Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 146 Long Chapter and Middle Chapter

Chapter 146 Novel and Novel

The next day, Yu Dong took Jimmy to the magazine office and had a cordial and friendly negotiation with Yang Xiao and Tan Kai.

However, there was no agreement on the day, and the difference between the two parties still lies in the remuneration.

The magazine hoped to pay the remuneration for this edition in one lump sum, but Jimmy proposed the form of royalties.

The so-called royalties mean that the author directly gets a commission from the book price, and the author's income is directly linked to the royalty point and the number of copies printed by the publishing house.

A book is 15 yuan, the first printing is [-] copies, and the royalties are [-] points. The guaranteed minimum income of the author is [-].

This method is very popular abroad, but few people do it in China, and everyone settles in the form of remuneration.

In the form of royalties, publishers can reduce their own risk, but also reduce possible profits.

The magazine came up with [-] yuan to buy it directly, and converted it into the form of royalties, that is, the book price was [-] points, and [-] copies were printed, and the royalties were [-] points.

But Yang Xiao did not agree to the proposal of [-] copies for the first print and [-] points in royalties, which meant that she believed that more than [-] copies of this book should be printed in the future.

Later, after Yang Xiao went to talk to the publishing house, he agreed to the proposal.

She should have negotiated the terms with the publishing house and felt that she could make money in the form of royalties, so she agreed.


Although Cheng Yanqiu's toe injury is not serious, it is not suitable for long-distance walking. He has been moving around the hotel for the past two days.

Hu Changqing didn't return to the hotel for two days, and on the third day, when Yu Dongzheng was worried that something might happen, he came back.

"Secretary Hu, if you don't come back, I will call the police."

Hu Changqing waved his hands awkwardly, "The kindness of the old classmate is hard to get rid of, and it took some time. He is also a good drinker. I have been drunk by him for the past two days, and I forgot to call you to talk about it."

"It's fine, I'm going back to Shanghai tomorrow, how about you?" Yu Dong asked, and then he added, "I've already bought my ticket."

"I'll go back too. I'll go to the station to buy a ticket in the afternoon, and I'll come back when I buy it."

While the two were talking, Cheng Yanqiu walked in bouncing.

"Secretary Hu." Cheng Yanqiu greeted with a smile.

Seeing Cheng Yanqiu's smile, Hu Changqing's expression froze for a moment, and then he replied: "Xiao Cheng, what's wrong with your foot?"

"Accidentally touched it, it's almost ready. Let's talk, I'll go back first." After speaking, Cheng Yanqiu walked out again with a jump.

After Cheng Yanqiu left for a long time, Hu Changqing rubbed his head, "Have I lost my mind after drinking these two days? Why does Xiao Cheng seem to be a different person, I almost didn't dare to admit it just now."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Maybe it's more fun to come to Rongcheng to play."

Hu Changqing couldn't think of other reasons, nodded and said: "It seems that Rongcheng is really attractive, and I have indulged a bit since I came here."

Yu Dong glanced at Hu Changqing with a smile, and said in his heart that you are more than a little indulgent, you are simply indulgent.


The next day, Yu Dong went to the train station with Cheng Yanqiu and took the same bus.

Lao Hu was not very lucky. He didn't get a train ticket for the next day, so he had to stay in Rongcheng for an extra day.

Cheng Yanqiu is in the lower berth, and Yu Dong is in the middle berth.

The middle and lower berths on the opposite side are a young couple, who seem to be students, and they also got on the bus from Rongcheng.

At the beginning, Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu were sitting on the lower bunk reading a book, and the young man across from him came to talk to him, "Brother, are you also studying in Rongcheng?"

Yu Dong looked up with a smile, "Do you think we look like students?"

"Pretty similar, isn't it?"

"No, we came out to play, and now we are going back."

"It's no fun in Rongcheng." The young man smiled, and then introduced himself: "My name is Lin Kai, and I study at Rongcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology. I have stayed in Rongcheng for two years, and I don't think there is much fun anyway. Maybe you can see the mountains in the surrounding area.”

"Maybe it's because we stayed for a short time, and it feels fresh. And we have a different mentality. You are studying there, but we are here just to play."

"That's true." Lin Kai pointed to "Zhong Shan" in Yu Dong's hand again, "I am very familiar with Zhong Shan magazine. Their office is next to my house. When I was young, I often ran there to play. I'm not bragging to you. , I didn’t need money to read this magazine when I was a child, the magazine is like my family.”

"You are from Jinling."

"Yes, where are you from?"

"I'm from Shanghai."

"Oh, that's farther than us. I almost went to Aurora University at that time, but my grades were a little bit worse, so I didn't make it."

"Rongcheng University of Electronic Science and Technology is also very good."

"It's good, but it's too far away, and it's so troublesome every time I go home. Actually, I still wanted to go to Jinling University, and my score was just a little short..."

Lin Kai is a chatterbox, he babbles on and on as soon as he opens his mouth.If Yu Dong replied one sentence at a time, he would be able to say ten more sentences.

After talking about it, his girlfriend felt a little annoyed, pulling him repeatedly, and he stopped for a while.

After he stopped, Yu Dong looked at the book again, and after finishing "Zhong Shan", he changed to "Harvest".

When Lin Kai saw that Yu Dong had changed to "Harvest", he became excited again.

"The "Harvest" magazine is located in your Shanghai. I have been there before. The office is much more impressive than Zhongshan Magazine. There is a bookstore in front of it. There is no signboard, and the locals don't know about it."

Not to mention, although this Lin Kai likes to brag, he knows a lot of things. The bookstore of the Shanghai Writers Association is indeed unknown to ordinary locals.

"Which of these two magazines do you like the most recently?" Lin Kai asked again.

"I think the novel by Wang Shuo in the last issue was quite good." Yu Dong replied.

"You're talking about "You Are Not a Laity", right? It doesn't make much sense. Wang Shuo just took advantage of Yanjing's spoken language, and it's just fresh to read. Let me tell you, one of the writers in these two magazines recently is It cannot be ignored, that writer is far more profound than Wang Shuo."

Lin Kai's girlfriend finally couldn't bear it at this time, and complained: "Can you stop promoting Yu Dong, I know you love him, but he doesn't necessarily like it."

Cheng Yanqiu was reading seriously at first, when he heard Yu Dong's name, he looked up at Lin Kai and the others with a strange expression, and then at Yu Dong.

After being complained by his girlfriend, Lin Kai laughed and said, "I don't call it selling, it's called sharing. Good things have to be shared with more people."

His girlfriend rolled her eyes and said nothing more, Lin Kai said to Yu Dong with a smile again: "Actually, I don't need to brag, the fact that his novels have been published in these two magazines for several consecutive issues is enough to explain the problem. Even if I No taste, don't editors Su and Cheng also have taste?"

Yu Dong looked at Lin Kai, but he didn't expect that this kid was still his loyal book fan.After thinking about it, he still didn't tell the other party his identity, but said: "Yu Dong is also pretty good, I heard that he is very good-looking in person."


It was Cheng Yanqiu who laughed.

Yu Dong glanced at her, "Why are you laughing, am I wrong?"

Cheng Yanqiu said: "It's not very pretty, I think it's just average."

"Have you met Yu Dong?" Lin Kai looked at Cheng Yanqiu with surprise, "I heard that he is very young, is it true?"

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, "It's about the same as us."

"It really is true." Lin Kai smiled, "Zhang Ailing said that it is necessary to become famous as soon as possible, and Yu Dong still has a lot of opportunities. As for whether he looks good or not, that is secondary. good-looking?"

"Why do you like Yu Dong?" Cheng Yanqiu asked.

"Of course it's because he writes well." Lin Kai replied bluntly.

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "Indeed."

"Beauty, do you like Yu Dong too?" Lin Kai asked.

Cheng Yanqiu glanced at Yu Dong next to him, pursed his lips and said, "I like it too."

"Really." Lin Kai felt that he had found a like-minded, and he was even more excited. "Among the writers in recent years, I feel that his writing style is the smoothest. Of course, the writing style of pure literature is not right, but his works are also very good. It has depth, and the narrative perspective also gives people a special feeling. Take the two issues of "Lu Xiulan" serialized in "Zhongshan" as an example, what kind of scar literature, what reflection literature, what pioneer literature, people are honest Realistic literature can really touch people's hearts. Don't look at Yu Dong as young, he must be a very traditional person in his bones. Of course, I'm not saying that he has no innovations. In fact, the previous "Widow's Story" There are many innovations in "Death"..."

Yu Dong felt quite embarrassed to be praised at such a close distance. The problem was that he had missed the opportunity to reveal his identity, and it was hard to tell Lin Kai that he was Yu Dong now.

Cheng Yanqiu on the side looked like he was enjoying the show, and occasionally covered his mouth secretly for fun.

Fortunately, Lin Kai is also a body of flesh and blood, so he couldn't talk anymore after talking about it, and he really stopped.

When the train arrived in Jinling, Lin Kai and Cheng Yanqiu were about to get off, so Yu Dong gave Lin Kai the "Zhong Shan" they were reading, "It's fate to meet each other once, this book is for you. Remember it."

Lin Kai was not polite. After receiving the book, he smiled and said, "If there is a chance, I will give you a copy when we meet again next time. I have the autographed magazine of Su Tong, the editor-in-chief of Zhongshan Magazine, and there are still two copies."

"Then I've made a lot of money." Yu Dong said with a smile.

"Haha, it's trivial, it's fate." Lin Kai waved his hand and said seriously, "You must pay more attention to Yu Dong, he is really good."

"Ahem, I will try to pay attention to him every day." Then he said to Cheng Yanqiu, "I should be home at noon, you can call me then."

"Okay, be careful on the road."


Yu Dong arrived home at eleven o'clock in the noon, and received a call from Cheng Yanqiu not long after returning home. The two chatted for a while, and hung up the phone when they knew that they had reached home safely.

After lunch at noon, Yu Dong got some sleep and received another call.

"Hi, is this Yu Dong? I'm Yu Hua."

Yu Hua's call surprised Yu Dong.

"Brother Yu Hua, why do you have my phone number?"

"I asked Su Tong what he wanted. I have something to go to Shanghai in a few days. I know you are in Shanghai, so I called and told you that if you have time, we can meet." Yu Hua said.

Yu Dong suddenly remembered something, and said with a smile, "You are going to "Harvest"."

"How do you know?" Yu Hua was a little surprised.

"Who doesn't know about your relationship with "Harvest"?"

"Haha, that's right, I have a new work, and I'm going to show it to the magazine."

"When did you buy the ticket? I'll pick you up at the station then."

Yu Hua replied, "I haven't bought a ticket yet, I'm planning to go to the station tomorrow morning to have a look. I don't need you to pick me up. It's not the first time I've been to Shanghai, so I'll go directly to the magazine office."

"Don't be too polite with me, tell me after you buy the ticket. You don't need to look for a place to live, I'll arrange it for you." Yu Dong smiled brightly, and took over the matter of Yu Hua's accommodation.

"I'm going to contact Ge Fei later."

"It's okay, I'm familiar with Brother Ge Fei. After you come, let's have a meal together. Although Ge Fei is a few years older than me, he is not as familiar as I am in Shanghai."

Seeing Yu Dong's enthusiasm, Yu Hua agreed, "Then I will trouble you."

"Whether it's troublesome or not, that's out of the question."

Afterwards, the two chatted for a few more words before hanging up the phone.

The next day, Yu Hua called again and told Yu Dong the train number and time.

On the day Yu Hua came, Yu Dong booked Yu Hua a room at a hotel near the Writers Association, and then went to the train station to pick him up.

When he received Yu Hua, he looked haggard and tired, as if he hadn't slept for a long time.

But the cigarette in his hand did not break.

"I almost couldn't bear it when I got out of the car just now, so I just rely on this to refresh myself." Yu Hua raised the cigarette in her hand, and said gratefully: "Yu Dong, thank you very much."

Yu Dong waved his hand, "You're welcome, let's have a meal first, and then you go to the hotel to take a rest, your current state is not suitable for a magazine office."

"It's useless to go now. My appointment with Balao is tomorrow afternoon. He probably isn't in the club now."

"Then put your mind at ease and take a good rest. In the evening, I called a few friends to have dinner together." Then Yu Dong added, "They are all acquaintances, Ge Fei, Chief Editor Cheng, and Teacher Sun Ganlu."

Yu Hua smiled, "I'm also looking for them this time."

Afterwards, Yu Dong took Yu Hua to have a meal first, and then went to the hotel to rest.

Before Yu Hua went to sleep, Yu Dong asked for the manuscript of his new book, and read it while Yu Hua was sleeping.

It is indeed "Alive".

And it's still a medium-length version of "To Live", with a total of [-] to [-] words, which is the same as the one published in "Harvest" in Yu Dong's impression.

The overall narrative of the novella "To Live" is similar to that of the full-length novel "To Live", except that the description of the two periods of wg and dyj should be less ink, and the intersection of the two narratives should be less than half.

The former is the difference in the content of the story, while the latter is the difference in the narrative means.

From Yu Dong's point of view, the latter has a greater influence on the whole work.Because the intersection of dual narratives and the pause of narrative greatly affect the rhythm of the story.

It is precisely because of this that Yu Dong believes that the novel "To Live" is far inferior to the novel "To Live".

(End of this chapter)

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