Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 147 You Are My Benefactor

Chapter 147 You Are My Benefactor
After Yu Hua woke up, she didn't see Yu Dong, so she went to wash her face, then sat on the edge of the bed and lit a cigarette.

Before finishing a cigarette, Yu Dong opened the door and came in.

"You're awake." Yu Dong smiled.

Yu Hua nodded, "I just woke up, I haven't finished my cigarette yet, what time is it?"

He looked outside, it was already dark, it seemed that he had slept for a long time.

Yu Dong looked at his watch, "At [-]:[-], Editor-in-Chief Cheng and the others are at the hotel, let's meet up right away."

When he heard that it was already seven twenty, Yu Hua rubbed his head and quickly put out his cigarette: "You should wake me up earlier, it would be bad to keep them waiting."

"Aren't I coming back to call you now? They just arrived not too long ago. It's summer, you don't have to eat too early." Yu Dong laughed.

Immediately, the two left the hotel and walked towards the hotel.

When we got to the box, the inside was already filled with smoke.

After Yu Hua passed by, he immediately joined the formation. Three bongs became four, and the clouds in the sky became thicker.

We all know that Yu Dong doesn't smoke, so naturally no one will give him a cigarette, but Yu Dong himself took out a handful of sunflower seeds from his pocket, and started to nibble with a smile.

Several other people were chatting, seeing Yu Dong's actions, their eyes stared straight.

Cheng Yongxing flicked the cigarette ash and said, "You are not a young man, why do you still carry melon seeds with you?"

Yu Dong said with a smile, "Every time you smoke and I don't smoke, then I must find something to do."

Ge Fei glanced at Yu Dong's swollen pockets, and joked: "You are quite well prepared. The so-called happiness alone is not as good as the joy of the crowd. You should donate your melon seeds and share them with everyone."

Yu Dong quickly covered his pockets, "I don't want to do this, I don't smoke your cigarettes, and you don't want to eat my melon seeds."

Seeing the funny appearance of Yu Dong protecting the melon seeds, Sun Ganlu said with a smile, "Stop teasing him, let him smoke. He has something to do, and we can smoke with peace of mind."

"That's right, I brought melon seeds mainly for your consideration."

After a few jokes, everyone shifted the topic to Yu Hua.

Ge Fei smiled and said, "Yu Hua, didn't you say you wrote a new manuscript, why didn't you bring it for us to see?"

"What kind of manuscripts are you talking about during the meal? His manuscripts must be in the hotel room. After dinner, let's go and read them together." Cheng Yongxing said with a smile, and then looked at Yu Dong: "Have you already seen it first? How about it?"

"very good."

"this one?"

"this one."

"Forget it, let's take a look later." Cheng Yongxing waved his hand, and then said to Yu Hua, "Did you tell me on the phone that the manuscript involved some sensitive content?"

Yu Hua nodded, "There are some, so take it to "Harvest" to have a look. If you don't publish "Harvest", then it's useless to find other magazines."

Hearing Yu Hua's words, the others nodded.

On this point, "Harvest" does have an advantage, and the reason why it has this advantage is because their editor-in-chief is called Ba Jin.

Ba Jin's status is high, and his daughter Li Xiaolin is very courageous, so they dare to publish some sensitive novels. Even if the articles are a little sensitive, if the relevant departments see Balao's name, it's fine, and they don't want to provoke them.

The more Yu Hua said that the content was sensitive, the more curious Ge Fei and the others were aroused.

In order to see Yu Hua's manuscript as soon as possible, several people eat very fast.Yu Dong ordered a large table of food for them, but in the end they finished eating two bowls of rice like fast food, and finally Yu Dong asked the waiter to make several bags.

When he arrived at Yu Hua's room, Cheng Yongxing got the manuscript of "To Live" first, with sharp eyesight and quick hands.

The other two watched eagerly, waiting for him to finish a page before they could read on.

Yu Hua lit a cigarette and sat beside him, pretending not to pay much attention, but the glances he glanced at from time to time betrayed his nervousness.

Yu Dong was completely in the mood of watching a play, and he took out a handful of melon seeds from his pocket. While eating the melon seeds, he admired Cheng Yongxing and the others who were scrambling for manuscripts and Yu Hua watching nervously.

With the reading speed of Cheng Yongxing and the others, the [-]-word manuscript will not take long.

In just over an hour, Cheng Yongxing finished the manuscript first.

He walked up to Yu Hua's side and patted Yu Hua's shoulder, "You're right, no magazine other than our "Harvest" dared to publish this manuscript."

Yu Hua looked up at Cheng Yongxing, "You mean, are you sure you can publish this manuscript for "Harvest"?"

Cheng Yongxing patted Yu Hua's hand and paused, "I'm not sure about that, it depends on what the editor-in-chief thinks, the main reason is that it's too aggressive, at least let Sister Xiaolin see it."

Hearing this, Yu Hua lowered his head again. He knew that Cheng Yongxing should not be able to make the decision, but he still felt disappointed.

Seeing him like this, Yu Dong gave him melon seeds, "It's okay, I think it will work."

Yu Hua took the melon seeds and smiled at Dong. Although he knew that Yu Dong was just comforting him, he should relax.

As for the melon seeds that Yu Dong gave him, he kept holding them in his hand and didn't eat them.

After a while, Ge Fei and Sun Ganlu also read the manuscripts one after another.

Ge Fei let out a long sigh of relief, and praised: "Wonderful."

Sun Ganlu agreed: "It's really wonderful. This novel is written very boldly and deeply. I think Yu Hua is at the forefront of literature again this time."

Both spoke highly of the book, but expressed some concern about its fate.They are also not sure whether this manuscript will be published in "Harvest".

Although "Harvest" has always been bold in style, there are times when it fails to draft.

"Even if it doesn't pass the draft, it's not in vain to get your approval." Yu Hua said with a smile.

Although Yu Hua said so, everyone knew that he was comforting himself.Which writer doesn't want his work to be published and to meet the public?

If he could really be so free and easy, he wouldn't have to travel all the way here, he could just send the manuscript to the magazine and wait for the news in Yanjing.

However, Ge Fei and the others didn't say any more words of comfort, they just started discussing the book "To Live".

After chatting for more than two hours, it was almost midnight before the three of them bid farewell and left.

After they left, Yu Hua asked Yu Dong while collecting the manuscript, "You don't seem to have talked much about this manuscript today, but I think you should have something to say."

Yu Dong did have something to say, but he kept thinking about whether he should say it.

"To Live" was originally going to be a feature-length novel, and Zhang Yimou was the key person to become a feature-length novel.

Zhang Yimou wanted to make a movie, so he suggested that Yu Hua expand the writing, and finally the novel "To Live" with more than [-] words was produced.

But because of Yu Dong's arrival, Zhang Yimou is busy preparing for the filming of "Death of a Widow" and has no time to find Yu Hua.

Then it is very likely that there will be no longer "To Live" in this world.

After pondering for a while, Yu Dong finally said, "I have a little idea."

Yu Hua stopped what she was doing, looked at Yu Dong seriously, and waited for his next words.Perhaps it was precisely because Yu Dong had said too little before that Yu Hua was particularly concerned about Yu Dong's thoughts at the moment.

Yu Dong pointed to the chair, "Sit down and chat."

Seeing what Yu Dong meant, the conversation couldn't be finished in one or two sentences, so Yu Hua pulled up a chair and sat down, then took out a cigarette, and got ready to have a detailed talk with Yu Dong.

But after lighting the cigarette, he got up and went to the window to open it wider, so that the smoke in the room could escape as quickly as possible.He himself leaned against the window sill, spitting the smoke out of the window.

"I think "To Live" can be written a little more." Yu Dong said.

"Addition?" Yu Hua sniffed, "Which part do you think is too thin?"

"It's not thin, I just think that some places can be added to improve the fluency of the whole story, such as..."

Yu Dong compared the two versions of "To Live", and then talked to Yu Hua according to his own ideas.

"For example, at the beginning of the description about going to the countryside, you can write a little about the characteristic events in the countryside. It doesn't have to be a lot of ink. A few strokes can bring unexpected changes."

"Another example is wg and dyj, the transition is a bit hasty..."

"And Fengxia, you wrote that she got married at the age of 35, but I don't think it is necessary to specifically describe the age of the character. To give readers an overall impression that she has always been young and young, then her death will also bring Come more shocks."

"And Jiazhen..."

Yu Hua guessed that Yu Dong would chat a lot, but he never expected that Yu Dong would chat in such detail.

Can this be done after only reading the manuscript once?

I can keep up with Yu Dong's thinking because I wrote this book by myself, but what about Yu Dong?How good his memory must be to remember all these plots.

And the key problem was that Yu Hua actually felt that everything Yu Dong said was correct.

He was distressed before, and when he wrote this novel, he always felt that something was missing, but every time the missing thing hovered in his mind, he could vaguely see it, but he couldn't see it clearly.

Now Yu Dong seemed to lift off the layer of tulle in his mind, allowing him to see clearly.

After Dong finished speaking, Yu Hua rubbed her hands and walked up and down the room, her whole body in a state of excitement.

"That's great, that's great, you seem to have opened up the two veins of Ren and Du for me, and made me suddenly enlightened." Yu Hua couldn't help but press Yu Dong's shoulder, and said excitedly, "Yu Dong, You are simply my benefactor!"

Yu Hua's eyes were burning hot, and the hands holding Yu Dong were even slightly trembling.

"I just said a little idea, I hope it will be useful to you."

Yu Hua let go of Yu Dong's shoulders, and walked back and forth in the room again, "It's so useful! A lot of things popped up in my mind at once, no, I'm going to write them down now."

As soon as he said it, Yu Hua immediately took out a pen and paper, and then leaned down on the table to write, completely ignoring Yu Dong beside him.

 Thank you [Confused] Big Brother for the 2000 reward
  Thank you for the 500 reward of [Rosemary Xiao Beast]
  Thank you [Rong Shuyou] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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