Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 130 A New Teacher Comes to the Office

Chapter 130 A New Teacher Comes to the Office
After answering Yang Xiao's call, Yu Dong was about to go to work, when he saw Feng Ming and He Yu returning to the yard one after the other.

Feng Ming's complexion was not right at first glance, his black face was drawn long, and his whole body exuded an aura of "I'm very angry".

He Yu trotted behind him, and said as he ran, "Old Feng, I didn't mean you. Can you make trouble with that kind of person? You lose your identity in public."

Feng Ming bared his teeth and said: "This kind of person can't do without a lesson. You shouldn't have dragged me just now, and see if I don't beat him to death."

When the two were talking, they saw Yu Dong.

Before Dong Wen asked, He Yu ran over, "Old Yu, you didn't go out for morning exercise with us today, and you really missed a good show. Comrade Feng Ming, you're going to fight someone today."

Feng Ming also rushed over, "Old He, you have to make it clear that it is he who wants to fight with me, not me who is looking for trouble."

He Yu teased: "Does anyone dare to fight with you? It's clear that you didn't win the quarrel with him, and you want to fight in a hurry."

Speaking of which, He Yu turned to look at Yu Dong again: "Old Yu, it is said that a scholar meets a soldier, and it is reasonable to say. Ordinarily, Lao Feng can be regarded as a black-faced soldier at least, and it is very gentle to quarrel with others." I can't scold people at all."

Yu Dong was confused and asked, "You've been talking for a long time, who exactly is Lao Feng going to fight with?"

"Old Yu, don't talk nonsense, someone else wants to fight with me." Feng Ming emphasized.

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Okay, okay, someone else wants to fight with you, so who wants to fight with you?"

When he really asked who was fighting with him, Feng Ming stopped talking again, as if he didn't want that person's name to come out of his mouth at all.

He Yu answered for him: "It's that kid Xu Zhengyong. He used to harass Teacher Wu whenever he had something to do. Old Feng has long disliked him. When I met him on the road just now, Lao Feng went to warn him not to harass Teacher Wu again. The two started arguing. Xu Zhengyong is really a kid, spraying shit all over his mouth."

After hearing what He Yu said, Yu Dong looked at Feng Ming who was about to explode. He didn't have much contact with this Xu Zhengyong, but he had heard a lot about him.

This guy's family background is fairly well-to-do, and he has a good appearance. He usually likes to hang out with female teachers. The last time Yu Dong saw him arguing with Cheng Yanqiu.

At this time, He Yu comforted Feng Ming with a smile again: "Old Feng, don't be angry. Just pretend that this kid is helping you."

Feng Ming stiffened his neck and glared at He Yu, "Old He, are you speaking human words? Does that mean I have to thank him?"

He Yu said with a smile: "Old Feng, don't worry, listen to me first. There are two sides to everything, and we have to look at it separately. Think about it, since this Xu Zhengyong started pestering Mr. Wu, Mr. Wu is Isn't the relationship with you getting closer? Every day I have a meal, and I want to find you when I go out? Evening class is over, and the long road is long, and you still need to send it?"

Feng Ming was stunned for a moment, and really listened to He Yu's words. After thinking about it, it was true. During this time, Aiyuan has become more and more clingy to him, and Xu Zhengyong must be the reason for this.

At this time, He Yu said again: "You can't be scolded, don't be ashamed, just go back next time. You have to go to Lao Yu for this matter. They are the best swearers. Let him teach you a few tricks. I guarantee you will talk to Xu Zhengyong again next time." When you scold each other, you can be invincible and invincible."

Feng Ming rolled his eyes, "Nonsense."

But Yu Dong laughed, "Don't tell me, I really have a secret of cursing."

As he spoke, he turned and went back to his room, and looked for it from the cabinet.

He Yu and Feng Ming stared blankly at Yu Dong looking for books, not knowing what was going on.

Especially He Yu, he said this just to make jokes, divert Feng Ming's attention, and let him calm down. He never thought that Yu Dong would really look for some cheats.

After a while, Yu Dong found a book, and he walked up to the two with a smile on his hand, "Hey, that's it."

The two looked at the words "Lu Xun's Collected Works" on the cover, and suddenly burst into laughter.

"Damn, tall, really tall."

He Yu's "fuck" is not a curse or a colloquial phrase, but a quotation. He is quoting Lu Xun's words in the anthology.

In this anthology in Yu Dong's hands, Lu Xun's essay "On "Fucking"" is included, which gives a detailed explanation of the three characters "fucking".

After this joking, Feng Ming's anger almost subsided, he and He Yu went back to their houses to tidy up, and the three of them went to work in the government building together.

As soon as Yu Dong and He Yu entered the office, they saw Li Zhenguo and the others discussing something enthusiastically.

He Yu leaned over first, "What's the situation? What are you plotting here?"

Li Zhenguo pushed He Yu's head away, and then said with a smile: "You are everywhere, we are plotting when to get rid of you as a scourge from our office, let's keep our ears clean, and it just so happens that a new political counselor is transferred in." Staff, your seat is reserved for others."

"Hey, are you going to transfer a newcomer? Male or female?" He Yu asked excitedly.

Several other teachers exclaimed, "Do men and women have anything to do with you? Why are you a married person joining in the fun?"

He Yu pursed his lips, "Is that a man or a woman?"

Li Zhenguo shrugged, "Who knows, just now Lao Hu deliberately came over and said something, it seems that the person who came is quite special."

"That must be a woman."


Yu Dong was listening to their conversation, frowning and thinking for a long time, but he couldn't figure out who it would be.

In his impression, there should be no new teacher in their office during this time.

However, he can't control these things. As the time since his rebirth became longer and longer, the original trajectory became more and more deviated.

The Galaxy Awards can be advanced several months, and they have to be held in a special way. Now that a new teacher has been transferred to the office, it's really nothing.


In the afternoon, Wu Changxin brought his new teacher to the office.

The other teachers were somewhat disappointed when they saw that it was a man, but Yu Dong showed a surprised expression.

"Feiyu, it's you!"

Bi Feiyu also laughed when she saw Yu Dong, "That's right, it's me."

Yu Dong never expected that the new teacher was Bi Feiyu, and this track was too far.

Wu Changxin cleared his throat and introduced: "This is the newly transferred Bi Feiyu, who will work in this office from now on."

Then he looked at Yu Dong again, "Yu Dong, you are in charge of getting him familiar with the school."

"Take orders." Yu Dong smiled and saluted.

Wu Changxin cast a glance at Yu Dong, then told Bi Feiyu a few words, and left the office.

After Wu Changxin left, Yu Dong walked up to Bi Feiyu, shook hands with him, and then introduced him to his colleagues in the office.

Some teachers felt that Bi Feiyu’s name was familiar. After Yu Dong introduced him as the author of "The Isolated Island", he suddenly realized it, and even said "I have admired him for a long time, I have admired him for a long time".

 Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Apache is very white] for the 1500 reward
  Thanks for the 1500 tip from [Competition in My Heart]
  Thank you [Gu Zijing] for the 500 reward
  Thanks for the 100 reward from the [Carving-Time] boss
(End of this chapter)

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