Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 125 "The Siege"

Chapter 125 "Siege" (for subscription)
Liu Changmin seemed to come back to pick up something, and was about to leave after taking it.

When he passed by the East Desk, he glanced at the newspaper on the East Desk, and asked curiously: "You seem to be paying attention to the news about genetic modification recently. Is there a new science fiction novel coming out?"

"It's an idea, but it's not mature yet."

Liu Changmin smiled, "I won't ask you anymore, I'll know when your novel comes out."

After Liu Changmin left, Yu Dong found several newspapers that he followed recently, all of which reported news related to genetic modification without exception.

The reason why he pays attention to genetically modified is because a science fiction novel conceived by Yu Dong recently has something to do with it.

In other words, Yu Dong came up with this idea precisely because he happened to see previous reports on genetically modified plants.

In Yu Dong's preliminary conception of the new novel, the story begins with a war.

In the first half of the 22nd century, due to energy shortages and other complex reasons, a civil war broke out in the United States and spread to many countries.

The dogfight lasted for three and a half years, and all parties to the war decided to call a truce at a time when energy cuts were accelerating, the climate was warming, and sea levels were rising.

Because if there is no truce, these problems will become more and more serious.

But at this time, the American regime has collapsed, and the entire country is controlled by several oligarchic companies.

These oligarchic companies not only controlled the United States, but also carved up countries such as Europe and Southeast Asia.

In order to deal with the energy problem, each company exhausts all efforts to research the solution.

The first to find a solution was a biological company, which used genetic technology to breed crops that are more adaptable to the environment, and invented a device for extracting bioenergy.

Due to the rise of sea level, the living space of human beings is rapidly shrinking, fossil energy is scarce, and electric energy is also difficult to supply, so they can only rely on this device for extracting bioenergy.

It's just that the abuse of genetic technology has brought about a series of problems, such as the ravages of plant viruses, and biological companies have to continue to improve genetic technology to fight against the invasion of viruses.

Because of the government's centralized control, the impact of the catastrophe has been minimized.Although there are no "high-quality" genetically modified crops, people's lives are still passable because of the unified deployment and centralized control.

However, several multinational trading companies began to use various methods in order to sell the genetic food.

The above is the general background of Yu Dong's new book. As for the specific storyline, Yu Dong is still conceiving.No matter how big the story background is, it needs to be presented one by one with characters and plots.

The story will be divided into two parts. The first part is the background of the "farmland" controlled by multinational companies in Southeast Asia. In the post-era era of severe class division, multinational companies have different ways of controlling the "farmland".

The first part is actually paving the way for the siege of the second part. After the entire world view is unfolded, it will start to talk about the undercurrent and surging battles surrounding the siege.

It takes a lot of space to create such a special world, so Yu Dong has prepared a lot of characters and organizations for this novel, and will also develop the storyline based on these different characters and organizations.

At the same time, this novel will inevitably involve a lot of biotechnology content, so the style is a bit like biopunk.

As for whether it is dystopia, Yu Dong himself thinks it is not, because this novel will not criticize all real systems.

Yu Dong took out his notebook again.

This book is specially used by him to record inspiration, and a lot of things have been recorded on it, including some settings and general framework of the novel.

Now he wants to integrate the setting and the frame together, and then fill the frame with content.

Wait until the content is almost filled, and then check whether all the plots can form a complete logical chain and a wonderful story line.

Once determined, you can start writing.

When Yu Dong wrote science fiction, it was completely different from pure literature.

When creating pure literary works, Yu Dong relies on his feelings to write where he is, and most of the time, his consciousness is in a state of suspension.The text is in this suspended state, and it comes out naturally.

But when creating a science fiction novel, Yu Dong will consider every detail, including the performance of the characters, the logical arrangement, and the connection of the plot, and try to make these things more perfect.

Perhaps this is also the same as Liu Heng's state when he was writing the script. Yu Dong is working hard to build a complete picture so as to better present it to readers.

Just as Yu Dong was digging his head into sorting out the plot of the novel, he suddenly heard a "squeak, squeak" sound from above his head.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind blew over from above.

The gust of wind rushed along Yu Dong's neck and into his clothes. At this moment, Yu Dong realized that his back and clothes were stuck together with sweat. After the wind blew like this, it was as if someone had poured a basin of cold water over his head. .

"It's so hot today, you're wearing long sleeves, don't you think it's too hot?"

A familiar voice came, and Yu Dong turned his head to look in the direction of the door, only to see Shao Tianjun, deputy director of the reporter department of "Yangtze Evening News", standing at the door with a smile.

"Director Shao, why are you here?" Yu Dong got up and greeted him.

Shao Tianjun laughed and said, "If I don't come again, you won't die from the heat. It's not enough to save money for the family."

Yu Dong tugged at his sweaty clothes, "I didn't expect the weather to change so quickly. It was still cloudy before, but now the sun is so bright."

"The weather is like this in May and June." Shao Tianjun said and glanced at Yu Dong's table, "What were you doing just now? You were so focused that you didn't even know you were sweating."

"Write something." Yu Dong smiled without elaborating, and ran to get the kettle to pour water for Shao Tianjun, "I'll make you a cup of tea."

Shao Tianjun grabbed him, "I drank the tea in Principal Wu's office, so don't worry about it."

Hearing what he said, Yu Dong was no longer polite, and asked him again: "Did you come to see President Wu this time?"

"Yes, Principal Wu gave me a task to interview you." Shao Tianjun said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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