Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 131 Being a Writer Is Qu Cai Cai

Chapter 131 Being a Writer Is Qu Cai Cai
After introducing Bi Feiyu around, Yu Dong smiled and said to him: "There are still a few teachers who are not here. I will introduce you when I see you later. Is your dormitory arranged?"

Bi Feiyu nodded and said, "Well, Principal Wu has already arranged for me."

"There is no comparison between people. When I came here, Lao Liu picked me up. Looking at you, Lao Wu picked me up personally."

"If you go to a special education normal school, I dare say that not only the principal will come to pick you up, but the whole school will come out to welcome you."

"It's exaggerated." Yu Dong smiled, and took Bi Feiyu's arm and walked out, "I'll take you to Jinyi to familiarize yourself with the environment in advance."

After leaving the government affairs building, Yu Dong was about to speak to Bi Feiyu, when a group of female students passed by and greeted Yu Dong chirping.

"Hello, Teacher Yu."

"Teacher Yu is so handsome today."

Yu Dong could only nod in response to them.

Bi Feiyu on the side laughed and said: "It seems that you are very famous in Jinyi, it is right that I follow you."

"I'm joking, I'm joking." Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, "What is your main job this time? I heard that you are a political counselor. Which department do you belong to?"

Bi Feiyu looked up at the sky, then narrowed his eyes because of the sunlight, "Drama Department."

"Play—" Yu Dong suddenly understood why Bi Feiyu was here.

Wu Changxin wants to rebuild the drama department, and teachers are the first problem to be solved.

Bi Feiyu graduated from the Chinese Department of Yangzhou Teachers College. He has both work experience and works. It will always be useful to transfer him here as a counselor or lecturer.

The most important thing is that Wu Changxin has tasted the sweetness of having writers in the school.In less than a year, Yu Dong alone has brought a lot of changes to Jin Yi.

Although Bi Feiyu is not well-known now, Wu Changxin obviously thinks that he is worth investing in, so he was recruited from the special education normal school.

For Bi Feiyu, being transferred from the special education normal school to Jin Yilai was considered a promotion, and he was naturally willing.

"In the future, my work focus may also shift to the drama department," Yu Dong said.

"I heard from Principal Wu that the two of us will be squatting in the same trench from now on."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "The word trench is a bit exaggerated."

"I don't think it's an exaggeration at all." Bi Feiyu took out a cigarette and lit it, "The difficult road is blue, to open up the mountains and forests. This is the most difficult time at the beginning. Even if you touch the right direction at the beginning, It takes four years to train a class of students, and none of us can be sure what will happen after four years. In fact, the two of us are useless for establishing a drama department.”

Yu Dong knew that what Bi Feiyu said was reasonable, and the two of them were really useless if they wanted to build a drama department.They are all graduates from the Department of Literature. At best, they can teach students some things related to drama and literature. When it comes to drama majors, it is not enough.

Or, when they become more and more famous in the literary circle, they can act as mascots for the drama department and even Jin Yi.

But Yu Dong knew that Bi Feiyu was not that kind of pessimist. The reason why he said this was because he was afraid that he would be too optimistic and at the same time be prepared for possible bad situations.

Bi Feiyu suddenly laughed again, patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, and pointed to the stone standing on the lawn, "I just heard from President Wu that this wishing stone has a long history in Jinyi, and it is very similar to yours." It also has origins, is that the stone in "Lu Xiulan"?"

"There are some origins." Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile: "It is said that it is very effective, do you want to try it?"

"How to try?"

"When the bright moon is in the sky, touch the stone three times and make a wish."

Bi Feiyu looked up at the sun in the sky, and said with a smile, "That's a pity."


At noon the next day, Yu Dong went to "Zhongshan" to fill out the declaration form for the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award.

The form was filled out quickly, and Su Tong asked Yu Dong something about Bi Feiyu.

Su Tong was very happy for Bi Feiyu to work in Jinyi.

Su Tong has always admired Bi Feiyu, otherwise Bi Feiyu would not have been called in that draft meeting.

Now that Bi Feiyu has gone to Jinyi, Su Tong thinks that he and Yu Dong often communicate together, which is definitely beneficial to literary creation.In addition, after Bi Feiyu went to Jinyi, the three of them have one thing in common, they have all stayed in Jinyi.

Just when Yu Dong finished filling out the form and was about to say goodbye and leave, Su Tong suddenly remembered something and stopped Yu Dong: "There is one more thing I almost forgot to mention, you go to Xuemin's office and give the reader to you Take away the letters. In our agency, letters from readers are generally sorted out regularly. Before, your letters were relatively small, and they were all grouped together and not given to you. Now there are more, so you can take them back."

"Okay, then I'll go."

Then Yu Dong went to Liu Xuemin's office. Yu Dong had already been there just now. Liu Xuemin thought he was here to say hello to him, so he smiled and said, "Teacher Yu is leaving?"

"No, editor-in-chief Su told me that some letters are with you, Brother Xuemin."

Liu Xuemin patted his forehead, "Hey, look at my memory, the editor-in-chief told me about this before, I have already collected all your letters, and I will get them for you now."

Then Liu Xuemin opened the cabinet and found a stack of letters.

"Xiao Wang even counted them when he sorted them out. There are a total of 45 letters, big and small, and they are all here." Liu Xuemin smiled and handed the letter to Yu Dong, and said, "These letters cannot be returned, but I suggest You take it apart and have a look, maybe a reader with a lot of money has stuffed some money in it for you."

"You made my heart move." Yu Dong smiled.

"Be excited." Liu Xuemin smiled, "Of course, tickets are generally rare, but other weird things are common."

"Something out of the ordinary?"

"Yeah, a writer received a letter with a piece of paper in it."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows, "What's so weird about paper?"

"The paper is not weird, but the problem is that this piece of paper smells extremely bad. It is said that it should have been soaked in feces. That smell, tsk tsk."

"Ahem." Yu Dong stabilized his hand holding the letter, "Brother Xuemin, you didn't intend to scare me, did you?"

"It's true, but that's the only time we've seen it. In general, the worse thing is that someone writes to scold you. You can rest assured that even if there is no scolding in this stack of letters, you will definitely Received a letter scolding you."

"Oh, that's all right." Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, "What I'm most afraid of is when people scold me, and even write letters to scold me, and the saliva can't even spray on my face."

Liu Xuemin said with a look of admiration: "Teacher Yu, with your mentality, it's hard to be a writer."

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  Thank you [Luoyang Langya] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Jufeng] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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