Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 139 Stop pretending, showdown?

Chapter 139 Stop Pretending, Showdown? (two in one)

Seeing Jimmy acting as an interpreter for them, Xiao Li at the side finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiao Li's English is not bad, so the president specially asked him to pick up Harold and George.But for the four skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing, he only focused on upgrading the three skills of listening, reading, and writing, and his oral English was extremely poor.

When communicating with Harold and the others just now, he obviously had already figured out what to say in his mind, but he became stumbling when it came to his mouth.The weather itself was hot, and he was sweating in such a hurry.

Although Harold and Yu Dong met for the first time, but because they had cooperated before, it was easy to cut into the topic.He took the initiative to tell Yu Dong about the movie and asked Yu Dong for his opinion.

In fact, these inquiries are purely out of courtesy and have no practical significance.

The movie is basically finished now, and it's useless for Yu Dong to give any advice.Naturally, Yu Dong was not ignorant, he didn't pick any faults, but praised Harold's ideas.

After chatting for a while, Harold suddenly said: "Actually, when I come this time, I also want to invite Mr. Yu Dong to the United States. The movie "One Day" will be released at the end of this year or early next year. At that time, we will prepare Make a premiere ceremony. As the author of the original work, being there will naturally help promote the film.”

Harold had never thought about this before, but this time "World of Science Fiction" invited them to participate in the Galaxy Awards ceremony, which made him realize that Chinese science fiction is not as bad as he thought before.

Moreover, Yu Dong's temperament and appearance are somewhat beyond his imagination. Such a young and handsome writer can easily attract attention just by his appearance.

After Jimmy translated Harold's words to Yu Dong, he winked at him secretly, signaling that he must agree.

Yu Dong smiled and nodded: "I am very honored to be able to attend the premiere ceremony, but it is not easy to go to the United States, and it takes a lot of time. My job is a teacher, and I may not be able to spare time. So I I can’t promise you now, I need to see the specific time, please forgive me.”

Gritting his teeth, Jimmy still translated Yu Dong's words to Harold.

After hearing this, Harold smiled and said, "It's totally understandable."

After that, the few people didn't talk about the movie anymore, after all, there was George Martin present.

They chatted about Chinese science fiction and the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award this time, and it was obvious that George Martin was very interested in this topic.

This surprised Yu Dong a little.

Because piracy is rampant in the domestic market, foreign writers seldom make money here, so I have some opinions on this market.

Unknown authors are fine. Many well-known foreign authors have sold a lot of books in China and are very influential, but they just can't get money, which makes them very annoyed.

George Martin now belongs to the former. He is actually not optimistic about the Chinese market, but he has a very good attitude. He believes that no one can make money from the pirated market anyway. If his books can become popular in China, although he can’t make money. I got a lot of money, but I didn't lose much more than others.

And there is still some hope left. If the copyright protection in China gets better in the future, the writers who become popular first will definitely have an advantage.

Emotionally speaking, George's thinking is actually condoning piracy.But rationally speaking, his idea may indeed allow him to profit in the Chinese market first.He did not set his sights on piracy, but regarded other writers as opponents.

It doesn't matter if you can't make money in the Chinese market now, but if you can make money here one day, then you must go ahead.

On this point, Jimmy and George have the same idea.

Several people chatted for about an hour, and Jimmy's room ushered in new guests——Yang Xiao and Tan Kai.

The two of them first went to Harold and George's room, and went to Yu Dong's room when they couldn't find anyone. After learning from Hu Changqing that Yu Dong was with Jimmy, they came here.

"That's how I found you. It turns out that you are here for a meeting."

Yang Xiao's aura was very strong, and she was the host, so she took control of the scene as soon as she came in.She came here with Tan Kai so late, on the one hand, to get to know Harold and George, and on the other hand, to tell them about the awards ceremony tomorrow.

The ceremony started at 58:[-] pm, and everyone started to enter the venue at four o'clock.

This time Yang Xiao not only paid attention to the guests and the layout of the scene, but also spent a lot of thought on the promotion.Different from the past, Yang Xiao invited a lot of media this time, and many reporters will come to the scene tomorrow.

So Yang Xiao planned to set up an entrance link at the entrance of the hotel, so that the reporters could take pictures and collect materials.

After the awards ceremony, an interview session was also arranged.

In this way, tomorrow's award ceremony will not be so different from those large award ceremonies.

Harold and George didn't think there was anything wrong with it. In their opinion, since the Galaxy Award is the highest award in the domestic science fiction field, such a specification is really normal.

Yu Dong and Jimmy were very surprised. They knew how shabby the Galaxy Awards were before. Even if the annual meeting of the World Science Fiction Association and the Galaxy Awards were held at the same time last year, it was not as grand as this year.

In the final analysis, the magazine still has plenty of money, and is more willing to spend money.

After saying this, it was getting late, Yang Xiao and the others got up to say goodbye, and Yu Dong and Harold also went back to their own rooms, waiting for the arrival of tomorrow.


In the afternoon of the next day, Yang Xiao took Yu Dong downstairs to gather in the lobby. They were going to go out through the side door first, and then walked around to the main entrance for the entrance ceremony.

Not long after going downstairs, Hu Changqing suddenly pulled Yu Dong's arm: "Yu Yu, do you think that woman looks like Teacher Cheng from our school?"

"Which Teacher Cheng?" Yu Dong looked in the direction Hu Changqing pointed, and saw Cheng Yanqiu standing on the side of the hall, looking at them, he was stunned for a moment, and then said to Hu Changqing, "That seems to be Teacher Cheng. "

"Really, why is she here?"

"I do not know."

"Come on, let's say hello." Hu Changqing pulled Yu Dong up to Cheng Yanqiu, "Xiao Cheng, why are you here?"

Cheng Yanqiu pointed to "Science Fiction World" in his hand, "I'm here to watch the Galaxy Awards ceremony."

She was dressed very refreshingly today, with a pair of white canvas shoes on her feet, paired with a pair of raw-color jeans without holes, her white shirt on her upper body was very loose, half of the lower half was tucked into the waistband of the trousers, and the other half was casually scattered outside.The rolled up sleeves and the brown round-brimmed hat on top of her head make her look very neat.

"Xiao Cheng, you are also a sci-fi fan." Hu Changqing was a little surprised, he always felt that Xiao Cheng, a lesbian, did not fit well with sci-fi.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "It's not long since I started liking science fiction."

At this time, Yang Xiao noticed the situation here, and walked towards Yu Dong and the others, "Yu Dong, who is this?"

Yu Dong introduced with a smile, "This is our colleague, Teacher Cheng Yanqiu, she came to see the awards ceremony."

Yang Xiao showed a surprised expression, "Teacher Cheng is such a good name."

"My father is a fancier, and he likes Peking Opera master Cheng Yanqiu very much." Cheng Yanqiu replied.

"No wonder." Yang Xiao saw the magazine in Cheng Yanqiu's hand again, and said with a smile, "Since they are colleagues of Teacher Yu and Teacher Hu, let's enter the venue together later. I just reserved a few seats, but Teacher Yu and the others are not here. Together."

"Thank you."

"You're welcome." Yang Xiao looked at his watch, "Teacher Yu and I will go out first, then come in through the main entrance, see you later."

After speaking, he led Yu Dong and the others towards the side door.

After walking for a while, Yang Xiao looked at Yu Dong and said with a smile, "This Teacher Cheng is very beautiful and has a lot of temperament."

Hu Changqing on the side said: "Xiao Cheng is not very good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, but he is very good in other aspects."

Yu Dong smiled secretly, this Cheng Yanqiu is not good at dealing with interpersonal relationships, she just doesn't want to deal with interpersonal relationships at all, she is so lost that she doesn't want to make friends.

After Yang Xiao led everyone out from the side door, they went around to the front door.

The order of admission had already been decided. Tan Kai brought He Hongtao and several other young writers into the venue first, followed by Feng Xiaoning and Lu Liping, and finally Yang Xiao brought Harold, George, and Yu Dong.

The appearance of Lu Liping attracted the attention of the reporters, and the frequency of taking pictures was much faster.

The reporters were still very reserved, consciously keeping a distance from the guests, and at most they asked a question from a distance.When they encountered a question they wanted to answer, Lu Liping and the others would stop and reply.

When Yu Dong and the others entered the arena, someone in the crowd shouted, "Yu Dong, Yu Dong."

Yu Dong was slightly taken aback, why would anyone know him?
Seeing Yu Dong's doubts, Yang Xiao smiled and winked at him, and whispered, "I arranged it."

Someone called out Yu Dong's name, and the reporters naturally recognized who Yu Dong was.Among the people who entered this wave, Yang Xiao was a woman, and the others were foreigners. Only the young man next to Yang Xiao could be Yu Dong.

After Yu Dong and the others approached, a reporter shouted, "Yu Dong, this way."

Yu Dong followed the sound and turned around, and then heard the click of the shutter.

The sound of the shutter on this side has not yet ended, and the other side shouted: "Yu Dong, Yu Dong, this way."

Yu Dong had to turn to the other side again.

Yang Xiao said next to him, "Don't feel annoyed. It's not easy for the reporters to come here. Naturally, they all hope to be able to take pictures of your face. Please cooperate a little bit."

Yu Dong nodded and said with a smile: "I know, isn't this a positive cooperation?"

After filming Yu Dong, the reporters did not let Harold and the others go, and started calling their names again, with some substandard English mixed in, but Harold and the others could understand them.

As a director, Harold was much more comfortable handling this kind of scene than Yu Dong.

I saw that his body was like a machine, constantly turning the direction. Every time he turned a direction, he made a freeze frame so that the reporters could take the best photos. Basically, he took care of all 360 degrees.

Several other people followed suit and changed their movements along with him.

The admission process ended quickly, because there was an interview session at the end of the ceremony, so the reporters basically didn't ask questions, but concentrated on taking photos.

Entering the restaurant, Yang Xiao did not forget to find Cheng Yanqiu and brought her into the venue together.

Everyone was seated, and at 58:[-], Yang Xiao took the stage to deliver a speech and announced the official start of the awards ceremony.

Afterwards, Yang Xiao did not step down, but took out a list, and said with a smile: "The list in my hand contains the winning works of the third prize of the China Science Fiction Galaxy Award. This time there are five works in total. Won the third prize, they are "Waiting for You 1000 Years" by Shi Jian, "Shark Fishing with Relics" by Lu Yang, "Dream World" by Jiang Liexin, Lei Liangqi's..."

The awards ceremony didn't have any fancy programs, Yang Xiao was very straightforward when he came up.Many people didn't even realize it, and when they thought she would whet everyone's appetite, she had already submitted the third prize winning works.

Even the applause has to slow down a beat.

The attention of the third prize is not high, and some of these five works did not leave a deep impression on the readers.

The most excited ones were of course the winners. The five authors came to the stage to receive the trophies one by one, and the first item of the awards ceremony came to an end.

Then editor-in-chief Tan Kai came to the stage and began to announce the second prize.

Tan Kai was more straightforward than Yang Xiao. After he came to the stage, he didn't say anything else, and immediately started to announce the list of winners: "The second prize went to He Hongwei's "Light Love", Zhengshi's "Computer Falling in Love" And the water-covered Alien Monkey."

When Tan Kai finished reporting the list, the applause immediately sounded, and when Yu Dong was about to raise his hand to applaud, he suddenly felt a strong pain in his thigh.

He looked down and saw that Hu Changqing's hands were firmly grasping his pants, and by the way, his skin was also clamped.

Just as Yu Dong was about to remind Hu Changqing, the latter stood up suddenly, applauded violently, then patted Yu Dong on the shoulder, and walked quickly towards the stage.

Jimmy on the other side looked at Hu Changqing's back and said with a smile, "Looking at the excitement of your Secretary Hu, it seems that he himself won the award. That Mr. Fushui must be his very good friend."

Yu Dong nodded, "It can be said that they are intimate."

"That's no wonder."

Yu Dong rubbed his legs and secretly made up his mind that he would win the prize later, so he must pinch it back.

Starting from the second prize, everyone's response became more enthusiastic, and these three award-winning works really left a deeper impression on them.

Acceptance speeches were also arranged for the second prize. The acceptance speeches of the two boys were very concise, and they thanked them one by one.

When it was Hu Changqing's turn, his style suddenly changed.

"I am very grateful to "Science Fiction World" for awarding this award to me. As an educator, I have always known the impact of science fiction on young readers. Science and technology are the primary productive forces, and the development of a nation cannot be separated from science and technology. Nor can there be a lack of fantasy..."

Yu Dong stared blankly at Hu Changqing, who was talking eloquently on the stage. Did Lao Hu forget to cover up, or did he just have a showdown?

Jimmy next to him also raised his eyebrows, and said with a smile, "Is your secretary Hu too involved in the drama, and you really think this award is for him?"

 Thank you [Bookworm zore] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Cold Eyes as Gentle as Water i] Big Brother for the 400 reward
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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