Chapter 143 Chaos Diary
The manuscript was eventually "robbed" by Tan Kai and the others.

At the beginning, Yu Dong was worried that the two of them were drunk and there would be a mistake in taking the manuscript. Later, seeing that the two of them were in good condition, he gave them the manuscript.

Yang Xiao and the others had just left with the manuscript, and Hu Changqing came back with the trophy.

He was very happy tonight, and drank a lot of wine along with him. When Tan Kai and the others came to find Yu Dong just now, he was talking with He Hongwei and the other two young men as brothers and sisters, and they had a lively chat.

"Less than, today, hicc—"

Just as Hu Changqing was about to say something, Jiu Jin came up suddenly, his eyes were foggy, and then he lay down on the bed and fell asleep within a minute.

Yu Dong went to cover him with a quilt, and then sat back at the table by himself, preparing to write his next novel.

Today's dinner, Feng Xiaoning and Lu Liping did not attend, they left after the ceremony.

But before leaving, Feng Xiaoning found Yu Dong on purpose and asked him about the new plan again.

At the dinner table before, Yu Dong told Feng Xiaoning that he had a new novel project about time and asked him if he was interested.

It can be seen that Feng Xiaoning is really interested in the story of time. After chatting with Yu Dong for a while, he learned that the novel has not been written yet, so he left a contact information, so that Yu Dong must contact him when it is finished.

In the evening, Yu Dong only drank a little wine, but he was not drunk, but his mind became clearer.

The plan he told Feng Xiaoning before was actually written in his previous life.

There are many stories about the theme of time, and there are also many stories that do not require special effects.

When we were chatting at that time, the first thing that popped into Yu Dong's mind was a novel he wrote after reading the news about "the teacher was wronged".

That novel was also inspired by "The Butterfly Effect", using the idea of ​​going back in time.

The background of the story is set in Shanghai in 2008. The hero Xu Husheng is 35 years old and a lawyer.One day, when he was tidying up his old house, he suddenly found a diary of his own, but he didn't remember that he had this diary at all.

With doubts, he opened the diary, and at the same time opened the memories that had been locked deep in his heart.

In the early 80s, because of his parents' work relationship, Xu Husheng went to live in a small county in the southwest with his family.

There, he met two good friends, a boy and a girl, the boy named Qin Aiguo and the girl named Qin Huiyun, they were cousins.

The three of them were inseparable at ordinary times, and Xu Husheng even had a vague affection for Qin Huiyun.

In 83, their homeroom teacher had some disputes with the Qin family because of the land, and the Qin family suffered a loss in the dispute in the end.

In order to retaliate against the head teacher, the Qin family discussed and asked the girl to accuse the head teacher of molesting her.

When there is a complaint, the Public Security Bureau comes to investigate the case.

In order to substantiate this case, the Qin family asked a group of students from their class to write testimonies.

After the police read the testimony, they had to find Xu Husheng who was closest to Qin Huiyun and the others to ask about the situation.

When the Qin family learned of this situation, they approached Xu Husheng to threaten and lure him, saying that if he didn't help, Qin Aiguo and Qin Huiyun would stop playing with him in the future, and their family was a foreigner, so they would have good fruit for them in the future.He also said that if he helped him this time, he would promise Qin Huiyun to be his wife when he grew up.

11-year-old Xu Husheng couldn't resist the pressure at all, and finally agreed to give false testimony.

The head teacher was finally convicted of hooliganism and sentenced to five years in prison.

After this incident, Xu Husheng fell into isolation, staying at home all day, unwilling to go out, so his parents had to take him back to Shanghai.

Over the years, in order to escape, he has been deceiving himself, hiding this matter deep in his heart, unwilling to think about it.

After reading the diary, he went to inquire about the Qin family's affairs. Qin Aiguo had already been imprisoned for organizing gangster activities. Qin Huiyun committed suicide when he was in junior high school. No one knows why he committed suicide.

With grief and indignation, Xu Husheng read the diary over and over again, but suddenly found that he could go back to the past through the diary.

He was ecstatic and wanted to go back and change the past.

But things backfired. Every time he went back to make changes, he didn't get good results.

For the first time, he directly rejected the Qin family's request without perjury.But the teacher was sentenced, and his family was ostracized locally. His parents wanted to take him back to Shanghai, but because he was framed, he could only stay in a small county town. His parents were depressed and died very early. ...

The second time, he tried to persuade Qin Huiyun to withdraw the lawsuit and told her what would happen in the future, but Qin Huiyun couldn't bear the condemnation of his conscience and jumped off the cliff because of his words.

The third time, he ran all the way to find his teacher, who was also a lawyer, hoping that the teacher could help the head teacher to file a lawsuit, but the teacher directly rejected him because he was too far away and had no money to file the lawsuit.

After coming out of the teacher's house, he braved the heavy rain and ran wildly on the road, tears mixed with the rain, and his belief was on the verge of collapse.

The story ends here.

In fact, Yu Dong also conceived the second part at that time, but he only wrote the first part and he didn't write any more.

This novel has a total of 12 words, which is considered a short novel.

Like "One Day", it is not a typical science fiction novel. In addition to the discussion of the butterfly effect, it is more about the description of human nature.

In fact, it is still risky for Feng Xiaoning to shoot such a novel, because it involves a lot of dark sides of society, especially the court sentencing. Although Yu Dong didn't describe too much, the facts presented are the court's People malfeasance.

If it weren't for the court's arbitrary sentence, it would be impossible to convict based on the testimony of a few children.Whether Feng Xiao would like to shoot or not, Yu Dong didn't know either.

This novel, named by Yu Dongqi, is "Chaos Diary", because the butterfly effect is originally a chaotic phenomenon, but the word butterfly effect is often misunderstood, thinking that a butterfly flapping its wings can cause a hurricane.

After drinking some wine, Yu Dongyue became more sober and excited when he wrote, and he didn't feel sleepy at all.

He wrote until the middle of the night, before he stopped rubbing his sore hands, when Hu Changqing's snoring sound came from his ears.

In fact, the snoring has always been there, but Yu Dong was in a state of excitement before, and he blocked out the surrounding sounds.

He put down his pen and was about to take a shower, but Hu Changqing opened his eyes in a daze because of some noise, "Yu Yu, is it dawn yet?"

After finishing speaking, before Dong could answer, Hu Changqing turned over, hugged his Galaxy award certificate, and went back to sleep.

 Thank you [Ubiquitous Fatty] for the 500 reward
  Thank you [Shanshang Ocean] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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