Chapter 127 Feeling (Please Subscribe)

Qu Aiguo took the magazine and went directly to the playground.

The activities of their "Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association" are generally held in the southeast corner of the playground.

Some members also proposed to find an empty classroom as the venue for the event, but Qu Aiguo rejected it.

He insisted that, provided there was no inclement weather, it would be of great benefit to the association to have activities on the playground.Everyone gathering together to discuss science fiction is conducive to attracting new members and making more students like science fiction.

While organizing the event, it also carried out publicity, which can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

When Qu Aiguo arrived at the playground, several members had already arrived first.

He distributed the magazines to them, "The students who arrive first should start reading first, and read them in advance, and you can also lend the magazines to other students who didn't buy the magazines."

A copy of "Science Fiction World" is not expensive, but not everyone can buy it regularly, so members of the association will circulate it to each other to ensure that everyone who wants to read it can read it.

Because it was an activity organized before class, most of the students cherished their time. After getting the magazine, they sat down and read it.

After a while, the number of members gradually increased, and the scene in the southeast corner of the playground became more conspicuous.

Hu Changqing went to work in the morning, and when he passed the playground, he saw the situation in the southeast corner at a glance.

This group of students sat cross-legged on the ground, each of them holding a book, which looked weird from a distance.

As a senior regiment official, Hu Changqing naturally wanted to go up to find out what happened when he saw this situation.

After getting closer, he realized that what these students were holding in their hands was "Science Fiction World".

"Has the new issue arrived yet?" Hu Changqing's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help getting closer.

His approach caught Qu Aiguo's attention, who quickly stood up, "Secretary Hu, you are here."

When the other students heard Qu Aiguo's words, they all looked at this side. Some people who knew Hu Changqing stood up immediately, and others who didn't know Hu Changqing saw them standing up, and naturally they couldn't sit still.

As the class monitor, Qu Aiguo had dealt with Hu Changqing several times.In his impression, Secretary Hu was very bureaucratic and not easy to get close to.

Now that Hu Changqing came over suddenly, Qu Aiguo also murmured in his heart, did he want to find fault?

"Secretary Hu, I don't know why you are here?" Qu Aiguo asked a little nervously.

Hu Changqing put his hands behind his back, with a serious expression on his face.He looked at the magazine in Qu Aiguo's hand, and said sternly, "What are you doing here?"

"Secretary Hu, it's like this. These classmates and I like to read science fiction. It just so happens that a new issue of "Science Fiction World" is coming out today, so we made an appointment to have a sneak peek together." Qu Aiguo reported with a smile, and he also Be careful, I didn't talk about the Science Fiction Association.

Hu Changqing nodded, "Well, this issue also has Mr. Yu Dong's works."

"Yes, there are two serializations, both of which are very exciting."

"Apart from Teacher Yu's two articles, are there any other good works?" Hu Changqing asked.

Qu Aiguo's eyelids twitched, and he didn't know what way Hu Changqing was going today.

"I just read a piece of "Castle in the Air", which was not bad."

"Well, is there anything else?" Hu Changqing asked again.

Qu Aiguo grinned, "Secretary Hu, it's not long since I got the magazine, and I've only read so much."

Hearing what Qu Aiguo said, Hu Changqing looked at the others again, "What about the other students, have you read any novels you like?"

The rest of the students looked at each other, and no one spoke for a while.

Qu Aiguo hurriedly said to them: "Secretary Hu asked you something. Have you read any novels you like? It's not Mr. Yu's. Report to Secretary Hu."

Hu Changqing waved his hand, "What report or not? Don't treat me as a teacher. Let's communicate. As a teacher, I am very pleased that you can get together because of your interests. As teachers, we can't be separated from the student group. , I should learn more about your inner needs."

Hearing what Hu Changqing said, the students also relaxed a little.

"Mr. Hu, I just read an article called "Replay". It was written in imitation of Mr. Yu's "Closed Loop". It's also pretty good."

"Well, it seems that Mr. Yu is very influential in the science fiction world, is there anything else?"

"I just saw an article "A Woman from Beyond the Sky", which is very interesting."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"Mr. Hu, I think "Alien Monkey" is pretty good. Although it's not long, the story is very interesting."

The corner of Hu Changqing's mouth twitched, then he suppressed his smile and looked at the student, "Oh? The name sounds interesting. Who is the author?"

"The author is... Let me take a look—" The student hurriedly opened the magazine and looked for it. After finding it, he replied, "The author's name is Fu Shui. I haven't heard of it before, but this novel is really interesting."

Hu Changqing nodded, "It seems that the science fiction literature world is very prosperous now, and newcomers are emerging in large numbers. I think the title of this work is very interesting. I will buy a magazine to read when I have a chance."

Qu Aiguo rolled his eyes, and quickly handed the magazine in his hand to Hu Changqing: "Secretary Hu, please read mine."

Hu Changqing said seriously, "How is this possible? I am a teacher, and there is no reason for a teacher to ask students to read books. You can read books here, and I won't bother you."

"Secretary Hu, go slowly."

After Hu Changqing left, a student who didn't know him asked, "Who is this Secretary Hu?"

"He is a senior official of our school regiment."

"Hey, great leader. He looks very approachable."

"Yeah, he also said that he would buy a copy of "The World of Science Fiction" to read."

Hearing the discussion of the students, Qu Aiguo scratched his head. Today's Secretary Hu really looks different.

On the other side, Hu Changqing walked to a place where no one saw him, and finally couldn't help showing a smile.Just now when he heard that student said that he liked to read his novel, he really couldn't restrain his joy.

He remembered that when he first entered the management office and became a leader, the students and new teachers would always have awe in their eyes when they saw him, and this kind of awe made him enjoy it very much at that time.

Later, he gradually lost his sense of this look.This made him think that his position was not high enough, and the awe of others was not strong enough, so he lost the feeling.So he has been racking his brains to climb higher, trying to regain the feeling he had back then.

But just now, when he heard that the student loved his work from the bottom of his heart, that feeling completely surpassed that of the past.

In a trance, he seemed to have found a new direction.

 Thank you [Lao Zhu is a thin man] for the 1500 reward
  Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Little White Rabbit's Black Spot] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Yue Yin Xing Zang Nong] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Dream Flow Blue] for the 500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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