Chapter 129 Advance (for Subscription)

The pov writing method is also the writing method of point of view characters. This method can explain the same scene by choosing different perspectives, seek differences, and bring sensory stimulation to readers.

For example, "A Song of Ice and Fire" uses this kind of technique.

Yu Dong is useless because he just wants to narrate this matter from the perspective of God, just to add some material to the novel.

Many things he added to the book, such as energy depletion, climate change, and the abuse of genetic technology, are all designed to make readers feel that the stories in the book are very likely to happen.

Then he wrote about the collapse of the American government and the oligarchs taking control of the regime.These oligarchs control Europe, carve up Southeast Asia, and enslave the locals through the technology and resources they have in their hands.

All of this is actually for the purpose of faintly giving readers a psychological hint that the American emperor's set of ideas is harmful and harmful to others and himself.At the same time, it also hints readers to beware of traitors and not to be fooled by the rhetoric of US imperialism.

Yu Dong has to carefully grasp the scale. He did not write China too strongly, but outlined a country image that is prepared for a rainy day, develops silently, and everything focuses on stability.I just want to tell people that China may be the final answer.

Because the confrontation of ideas needs to be smooth and subtle, if he writes China too strongly, it will be divorced from reality, and it will be counterproductive. Readers will think that these stories are just spiritual victories, without the slightest reference significance.

If Yu Dong now writes China as a superpower, making neighboring countries tremble and making Europe and the United States dare not touch it, it will be cool.

Finished?Apart from being called mentally retarded by readers, what else can I do.

If this can be used as an ideological weapon to influence others, then those little stories on the street stalls would have revitalized China long ago.

If you want people to accept an idea, the best state is that others have silently accepted this idea before they react. Only in this way can this idea take root, germinate, and grow.


In the early morning of May 26th, Yu Dong received a call from Yang Xiao just after he washed and returned to his room.

"Sister Xiao, why did you call me so early?"

Yang Xiao on the other end of the phone said with a smile, "I was afraid that you would go to work, so I called you earlier. Is there any new work recently? Lao Tan and his editorial department are under a lot of pressure recently."

"Sister Xiao, you called me early in the morning to ask about the manuscript, right? It's not like your style." Yu Dong smiled and continued, "I'm writing an article recently, but it's a bit long. It might take a while to come out."

"It's okay. You can write some long stories first, and write them while serializing. "Second World" will end in a few months, and it's good to release a new book while taking advantage of the popularity of the last few issues."

"Let's wait until I finish writing it for you. It will be finished in about a month or two."

"Okay, I'll wait for your news." Afterwards, Yang Xiao paused, and then continued: "I'm calling, and I have another thing to tell you."

Yu Dong curled his lips and smiled, he knew it would not be as simple as just asking for the manuscript.Yang Xiao never came to ask questions about the manuscript in person, and usually asked Tan Kai to ask.

"Well, you said."

Yang Xiao murmured: "This year's Galaxy Awards were originally planned for autumn and winter, but now I want to move forward. And this year I plan to make it more grand and invite more people."

"It's a good thing." Yu Dong smiled.

The current Galaxy Awards are indeed quite shabby, and last year they were combined with the World Science Fiction Convention, so they made it a little more grand and set up a meeting room in a big hotel.In the other sessions, I just found a small office, pulled up a banner, and handed out the awards while sitting face to face.

But this is also impossible, because there is really no money.

In the past, the Galaxy Awards were jointly organized by "Science Fiction World" and "Tree of Wisdom".

Later, "Science Fiction World" was independently undertaken, and the sci-fi market has been extremely sluggish these years, the magazine cannot make ends meet, and it is difficult to guarantee its own survival. How can it care about the ostentation of the Galaxy Awards.

Yang Xiao has this idea now, probably because "Science Fiction World" has received a lot of attention this year, and the magazine's profits have improved a bit. She wants to strike while the iron is hot, to spread the reputation of the Galaxy Awards, and to stimulate the science fiction. market.

But what Yu Dong couldn't figure out was why Yang Xiao told him about this.

"You also think it's a good thing. When I tell you this, I also want to see your attitude. After all, you must be the protagonist of this Galaxy Award."

"Look at my attitude? Sister Xiao, you are joking."

"I'm not joking with you. It's not impossible to say that this year's first prize is your work. In addition, I also hope to invite some people from the film and television industry to participate. I still have some connections in China. You can solve it by yourself. But overseas, you may need your help." Yang Xiao said.

Yu Dong immediately understood what Yang Xiao meant. She probably hoped that she could invite Harold over.

"Sister Xiao, I know what you mean, and I am willing to help you. But I really can't help. In fact, the cooperation between me and Harold is through James. If you really want to contact I should look for James." Yu Dong said.

Yang Xiao sighed, "I understand this, but you also know that James spends most of his time in the United States, so I can't get in touch with him, so I can only go through you."

"Actually, I'm the same as you. I can only passively wait for him to come. I sent a letter to his Yanjing address a few days ago and told him my phone number. I haven't received his call yet. It should be that someone else is not in China." Yu Dong also told Yang Xiao about his own situation.

After pondering for a while, Yang Xiao said: "Okay, I see, then when he calls you, remember to tell me. If you really can't invite the director, you can also invite him, the screenwriter."

"Okay, I'll definitely bring it to you."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong fell into deep thought. From his return to the present, the advance of the Galaxy Award this time should be regarded as a relatively big change.

So far, this change is definitely beneficial.

Although the domestic science fiction market is still relatively small, it has formed a virtuous circle. Seeing the hope of making a profit, "Science Fiction World" can invest more human and material resources, and these human and material resources will be fed back, allowing the domestic science fiction market to gradually grow and make "Science Fiction World" more and more prosperous.

 Thank you [Love is Loneliness] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 160829134009808] for the 500 reward of the boss
  Thanks to [LanceMeng] for the 3500 reward
  It's not twelve o'clock yet, but the first order is almost out, only one thousand and eight.

  It wasn't a good result, but it was within my expectations.

  I will write well, set a small goal, and strive to become a boutique as soon as possible
(End of this chapter)

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