Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 126 Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association

Chapter 126 Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association

"Interview me?" Yu Dong said unexpectedly, "Hasn't it been too long since the last interview?"

"To be precise, it is to interview you and the wishing stone."

This made Yu Dong feel even more strange, "Your newspaper still pays attention to this kind of thing?"

Shao Tianjun grinned, and laughed at himself: "Don't you know, since our newspaper expanded, we've reported everything trivial."

Then he waved his hand again and said, "I'm not joking with you, the wishing stone itself is quite worthy of attention, after all, it is a cultural phenomenon."

Yu Dong smiled and took a towel from his drawer, went to the noodle rack at the door of the noodle rack and cleaned his face, then wiped the water and said, "Then you are looking for the wrong person. Those students know more about things than I do. I suggest you, just squat next to the stone and wait for a rabbit, and when you see a student coming over, go to interview, and you will be sure to get interesting news.”

Shao Tianjun seems to have an innate affinity, although the two have only met once, the communication between them can already be very casual.

"Aren't you clear yet? The key lies in your "Lu Xiulan"." Shao Tianjun touched his forehead and said with a smile: "There are no questions listed this time, let's chat freely. There is no need to look for other places, here That's fine."

After hearing what he said, Yu Dong also nodded, "Okay, let's chat casually."

Shao Tianjun said it was casual, and he was really casual. Apart from the wishing stone in the first few sentences, the rest of the conversation was not about the topic.

In the middle of the chat, we talked about Su Tong, and Shao Tianjun said with a smile: "Your senior, although young, does things very neatly."

Hearing Shao Tianjun's tone, Yu Dong knew that the sharpness in his mouth had something to do with it, so he asked, "How do you say that?"

"He Yongle, you know, the former deputy editor-in-chief of "Zhong Shan"."

"Well, I've had several face-to-face interviews, but I was transferred away some time ago."

"That's what I'm talking about. He is now the director of the news center at Jianglin TV Station. Although he is the head of the department, he is an idle job, because the affairs of the news center have always been in charge of a deputy director in charge of the station. And this deputy station It’s embarrassing to be old, you can’t get promoted, you can’t get down.”

After Shao Tianjun said this, Yu Dong understood that He Yongle had been assigned.

In fact, the last time he heard that He Yongle was going to Jianglin County TV Station, Yu Dong had already expected it.

In recent years, the radio and television department has become more popular, and it is a popular unit.If He Yongle was transferred to the city TV station as the director of the news center, he must have been promoted.As for being transferred to a county-level TV station, although it is much inferior, it is not very bad.

With He Yongle's temperament, if he went to a local TV station, he might be able to get some benefits.

It's just that hearing what Shao Tianjun said now, it's very difficult for He Yongle to get ahead in Jianglin TV.

"Is this related to Editor-in-Chief Su?"

Shao Tianjun nodded, "That's why I said he is quick at work. I know He Yongle a little bit, and he is very aggressive, but he doesn't pay much attention to uniting his colleagues. Maybe it was because of this that Editor-in-Chief Su transferred him. But in this way, Editor-in-Chief Su has gained a bad reputation, after all, He Yongle was Su Tong's leader before. It may not be easy for Editor-in-Chief Su to go further in the future."

Yu Dong was not too worried about Shao Tianjun's emotion, because he knew that Su Tong didn't care about it at all.

It is precisely because he doesn't care that Su Tong is willing to offend others.

It is not easy to transfer He Yongle, Su Tong is the editor-in-chief, but he has no right to appoint and remove personnel, let alone He Yongle is the deputy editor-in-chief.

It is conceivable that Su Tong must have done a lot of work in order to transfer He Yongle away.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong couldn't help admiring his senior brother again.He also imagined that if he were to sit in Su Tong's position, he might not be able to make up his mind.


June's World of Science Fiction is available for purchase on May [-].

After half a year of adjustments, the release date of "Science Fiction World" has finally returned to the previous rhythm.

The happiest part of this period is the readers, who have experienced bounced tickets again and again before, and now they have finally come to the end of their hardships and tasted the thrill of getting the magazine in advance, and it has only been 20 days since they saw the last issue.

Early in the morning, Qu Aiguo took the money to the newsstand in front of the school, and when he arrived, he slapped the money on the table proudly: "Boss, bring me twenty copies of "The World of Science Fiction."

When the boss saw Qu Aiguo coming all the way, he was already smiling.Qu Aiguo and some other students will come over to patronize the business in a few days, and the boss already knows them.

And after experiencing the previous situation where the supply was in short supply, the boss now directly buys fifty copies of "Science Fiction World" each time.Not only "Science Fiction World", the demand for "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" has also increased significantly in recent times.

I heard from students that it seems that a teacher in their school has published works in these magazines.

So the boss is praying every day that the teacher is full of ideas 24 hours a day, and must publish works every issue, so that his business can continue to flourish.

Today, after "Science Fiction World" arrived, the boss has been looking at the gate of Jinyi since he opened the door, looking forward to people coming, and now he is finally looking forward to Qu Aiguo, a big family, and sold [-] copies at once.

"Twenty copies of "Science Fiction World", no more, no less, students, you count." After the boss handed the twenty magazines to Qu Aiguo, he turned around and took another newspaper and put it on top of the magazine: "Send a copy of "Consumer" Art Guide” for you, as if their editor-in-chief also graduated from Jinyi.”

Qu Aiguo glanced at the newspaper, and said to the boss: "Thank you, don't deliver newspapers next time, it would be nice to give one more copy of "Science Fiction World"."

The boss smiled and nodded, "It's easy to say, easy to say."

Qu Aiguo looked into the distance again, "There seem to be two bookstores over there. I don't know if they have entered "Science Fiction World". It seems that I have to find time to visit next time."

The boss quickly said, "You see, you are a handsome young man who likes to joke around. You are wasting your travels in vain. Come, brother, I will give you another copy."

As he said that, the boss took another copy of "Science Fiction World" and put it on the "Consumer Art Herald".

Qu Aiguo said with a smile: "Brother, you are right, those two stores are a bit far away."

"That's right."

"Okay, then I'll go first and come back in two days."

"Okay, come and play often if you have nothing to do."

Qu Aiguo ran to school with a stack of magazines in his arms, feeling pretty good. This trip was not in vain, and he saved money for the magazines.

Recently, he took the lead in establishing an "underground organization", called the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, whose name was imitated from the Cucumber Garden Poetry Club established by the teachers.

The members of the organization have grown to more than 50, and the [-] magazines he is holding now are bought for these members.

 Three chapters will be updated first, and there will be a few more chapters to be released in the evening
(End of this chapter)

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