Chapter 145
Yu Dong is not a good tour guide.

He took Cheng Yanqiu out of the Jinjiang Hotel, walked along the Funan River for a long time, and watched the renovation project of the Funan River for a long time.

During this time, the Funan River is being remodeled, so there is nothing to see.

After walking a little further, they saw someone driving ducks in a small boat in the river, and the two of them stared at each other for a long time.Such a scene is hard to see in Jinling, after all, the Qinhuai River does not allow people to raise ducks.

They also went to Tianfu Square in the middle, wanting to go shopping, but there were too many people, and the two were squeezed out of the crowd.

Originally, Yu Dong wanted to take Cheng Yanqiu to the night market on Chunxi Road at night, but after inquiring, he found out that the night market on Chunxi Road was not open yet.

The Kuanzhai Alley has not yet been remodeled, that is, two alleys with a bit of history, and there is nowhere to hide from the sun when walking in the middle.

Until the evening, the two of them dragged their four tired legs to the teahouse in the People's Park.

It was the time when there were many people, but they still found a seat in the gazebo.

The teahouse was very lively, most of them were locals, and at the table next to Yu Dong and the others, a few old men were playing cards, but the cards in their hands were a bit strange, similar in shape to the small cards played by the locals in Jinling, but It is much longer than the small card, almost a stroke long.

Many other tables are playing this card, which shows that this card is very popular in the local area.

Yu Dong wanted to study the rules, but the local dialect sounded too difficult, so he gave up after listening for a while.

After Cheng Yanqiu sat down, he lightly hammered his legs with his hands, his face was flushed, and a lot of sweat dripped out.

Seeing that she was very tired, Yu Dong apologized slightly: "It's because I don't know much about Rongcheng, so I took you on a lot of wrong roads."

Cheng Yanqiu shook his head with a smile, "I think it's pretty good. Every step I took today gave me a better understanding of the city, and it's not a waste of time."

Hearing Cheng Yanqiu's words, Yu Dong was a little surprised. Cheng Yanqiu is really different now, not only in how he dresses, but also how he feels. He is much more positive than before.

Yu Dong smiled, "Actually, in a few years, Rongcheng should be more fun. There should be all that should be there, and all that should be kept should still be there. This city has its unique charm. This kind of charm It is created by thousands of years of culture."

"In a few years..." Cheng Yanqiu looked at Yu Dong with piercing eyes, "Will we still come here together at that time?"

Will it?

Yu Dong didn't know, just like he didn't know how he felt about Cheng Yanqiu.He has a good impression of Cheng Yanqiu, otherwise he would not have agreed to come out with her, but this good feeling is still at the stage of wanting to know her.

As for going further, Yu Dong hadn't thought about it yet.

"The tea is here."

At this time, the waiter came over with tea.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Let's drink tea."

After a long time, neither of them spoke.

After walking for a day, they are very tired. Now they drink a sip of tea in this noisy teahouse, and slowly drive away the exhaustion from their bodies.

After the mind slowly calmed down, the voice in the ear gradually became clearer, and it was no longer so noisy, and the local accent that I could not understand became more interesting.

But in this foreign land, everything around here seems to be far away from them and has nothing to do with them.In this small world, at least for this moment, the two of them were squeezed together by everything that was right in front of them.

When it was getting dark, Yu Dong put down his teacup, "Let's go, go eat, and come back later when I have time."

Cheng Yanqiu laughed, instead of asking when she would come again, she followed Yu Dong with her hands behind her back.


After finishing dinner, the two strolled around the People's Park.

Walking to an open area, a group of teenage students were playing football on the side of the road. Yu Dong and the others stopped to watch for a while, and a student missed and kicked the ball to their side.

They just yelled this way, all speaking in local dialect, but they could understand the general meaning, and asked Yu Dong and the others to help pick up the ball.

Yu Dong was about to pick it up, but Cheng Yanqiu stopped him, "I'll do it."

With that said, she walked to the side of the ball.

It wasn't over yet, she took a few steps back, then ran up, raised her foot, and the ball drew an arc in the air and flew towards the group of students.

After receiving the ball, the students gave Cheng Yanqiu a thumbs up noisily, and then started playing again.

Yu Dong looked at Cheng Yanqiu who was standing still after returning the ball, and walked over strangely, "Are you okay, I just saw that you were on your toes..."

"It hurts!" Cheng Yanqiu supported Yu Dong and raised his right foot.

Feeling angry and funny, Yu Dong helped her to the bench next to her and sat down, "I thought you were a master, but I didn't expect you to be so good at all. Who plays football with toes. You take off your shoes, and I'll give them to you." Take a look."

While taking off his shoes, Cheng Yanqiu endured the pain and asked, "If you don't use your toes, then why?"

"You are still concerned about this kind of technical issue... If you poke the ball too hard with your toe, it is very likely that you will break your toe. You should still worry about your toe."

Yu Dong frightened her, then looked at her feet, which looked normal, and pressed her big toe joints with his hands.

Cheng Yanqiu gasped, "It hurts."

Yu Dong raised his eyes and looked at her: "There shouldn't be a broken bone. Go back and apply some ice, and you'll be fine after a rest. Will you show off in the future?"

"I want to try new things more, because I haven't played football before, so I want to play."

The meaning of these words is: dare in the future.

She put on her shoes, tried to walk two steps, but ran back to sit down because of the pain.

Yu Dong sighed, took a stride in front of her, and said, "Come on."


Yu Dong pointed to his back, "Get on the horse and carry it to the main road for you. Let's find a car to go back. Can you walk?"

Cheng Yanqiu burst out laughing, "Do you think you are a horse?"

Even so, she obediently lay on Yu Dong's back.Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief and stood up, "Hey, I can't tell, Comrade Yanqiu, you are quite heavy."

"That's lucky for you, Comrade Yu Dong."

Cheng Yanqiu was a little cautious at first, and kept a little distance from Yu Dong with his upper body, but then he relaxed, and simply buried his head in Dong's neck.

Fortunately, it is very cool at night, otherwise, if they are pasted together like this, they will soon break out in sweat.

She put her ear on the back of Dong's neck and listened to his breathing and heartbeat. Because Yu Dong was walking with someone on his back, his heartbeat gradually accelerated. After listening for a while, his heartbeat also accelerated, and the frequency of the two hearts became more and more similar In the end, she couldn't hear Yu Dong's heartbeat or her own heartbeat, only the sound of a heartbeat remained.

At this moment, the whole world seems to have only this heartbeat.

"Comrade Yanqiu, aren't you from the vocal music department? Sing a song." Yu Dong broke the silence between the two.

"What are you singing?"

"Sing what you're good at."

Cheng Yanqiu thought for a while and said, "My best is "Singing the Motherland", do you want to listen to it?"

"Uh... Let's change it to another one. I'll listen to this song after the National Day."

Cheng Yanqiu smiled and asked, "Do you speak Cantonese?"

Yu Dong shook his head, "No."

"Then I'll sing a Cantonese song for you."


Cheng Yanqiu cleared his throat and spoke slowly——

"Passing by
mysterious and beautiful

it's like a sudden rain

I can't help but look up at you

you keep your mind to yourself

even in silence
I deeply remember
Your eyes

From the very beginning, Yu Dong felt that this song was a bit familiar. When he heard this, he finally remembered that the tune of this song is exactly the same as Cai Qin's "Your Eyes".

Yu Dong didn't understand Cantonese very well, so he couldn't tell whether Cheng Yanqiu's singing was standard or not, but her singing was completely different from Cai Qin's, not so deep, and had a special flavor.

If Cai Qin is talking in a low voice, eloquently, as if recalling the past, then Cheng Yanqiu's singing has more appeals, as if talking about the present.

She is worthy of being a vocal teacher, lying on Dong's back like this, she can sing very steadily.

After singing a song, Yu Dong felt unsatisfied, "Can I sing it again?"

Cheng Yanqiu rubbed his face against Yudong's back, and said softly: "Next time, I'm a little tired, I need to take a nap for a while."

Yu Dong smiled and shook his head, then lifted Cheng Yanqiu up and walked towards the main road.


After returning to the hotel, Yu Dong asked the hotel for some ice cubes to apply to Cheng Yanqiu's toes, and then went back to his room.

After Yu Dong left, Cheng Yanqiu felt a little hot when he thought about what happened today.

She has never taken the initiative like today, everything is like a dream.

Just like what is sung in the lyrics - even if I keep silent, I will always remember it deeply.

She touched her injured toe again, and it hurt a little, but this accidental injury brought their relationship closer.

"Thank you, Miss Thumb."

After saying this to her toes, she felt like she was hysterical again, and burst out laughing.


Yu Dong returned to the room, Lao Hu hadn't come back yet, he was about to take a bath when Tan Kai knocked on his door.

"Passing by, I saw a little light shining through your door, so I tried to knock on the door." Tan Kai walked into the room with a smile, "I'm still wondering if it's you or Mr. Hu who's back."

"Have you finished reading the manuscript?" Yu Dong poured two cups of tea, gave Tan Kai a cup, and kept a cup for himself.

"After reading it, you're developing in the direction of biotechnology this time. But it involves a lot of sensitive content. I can't make the decision. President Yang has to make the decision." Tan Kai said.

Yu Dong nodded, Tan Kai said he also expected, this novel alludes to a lot of things, it is more sensitive.

If it's not science fiction, but pure literature, this sensitive content is nothing at all.Even for "Harvest" and "Zhong Shan", these are not considered sensitive content.

But sci-fi is not good. There are lessons learned from the past, and magazines are naturally cautious.

At this time, Tan Kai said again: "Yu Dong, have you ever thought about not serializing, but directly publishing a booklet?"

Yu Dong took a sip of water, looked at Tan Kai, "Is there such an idea in the club?"

Tan Kai nodded: "This is my personal opinion. "Second World" has not been serialized yet. If there is another 40-word novel, it may be okay now, but wait for your other works after a while. Come out, it’s not easy to get on.”

Yu Dong thought for a while and asked, "Is there such a condition now?"

It is not easy to publish a single volume. A 40-word novel requires a lot of work in the early stage. If only a few thousand copies are printed, even the cost will not be recovered.

Over the past year, domestic science fiction has indeed received more attention, but it is still doubtful whether it can support the market for full-length novels.

"I'm not sure, but I think it's worth a try to take advantage of the heat of the Galaxy Awards and the promotion of "World of Science Fiction". If Chinese science fiction wants to develop, the road of novels must be let's go."

Tan Kai took a sip of tea and continued: "Before Jimmy told us that the English version of "Second World" was going to be published, we were thinking of publishing the Chinese version along with it. But now that the new book is out, I think maybe This plan can be advanced."

"If it's a booklet, don't you also go to Sichuan Shu People's Publishing House?" Yu Dong asked.

"Well, that's right, but compared to directly finding the publishing house, if you cooperate with us, "Science Fiction World" will become your publicity channel. The current "Science Fiction World" has at least 10,000 to [-] readers for each issue. Wait until When this book is published, there may be more than [-]. [-]+ sci-fi readers, such targeted publicity is definitely beyond the reach of the publishing house.”

Hearing Tan Kai's words, Yu Dong smiled: "Editor Tan, neither of us is a business person. And for the booklet, Sister Xiao will finally make the decision. How about this, I will take my agent there tomorrow In the club, let's sit down and have a good chat."

"Agent?" Tan Kai was taken aback for a moment, and then realized, "You mean Jimmy? He officially became your agent?"

"That's right, so if you have any business matters in the future, it's best for you to talk to Jimmy. Let's talk less about business matters when we are together. It would be nice to drink tea and chat." Yu Dong raised his hand Teacup, laughed.

Tan Kai also raised his teacup helplessly. He knew that talking to Jimmy was completely different from talking to Yu Dong. Jimmy was a businessman, and he couldn't play the emotional card with him.

It is understandable for Yu Dong to do so. Although writer agents are not common in China, Tan Kai and the others all know that there is such a profession.Having an agent who can help writers handle mundane affairs can greatly free up writers' own time, allowing them to focus on writing.

Now that Yu Dong said so, Tan Kai stopped talking about business, but talked about works.

At home and even abroad, there is no in-depth exploration of biopunk, so Tan Kai is very interested in biopunk, especially the bioenergy described in the book.

After talking about bioenergy, he talked about climate change and sea level rise...

At the end, he suddenly patted his forehead, "By the way, is this book named? I haven't found it after searching for a long time."

"Not yet, I also want to ask your opinions when I come here this time."

Holding a teacup, Tan Kai paced back and forth in the room a few times, and then mentioned the title of the book: "How about the last city?"

"The last city?"

Tan Kai waved his hand again, "Forget it, let's talk about the name tomorrow."

 Thank you [Shuiwuyuehua] for the 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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