Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 137 You pay, I contribute

Chapter 137 You pay, I contribute

After talking about the reorganization of the radio and television department, Feng Xiaoning switched the topic back to "Closed Loop": "Because of "Closed Loop", I have recently thought a lot about things related to time and space. The movie is called "Back to the Future", and the protagonist in it goes back to the past to change the future and the past, but the structure of this movie is a bit like the theory of parallel time and space."

Jimmy smiled and said: "Yes, that's right. In fact, there have been many movies about time and space in the United States in recent years, such as "Terminator". The second part was just released last year. There is also a bit of "" "Closed Loop" means, for example, the person sent to rescue the heroine actually fell in love with the heroine, and even let the heroine conceive a child."

He Hongwei and the others were all confused, what heroine, what child, they had never seen this movie at all, they didn't know the background of the story, and naturally they didn't know what Jimmy was talking about.

Jimmy also realized this at this time, and introduced the plot to them again: "In the movie, future robots want to rule humans, but they are resisted by a human legion. In order to destroy the legion, the robot mastermind sends a robot back in time to kill The mother of the leader of the legion. Hearing the news, the leader of the legion sent his men to save his mother. Later, he did not expect that his subordinates fell in love with this mother and conceived a child. This child is the leader of the legion."

"I'll go—" After hearing Jimmy's introduction, He Hongwei couldn't help shouting out, "How dare you make foreign movies."

Feng Xiaoning said with a smile: "The domestic translation of this movie is "Devil Terminator". The Shanghai Translation Factory has already dubbed it, and it will be released in autumn."

"Then you have to go and have a look."

"Actually, I think the second one is better. The first one is very commercial, but lacks a bit of thickness. Of course, this may also be the producer's strategy. After all, the audience is drawn first, and everything else is easy to talk about." Jimmy laughed. said.

"This kind of blockbuster, we can't think about it now. "Closed Loop" is a little bit hopeful to be enough."

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "Actually, themes like time do not need too many new technologies, such as "One Day"."

"That's true." Feng Xiaoning nodded.

"If Director Feng is interested in this kind of time themes, it happens that I have a new plan recently, maybe you will be interested."

"New plan?" Feng Xiaoning suddenly became interested: "Can you talk about it?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I haven't written it yet."

Feng Xiaoning understood, since it was not written, it must be inconvenient to say it.Although there may not be bad people at this table, it is necessary to guard against others.

He Hongwei and Yang Peng were also very interested in Dong's new plan, but they didn't ask any questions.

"Okay, then I'll wait for your good news."

Yu Dong nodded, and then everyone stopped chatting temporarily and focused on the table full of food.


After dinner, Yu Dong asked Hu Changqing to go back to the room first, while he went to Jimmy's room.

After entering the room, Jimmy asked Yu Dong with a smile: "Dong, is the new plan you told Director Feng just now a long story or a short story?"

"I'm not sure yet. I only have one idea now." Yu Dong said.

"Then do you think there is hope to cooperate with Director Feng?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "It depends on the situation. Domestic directors have many constraints in making a movie. First of all, it is difficult to get funding. As far as I know, when Feng Xiaoning made "The Atmosphere Disappears", he only took It reached 40, and it took a long time, and he paid for it himself at the beginning.”

"Then what about our own investment?" Jimmy asked: "Didn't it mean that the radio and television department will be reorganized? Maybe in the future, private individuals will be able to cast film and television dramas."

"I'm afraid it will be difficult."

In Yu Dong's memory, it may not be until the next century that private capital really enters the film industry.The environment in the past few years has been very complicated, and not everyone with money can make a movie.

The country issued several reform plans in succession, and Yu Dong couldn't remember the exact timing.Anyway, in my impression, after Huayi Brothers made endless films, it seems that private capital gradually entered the film industry.

Yu Dong still remembered that when Zhang Yimou asked him for the authorization of "Death of a Widow" a few days ago, he explained to himself that the funding he could get now was not much, and he could only give a few thousand yuan.

If it was delayed by another year or two, he could get Yu Dong a licensing fee of [-] to [-] yuan.

The domestic film environment is developing, but it will take some time.

Hearing Yu Dong's words, Jimmy sighed, "It's a pity."

Yu Dong looked at Jimmy, "Don't you have something to tell me?"

"Oh, yes, I almost forgot the business." Jimmy sat up straight, cheered up and said, "I'm going to open a company here in China, specializing in book operations and author marketing."

"Then you drive it." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Dong, you know what I mean. Let's open the window and speak honestly. I definitely need your support. And the reason why I want to start this company is to serve you better."

Yu Dong rubbed his arms, feeling goosebumps all over the floor.It wasn't the first time Jimmy called him "Dong", but every time he heard it, he still couldn't stand it.

"Since you are opening the skylight to speak brightly, don't come to me with such hypocrisy. I don't know if you want to serve me better, but you definitely want to make more money." Yu Dong smiled Smiled, and continued, "I know what you mean, you should think, since I have already acted as a writer's agent for me, why not just bring in a few more writers, and catch those who have fish but not fish. And He Hongwei and Yang Peng These lads are easy to deceive, aren't they?"

Jimmy quickly waved his hand: "I don't mean that at all. Yes, I want to make money, but I make money with my conscience. If I really want to sign those two boys, I must praise them, otherwise How do I make money?"

"That's not necessarily the case. You don't have to pay anything when you sign a writer's agent contract. After you sign it, let them go. If they don't get popular, you don't lose anything. If someone becomes popular, you can get a commission from him. .”

Jimmy was taken aback, "You really know a lot about brokers... But God can prove that I really didn't think so, otherwise I wouldn't have approached you. This domestic company will give you the majority of the shares. When the time comes The decision-making power is in your hands, and you can do whatever you say."

"You are so kind to let me take the lead?"

Jimmy chuckled, rubbed his hands together and said, "I've been short of funds recently, and I may have to rely on you for the capital contribution. When the time comes, you will contribute the money and I will contribute. You will have six shares and four for the shares. How about it?"

 Thank you [Qiu Yan He Xi Hanyan] for the 100 reward
  I saw that some friends in the comment area told me not to be too hostile and not to set so many brainless villains... I really thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out which villains there are in my book...

(End of this chapter)

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