Chapter 133 And Yours
The July edition of Science Fiction World will be available for purchase on June [-]th.

In this issue of "Science Fiction World", a major news in China's science fiction world was announced: the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award Ceremony will be held on July [-] at the Jin Jiang Hotel in Chengdu.

At that time, not only many outstanding domestic sci-fi writers will gather together, but "Science Fiction World" also invited some celebrities in the domestic film and television industry, including Feng Xiaoning and Lu Liping, the main creators of the movie "Atmosphere Disappearance".

In addition, the magazine also invited some foreign guests, including Harold, the director of "One Day", and George Martin, an American writer who won the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award.

"Brother Tao, have you heard of this George Martin? The introduction said that he had won many awards, but he didn't say which works."

Outside the walls of Jinling Middle School, several students gathered together, discussing the big news released by "Science Fiction World".

As for Harold and George Martin that were mentioned emphatically in it, the former had been heard of by the students because of the filming of "One Day", but the latter's name was very unfamiliar to them.

Fang Tao said with a smile: "I have only read his "Portrait of Children", and I don't know about the others. The short and novelettes should be awarded, and the short and medium novels of the Hugo Award and Nebula Award are relatively less famous. I only know about this "Portrait of Children" because it was published in "Science Fiction World" before."

"Then he is also very good, isn't he considered a master of science fiction?" Zhu Fuxian asked again.

Fang Tao shook his head slightly, "It's not a big cow, but it's still relatively good. Alas, Yu Dong's works have not been published in the United States, otherwise he would definitely have won the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award."

"real or fake?"

"of course it's true."

Zhu Fu nodded first, and Brother Tao said yes, then it must be. In his mind, Brother Tao was much more reliable than the judges of the Nebula Awards and Hugo Awards.


When Yu Dong saw the name George Martin, an image of an old man with a beard appeared in his mind.

Of course, George R. R. Martin is certainly not that old now.

George Martin can be said to be a writer who has to be mentioned in the fantasy world of the United States and even the world of fantasy. Yes, it is the fantasy world, not the science fiction world.

Although George Martin is still in the science fiction world, he will shine in the fantasy world in a few years.

If there is any work that can represent George Martin, it must be "A Song of Ice and Fire".

As the white moonlight in the hearts of countless fantasy fans, the first "Game of Thrones" of "The Song of Ice and Fire" rushed to the best-selling list after it was published.

Later, the "Lord of the Rings" movie came out, and fantasy themes became very popular in the film and television industry, and the film and television adaptation of "A Song of Ice and Fire" is just around the corner.

After several years of filming, "Game of Thrones" was finally launched, and it was at this time that A Song of Ice and Fire became truly popular all over the world.

Of course, all of this is something to say, and now George Martin is just a well-known science fiction writer.

Otherwise Jimmy wouldn't be able to invite him.

In fact, George Martin has some connections with the Yinhe Award. Yu Dong remembered that he seemed to have won the Most Popular Foreign Writer Award of the Yinhe Award more than once.It's just that this origin will be many years later.

About whom to invite, Jimmy told Yu Dong.

Orson Card and Joe Haldeman were the first Jimmy wanted, but neither of them had time.Of course, there is no time to say that the high probability is an excuse. After all, for them, the Galaxy Awards really have no reputation at all.

Needless to say, Joe Haldeman has won the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award twice, although he does not have many works, and he has a high status in the science fiction world.

Another Orson Carter has been on fire in recent years, and his "Ander Series" has come out to the fourth.And he also created a miracle, that is, he won the Nebula Award and the Hugo Award for two consecutive years, and the winning works were the first two of the Ender series.

So Yu Dong was not surprised that they were not invited.

This time, "Science Fiction World" did not announce the list of award-winning works, but Yu Dong had already received an invitation from Yang Xiao before, and he was not the only one invited, and Fushui was also invited.

Since the invitation was made, it meant that the "Alien Monkey" that covered the water should have won the award, but Yang Xiao didn't say what award he won.And whether the award setting of the Galaxy Awards this time is the same as last year, this point Yang Xiao did not disclose to Yu Dong.

Yang Xiao called first to inform, but this was not a formal invitation, and the magazine would send the invitation letter later.

After the new issue of the magazine came out, Yu Dong ran to find Hu Changqing.

When Hu Changqing saw Yu Dong, he smiled and waved to him. After Yu Dong approached, he took out a copy of "Science Fiction World" from the drawer, and said in a low voice, "I've seen the news. The Galaxy Awards ceremony will be held in a few months, this time you will definitely get an award if you are younger than you, so I will congratulate you in advance."

Yu Dong smiled and nodded, "It should be my award. President Yang Xiao called me today and invited me to attend the award ceremony. But—"


"But she invited another one, that is Secretary Hu, your friend, Mr. Fu Shui." Yu Dong said with a smile, and stared at Hu Changqing after speaking, wanting to see his reaction.

Every time this time came, Yu Dong would find it very interesting.

Sure enough, after hearing Yu Dong's words, several expressions flashed across Hu Changqing's face in an instant.

Surprised, joyful, guilty, embarrassed...

It seems that instead of a face, he has a display screen, and a slide show was played quickly.

"This, this is a good thing." Hu Changqing touched his pocket, but found nothing, then picked up the cup and took a sip of water, "But my friend is not in the country now, I'm afraid he won't be able to attend the awards ceremony."

Yu Dong said with "surprise" on his face: "Oh? This friend of Secretary Hu is still living abroad? Then it is not convenient for you to communicate with him at ordinary times."

"No, no, he just went out to play for a while, and he will come back in a few months." Hu Changqing explained, and then asked Yu Dong: "Xiao Yu, can a friend collect this Galaxy Award?"

"Of course, Secretary Hu, you mean to find someone to help him collect it?"

Hearing that he could pick it up on his behalf, Hu Changqing heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile, "Isn't it because the school is on holiday in July, and I have nothing to do, so let's go and have a look together."

"Well, okay, I see. I'll tell President Yang about this later. Also, the magazine will send an invitation letter in the next few days. Secretary Hu, please pay attention to accept it." Yu Dong said.

Hu Changqing nodded again and again, "I understand, I understand."

 Thank you [Bookworm zore] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Bamboo Leaves Don’t Know Autumn] for the 1500 reward
  Three changes yesterday, two changes today, three or four changes tomorrow

(End of this chapter)

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