor. After nearly a year of accumulation, he began to try to solicit manuscripts everywhere.

Now many editors work like this, which is somewhat similar to running a sales business. They visit authors all over the world and ask for manuscripts.

Newcomers like Meng Hua who haven't established their own network of contacts have to work harder. Most of the time they spend their time trying their luck. They often don't see writers, and even if they do, those writers may not pay attention to him.

Before Meng Hua came to Jinling, he had already searched all over Yanjing, and he went to meet all the writers he could, but with little success.

"After coming to my place, where are you going to go next?" Yu Dong asked.

"I'm going to "Zhongshan" to visit Teacher Su Tong."

Yu Dong laughed, "You are going straight to Huanglong. Jinling is no better than Yanjing. There are not many writers who live here for a long time, and there are only a few of them you can meet. This time I want to make an appointment with them. It is basically impossible to read the manuscript, but it is good to see it, and it can be regarded as acquainted, so it will be easy to contact in the future."

"Well, that's what I think." Meng Hua nodded.

Seeing Meng Hua's tired face, Yu Dong couldn't help but shook his head. It's not easy to be an editor.Meng Hua must have come out of the station without stopping, and came directly to Jin Yi's side, looking dusty all over.

It is conceivable that he will not gain much from coming to Jinling this time.

Needless to say, Yu Dong himself is currently preparing a science fiction novel and has no other plans.And even if there is a plan, the first thing to consider is "Harvest", "Zhongshan" or "People's Literature".Even "Shanghai Literature" is ranked ahead of "Yanjing Literature".

Su Tong himself is the editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan", and he is usually very busy, so he has no time to greet Meng Hua.

There are also Bi Feiyu and Ye Zhaoyan. The former has almost no intersection with "Yanjing Literature", while the latter has a strong relationship and usually has more contact with the publishing house.

In addition, for writers like Gu Qian, Meng Hua may not be able to find him, and may not even have heard of him.

After chatting for a while, Meng Hua left, and he left in a hurry, as if he was afraid that if he was a step late, Yu Dong would chase him away.

Watching him leave, Yu Dong couldn't help but shook his head, the young man was still too thin-skinned.It's hard to see myself, and I don't know how to take advantage of it.

He could have asked Yu Dong to help him introduce Su Tong or others. In this way, Su Tong and the others would be more courteous to him in taking care of Yu Dong.

Although Yu Dong might not be able to help with this, he didn't even mention it, which shows that he is still not proficient in business.

Not long after Meng Hua left, Liu Changmin walked in. Seeing that Yu Dong was alone in the office, he said strangely: "Didn't the editor of "Yanjing Literature" come to you just now? Didn't he wait for you and leave first?" gone?"

"No, I met with him, and he's gone."

"Leaving?" Liu Changmin was full of surprise: "Didn't he come to ask you for a draft, and left so soon? Then you didn't agree to him?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I promised to give him the manuscript just after we met. How can it be so easy to ask for a manuscript. In the future, there will definitely be more and more people who come to ask for manuscripts. If I come one by one and agree to the other, I will be exhausted."

Liu Changmin also smiled, "That's right, I thought too highly of "Yanjing Literature" from my own point of view. In fact, for you, there are many choices, and "Yanjing Literature" is just one of them. .It was the first time I saw an editor visit, and it was on the premise that I had never seen it. I always thought that the editor would just sit in the office and wait for others to contribute to them.”

"Neither line is easy."

Yu Dong dialed the card left by Meng Hua, which contained his personal information and contact information.Yu Dong will receive a lot of things like this in the future, and as his fame grows, more and more editors will focus on him.

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(End of this chapter)

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