Chapter 134 He Hongwei

In July, the school was on holiday, Yu Dong didn't go home, but stayed in the school to finish the work of the new book.

Yu Dong did a rough calculation, and the length of the new book is about 40 words, but this is only the first one. The story actually only writes about the multinational corporations taking control of Southeast Asia, and the protagonist Lin Anguo gets the information passed on by the biologist.

Follow-up, a series of struggles between multinational companies and the siege has not yet been written.

By the time all the stories are written, it is estimated that there will be at least this many words.

Liu Changmin and the others went home one after another, and eventually, there were not many people left in the dormitory.

Bi Feiyu was one of them. He told Yu Dong that he would stay at school for a month before going home.

Yu Dong gets up at 07:30 every morning, and then, except for three meals a day, he basically writes until nine o'clock in the evening.Occasionally when I get tired from writing, I would take a walk in the yard of the staff dormitory.

A lot of vegetables were planted in the vegetable garden in the yard, but most of the teachers had gone home, so they lacked the care of their owners. Sometimes Yu Dong would water them when he was in a good mood.

At this time, Bi Feiyu, who lives on the second floor, would come out of the house and stand on the balcony to watch him.

"You water them every day to make them fat and strong, but you don't eat them in the end." Bi Feiyu sometimes joked with Yu Dong.

Yu Dong only said: "The right is to grow flowers. I live on the first floor, and I can see the vegetable garden when I look up. If it's messy, I'm in a bad mood."

Bi Feiyu's life rhythm is completely different from Yu Dong's. He doesn't get up until ninety o'clock every day, and then he doesn't know what to do, and he doesn't start writing until almost noon.

He bought a lot of dry food and didn't usually go out to eat. Yu Dong approached him a few times and took him to eat with him. He just said that he had dry food.

About four or five o'clock in the writing, Bi Feiyu went out to exercise.

Bi Feiyu loves to play football. When the students are all around, he will often go to kick the ball.Now that there is no one in the school and he can't play football, he can only go out for a run and do other exercises.

Both he and Yu Dong have a healthy body, but Yu Dong's body depends on eating and resting, while his body depends on exercise.

Bi Feiyu is sometimes very irritable.

In summer, many toads hide in the courtyard, and at night they scream very loudly, and the surrounding walls have the effect of amplifying the sound, and the sound is endless.

At this time, Bi Feiyu will come out and curse: I will tell you to peel off your skin and cook porridge.

Yu Dong would also reply to him: Remember to give me some when it's cooked.

In mid-July, Yu Dong left the school and took the train to Rongcheng with Hu Changqing.

Hu Changqing is a native of Jinling, and he went home after the holidays. He went to school a few times during the holidays, always looking for Yu Dong to talk to him about the awards ceremony.

For the award ceremony, he was both nervous and excited. After getting on the train, he was still asking Yu Dong: "Yu Yu, what award do you think "Alien Monkey" will win?"

He has asked this question many times, but Yu Dong smiled and didn't answer, because he knew that Hu Changqing just wanted to ask and didn't have to answer.

When the two got out of the station, they saw a young man holding a sign from a distance, with the words "Reception of Science Fiction World" written on it.

"Yu Yu, is that the person who picked us up?" Hu Changqing asked.

Yu Dong nodded, he already recognized that the person who picked them up was the little Li whom he had met when he went to the magazine office.

After approaching, Xiao Li said with a smile on his face: "Teacher Yu, President Yang asked me to pick you up."

"Thank you." Yu Dong introduced him again: "This is Mr. Fu Shui's friend, Mr. Hu."

"Mr. Hu, hello, hello, the club has arranged the residences for the two of you, and I will send you there now."

Then Xiao Li took the two of them to the side of the road opposite the train station and let them get into a car.

This car is obviously new. It seems that the economic situation of "Science Fiction World" has indeed improved a lot during this period, and even bought a car.

That is, a few years ago, Yang Xiao was promoting "The World of Science Fiction" on three rounds. In a blink of an eye, the conditions have improved so much.

On the way to the hotel, Yu Dong learned from Li Xiaoli that the two of them came relatively late, and the other writers and guests had basically arrived, and the foreign guests hadn't come yet, but it was said that they would arrive in the evening.

The car drove directly to the Jinjiang Hotel, and after arranging the accommodation for Yu Dong and the others, Xiao Li returned to the club to report.

Yu Dong and the others had just rested in the room for a while when there was a knock on the door.

"I'll open the door." Hu Changqing got up and walked over.

It was a young man of medium height who knocked on the door. As soon as the door opened, he stared at Hu Changqing for a while, "Isn't this Teacher Yu Dong's room?"

Hu Changqing smiled, "It's Yu Dong's room, but it's also my room."

After speaking, Hu Changqing turned his head and said to Dong, "Yu Yu, someone is looking for you."

Yu Dong walked over with doubts. As soon as the young man saw Yu Dong, he ran over excitedly and held Yu Dong's hand, "Teacher Yu Dong, I finally saw you."

The young man looked to be about 20 years old, with a short chin, thick and long eyebrows, wearing a pair of glasses, and looked like a student.

"You are?" Yu Dong looked at the other person's face, but couldn't remember where he had seen it before.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Teacher Yu, I forgot to introduce myself. I'm He Hongwei, and I was also invited by "Science Fiction World" this time." He Hongwei said hastily.

Hearing the words He Hongwei, Yu Dong's eyes narrowed. This is not a small person.

Later, in the domestic sci-fi world, there was a saying of "He Ci Kangsong", the four heavenly kings, and the "he" here refers to He Hongwei.

He Hongwei and Han Song made their debut relatively early among the four. Needless to say, Han Song is now well-known in the domestic science fiction circle. He Hongwei has published works in "Science Fiction World" since last year.

Last year's "One Night Crazy" received a good response, and this year "Light Love" is released.

His appearance here now means that one of these two novels should have won an award.

In Yu Dong's memory, "Light Love" did win the Galaxy Award.

"Oh, I know you, and I've seen your "One Night Crazy" and "Light Love", both of which are very good." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Mr. Yu, you have seen my works. I am really honored. I really like your works. I like every one of them. I know you live in this room. I have knocked on the door many times. This time I finally saw it. is you."

Hu Changqing, who was on the side, saw He Hongwei's excited appearance, and couldn't help but feel that Xiao Yu is really famous in the science fiction world now.

He has also read the two works Yu Dong mentioned, and they are indeed not bad, but he did not expect the author to be so young, he seems to be a student.

 Thank you [Miss Inexplicable Qing] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Moon Hidden Star Hidden Night] Big Brother for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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