Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 144: Not Soft At One Point

Chapter 144 Not Soft At All

The next morning, Yu Dong woke up and found that Hu Changqing was no longer in the room.

When he got up to wash, Hu Changqing came back with two eggs, "You're awake, I thought you were still sleeping, and I brought you two eggs specially for fear that you might miss the time for breakfast."

Yu Dong rinsed his mouth and said with a smile: "Thank you, Secretary Hu, keep the eggs for yourself, I'll go down and eat them by myself later."

"Okay." Hu Changqing nodded, put the egg in his pocket, and then said: "Oh, by the way, I saw Jimmy and Harold in the restaurant just now, and they said they would leave in a while."

"okay, I get it."

When Yu Dong arrived at the restaurant, Harold and the others hadn't left yet.Seeing Yu Dong, Harold smiled and said, "I'm going to say goodbye to you."

"Are you in such a hurry? It's not easy to come here. Don't go shopping anymore?"

George on the side shrugged: "I want to go shopping, but Harold still has something to do in the United States, and he is in a hurry to go back."

"It's still about the film, and there is still a lot of work to do in the follow-up." Harold explained.

"President Yang and the others have said that?" Yu Dong asked.

"As I said, they should also go to the door later." Harold nodded, and held Yu Dong's hand again, "Remember my previous invitation, if you have time, you must go to the premiere ceremony. "

"Okay, I'll see you off."

But Harold stopped him, "No need, just let Jimmy send us off, you haven't eaten yet, go and eat, it's time soon."

Jimmy also pulled Yu Dong's arm, and then gave him a wink, "I'll just go and deliver it."

After Harold and the others left, Yu Dong picked up some food with a plate and was about to find a seat when he saw Cheng Yanqiu not far away looking at him.

Yu Dong walked over with the plate, "Mr. Cheng, good morning."

"Morning." Cheng Yanqiu stared at Yu Dong and said, "Congratulations, the judges are very discerning."

"Thank you, thank you." Yu Dong took the opportunity to sit down opposite Cheng Yanqiu, and then began to eat breakfast. He didn't eat much last night, and he felt empty in his stomach when he woke up today, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

Cheng Yanqiu was holding a small piece of cake in her hand, pinching from it bit by bit, her gaze was always on Yu Dong, as if she was very interested in how he ate.

Yu Dong's eating was not pretty, like a starved ghost reincarnated, but Cheng Yanqiu found it interesting, she felt that Yu Dong was very different from usual when eating.

After eating the food in twos and twos, Yu Dong looked up at Cheng Yanqiu, saw that she was still pinching the cake in her hand, and said with a smile: "Mr. Cheng, you are eating, I..."

"Do you have time today?" Cheng Yanqiu said suddenly, "This is the first time I've come to Rongcheng, and I'm not very familiar with it, can you show me around?"

Yu Dong scratched his head and said, "I don't know if President Yang and the others will look for me today."

"What about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow... Teacher Cheng, won't you go back?"

"It's hard to come here, I want to go shopping nearby, otherwise it's a pity."

"That's right." Yu Dong pondered: "Then I'll go back and ask President Yang and the others. I'll go find you after the matter is over, okay?"

"it is good."

"Which room are you in?"


"Well, I'll find you later and give you an answer. But if I don't have time today, I suggest you go around Rongcheng by yourself first. I'm not very familiar with this place either." After speaking, Yu Dong got up and left with a smile.

Then Yu Dong found Yang Xiao and the others, but learned that they hadn't read the manuscript yet.

"You two were so tough last night, you insisted on taking the manuscript, and now you tell me that you haven't read it?" Yu Dong patted his forehead speechlessly.

Yang Xiao smiled embarrassingly: "Blame me, Lao Tan wanted to read the manuscript last night, but I didn't give it to him, so I took the manuscript back to the room by myself. I wanted to read it, but when I got the manuscript, I was too sleepy I got up this morning and have a lot of things to arrange, and I just sent Harold and the others away."

"Okay, then you guys read the manuscript first, I'll walk around Rongcheng."

As soon as Tan Kai heard that Yu Dong was walking around in Rongcheng, he immediately said, "If you want to play in Rongcheng, I will be your guide."

"What kind of guide, Lao Tan, you are the editor-in-chief, so you are not allowed to read this manuscript?" Yang Xiao said.

"Then I'll read the manuscript, President Yang, take Yu Dong for a stroll."

"I'm also busy with a lot of things. Yu Dong can do it by himself, right?" Yang Xiao looked at Yu Dong with a smile.

"Well, don't bother." Yu Dong said.

After Yu Dong left, Tan Kai looked at Yang Xiao inexplicably, "President Yang, this is not your style, didn't you say last time that you will take him to have fun in Rongcheng when he comes? Why do you leave him alone? went?"

"What kind of person? Is Yu Dong the kind of active person? He suddenly proposed to go out for a stroll. He must be with someone."

"You mean that Teacher Hu?"

Yang Xiao pursed her lips and smiled, she felt that it didn't make much sense with old Tan.

She was very impressed by Mr. Cheng yesterday. At that time, Mr. Cheng looked at Yu Dong with obviously wrong eyes, and he came all the way to see the Galaxy Awards. There must be something wrong with the two of them.


Leaving from Yang Xiao and the others, Yu Dong went back to his room first. After thinking about it, he still thought it would be better to tell Hu Changqing about his going out with Cheng Yanqiu.

After all, the two of them came here together, and he ran out by himself, leaving Lao Hu alone in the room is too unreasonable.

But when he got to the room, he didn't see Lao Hu, only a note on the table.

"Little Yu, I'm going out to catch up with my old classmates, and I won't be coming back for dinner tonight."

Seeing the note, Yu Dong laughed, well, fortunately, he still thought that it would be unethical to leave Lao Hu alone in the hotel, but he didn't expect Lao Hu to leave him here first.

That being the case, Yu Dong went to 412 to find Cheng Yanqiu, planning to take her out for a walk.

After Cheng Yanqiu opened the door, Yu Dong was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Cheng Yanqiu to change his clothes in such a short time.

He wore a white short-sleeved shirt on his upper body, a pair of sunglasses hung on his chest, and his usually tied hair was loosely loose.She wore a pair of denim shorts, revealing her slender and well-proportioned legs, which were so unrealistically well-proportioned that it was hard to move her eyes away.

And Yu Dong was a little uncertain, as if she had put on makeup.

I don't know if it's because the hair is loose or the color of the lips has changed, but Yu Dong feels that today's Cheng Yanqiu is much softer than before.

"Have you arranged things over there?"

"It's arranged." Yu Dong nodded.

"Then let's go."

Cheng Yanqiu came out, and closed the door neatly.

Yu Dong stared at the slightly trembling "412" house number, then turned his head to look at Cheng Yanqiu, who had already walked a while, and touched his forehead: It must have been an illusion just now, she was not gentle at all.

 Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
  Thanks to [Photographer Gordon] for the 3000 reward
  Thank you [asiyo] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Yu Jinnian] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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