Chapter 138 Signed
Jimmy's words made Yu Dong couldn't help laughing out loud, "Oh, how embarrassing this is, how can I let you take less, so, I am wronging you, [-] points, I will give you [-] points."

Although he knew that Yu Dong was teasing him, Jimmy still had a cheeky smile and said, "It's nice to be brave."

"What a fart!" Yu Dong rolled his eyes.

"Hey, if I can hear this shit from your mouth, it's worth it to me. Don't worry, I'm asking a lot of money, you can just sit back and pay back the money. I want [-]%, you give [-]%, I will give you [-]%." This is a step back, hello, I'm good, everyone makes a deal."

Yu Dong nodded, "Okay, then I'll make a counter-offer. Let me agree first. I'll only pay it once. If I can accept it, I'll do it. If I can't accept it, I'll just pretend I haven't said anything about it."

Jimmy frowned, "Dong, how do you do business? You've always been so strong. Give me some leeway."

"I will pay the full capital, and you will be the general manager. You will get 15.00% dry shares without salary." Yu Dong directly stated his conditions.

"15.00% is really a little less..."

"I will invest 300 million RMB in this company."

"Okay, deal." Hearing that Yu Dong invested 300 million, Jimmy agreed immediately.

Jimmy knew that Yu Dong was rich, and Yu Dong had disclosed some information to him when they talked about the operation of "Second World" last time.

At first, Jimmy thought that Yu Dong only had the tens of thousands of dollars he earned from Harold last time, but later found that Yu Dong had more than that.

So he had some associations, maybe Yu Dong was the young master of a wealthy family in Shanghai, and coming to teach was just to experience life.

This also strengthened his belief in developing in China.

joke!He was so lucky to climb a thigh, but he couldn't fall off the leg easily, he had to grab the hair of his leg firmly.

Yu Dong didn't know that he had become a mysterious rich man in Jimmy's heart. After hearing that he agreed to his plan, he smiled and said: "Since you agreed to this plan, then do it well. As long as there are no major problems in the company's operation, I will not interfere." , but on the matter of signing a writer, I can give you a little advice."

"Then what do you think of these two young men, He Hongwei and Yang Peng, are they worth signing?" Jimmy asked.

Yu Dong nodded, "It's worth it, you get in touch with them first, and I'll recommend some writers to you later."

Jimmy thought for a while and said, "Dong, I believe in your vision, but I think it's best for us to sign writers from a commercial point of view, and we should be cautious about pure literature."

Yu Dong knew that Jimmy had always been pessimistic about the prospect of pure literature in China. He always believed that the era of commercialization of Chinese literature was coming. It might be exaggerated to say that literature was dying, but it would definitely become weaker and weaker, and it would be difficult to turn around.

"I know this, don't worry. When you contact He Hongwei and the others, you must pay attention to the method. Domestic writers are very unfamiliar with the agent. Their own manuscript fee is not much. If you want to take a cut from it, they may not agree. .” Yu Dong exhorted.

The domestic writer agent industry has been sluggish. On the one hand, due to the impact of the general environment, the profit is not high enough, and the natural operating space is not large enough; on the other hand, many agents cannot provide substantial benefits for writers. After a long time, writers There is also doubt about these brokerage companies.

Regarding this point, Jimmy is very optimistic, "Don't worry, I will definitely win the two of them. Why do I want to cooperate with you, not just for your money..."

"Not only...meaning, you still want my money, but not completely." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"It's all trivial, it doesn't matter." Jimmy smiled sarcastically, and continued, "In addition to money, you can play a leading role. If these two guys have any concerns, I will move you out directly. A living golden signboard, I don't believe they are not moved."

"I know what you mean, but the painting is only temporary, I hope you can really help them."

Jimmy patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, when this company starts, it's not just for us to make money, but also for those writers to make money. In fact, the two are inseparable."

Saying that, Jimmy looked at his watch again: "I guess Harold and the others are coming soon, the two of us will go meet with them in a while. Speaking of which, George is quite interested in you, because of me, he sees After reading the manuscript of "One Day" and later hearing me talk about "The Second World", he really wanted to read it, but the book is so long, I don't have time to translate it for him."

"Okay, I really want to meet them too." Yu Dong nodded, and then asked, "By the way, is this George Martin signed with a brokerage company?"

"Signed, it is a small company. His works are not many, and the market feedback is mediocre. The small company is not strong enough and is unwilling to invest too much in him. He complained to me several times about this. Jimmy looked at Yu Dong, "You don't want to sign him too, do you?"

"Isn't it possible?"

"It can be, but I don't think it's worth it. He has indeed won several awards, but I think his science fiction novels are not interesting, and the market feedback is really not good. If you want to sign, it is best to sign to the Olympic Games. Sen Card and such."

"Can you sign Orson Card?"

"Of course it can't be signed. His agent is Curtis, who is listed as the top agent in the "Handbook of American Science Fiction Writers". The agent system in the United States is fairly complete. If a writer wants to find an agent, he only needs to go to the Just look it up in the Writer's Handbook."

"In this case, let's sign some that can be signed. I think George is very good." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Jimmy pondered for a while, nodded and said, "Okay, since you're optimistic, I'll give it a try. Sign George, at least you won't lose money."

The two chatted for a while, guessing that Harold and the others should have arrived, so they got up and prepared to go out to find them.

But as soon as they opened the door, they ran into Harold and the others who were looking for Jimmy.

Harold and George, plus a little Li.

"You are finally here. I was going to find you with Yu Dong." Jimmy said something to Harold and the others in English, and then introduced Yu Dong in Mandarin, "Harold on the left, and George on the side." .”

"Hello." Yu Dong stepped forward and shook hands with them.

Both George and Rhodes are in their 40s, the former is a few years younger than the latter, but they look similar.

Harold was well dressed and his hair was meticulously arranged.George looks a bit more scruffy, with long hair and greasy looks, very writerly.

Clearly dressed to make up for the age gap.

 Thank you [Meng Xizi] for the 10000 reward
  Thank you [A pen is like a knife] for the 100 reward
  Thanks to [Qiyue] for the 1500 reward
(End of this chapter)

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