Chapter 148
After asking Yu Hua for a pot of hot water, and then pouring him a cup of tea, Yu Dong returned to his room. During this time, Yu Hua didn't even lift his head. He focused all his attention on writing. among.

After returning to his room, Yu Dong didn't take a break and started his own writing.

The last part of "Chaos Diary" was about to be finished, and just in time for Yu Hua's arrival, Yu Dong brought the manuscript to the hotel, where he was going to finish the follow-up work.

Yu Dong originally thought that he would be able to fall asleep in a short time, but he also entered the state of writing. He not only finished the first draft, but also took the time to go through the previous drafts again.

It wasn't until four o'clock in the morning that Yu Dong put down the pen in his hand.

When he came back to his senses, he felt that subconsciously he wanted to compete with Yu Hua.

If Yu Hua can stay up for his works, he can naturally too.

But he still couldn't get over Yu Hua in the end. After putting down his pen, Yu Dong took a special look at Yu Hua. This guy was actually still writing, and he didn't seem to be tired at all.

Yu Dong reminded him: "You also go to bed early, don't forget that you have to go to the magazine office in the afternoon."

Yu Hua hummed, but didn't make any other reactions.

Yu Dong was too sleepy and couldn't control him, so he didn't say anything.

"He slept in during the day, it's not fair."

Yu Dong found a reason for his failure in this competition, and then went to take a shower and go to sleep.


Yu Dong was awakened by a knock on the door.

There was a hasty knock on the door from outside, and Yu Dong vaguely heard that it should be Yu Hua's door next door.

He got up and opened the door to go out, only to see Cheng Yongxing and another middle-aged lady standing at Yu Hua's door, and Cheng Yongxing was knocking on the door.

"What are you?" Yu Dong rubbed his eyes and asked.

Cheng Yongxing knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered, seeing Yu Dong now, he hurriedly asked, "Yu Dong, you live next door, where is Yu Hua?"

"Yu Hua?" Yu Dong looked at his watch, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, "Shouldn't he..."

Yu Dong originally wanted to say that Yu Hua should go to the magazine office to find Lao Ba, but then he suddenly realized that since Cheng Yongxing came to find someone, Yu Hua must not have gone.

Thinking of this, Yu Dong woke up suddenly, and he hurried back to his room to find Yu Hua's room card.

Don't let anything happen to Yu Hua, he was so excited last night, he was still writing when he went to see him at four o'clock.

Opening Yu Hua's room, Yu Dong went in and looked at the table, there was no one there, and then looked at the bed, only to see Yu Hua lying on the bed like a dead pig, motionless.

Yu Dong was taken aback when he saw this, and when he was about to go closer to check on Yu Hua's situation, he heard a snoring sound in the room.

Hearing this shout, Yu Dong breathed a sigh of relief, and then couldn't help laughing again.

Cheng Yongxing and the others who followed behind also heard Yu Hua's snoring. Cheng Yongxing rolled his eyes and scolded: "This guy is too outrageous. I made an appointment with Balao. He is fine. He sleeps here, thanks to me. Worrying about him."

Cheng Yongxing was also speechless. Based on his understanding of Yu Hua, this guy should not miss his appointment, at least he would not miss Balao's appointment.

In view of this, Cheng Yongxing and the others were worried that something had happened to Yu Hua, so they ran over to take a look, but they didn't expect this guy to be sleeping.

The middle-aged woman next to him looked at the manuscript on the table and the pile of cigarette butts in the ashtray, and said, "He seems to be staying up all night writing the manuscript."

"Writing a manuscript? Didn't he just finish writing a manuscript?" Cheng Yongxing looked at Yu Dong with doubts, "Yu Dong, do you know what's going on?"

Yu Dong scratched his head and said truthfully: "After you left last night, I talked with him about the new book again. He suddenly had some new ideas to add to the new book, and he was working on this last night."

"That's understandable." The middle-aged woman said with a smile.

Then she said to Yu Dong, "Yu Dong, it's a pleasure to meet you. I wanted to see you last time, but unfortunately I couldn't make it."

Yu Dongzheng was wondering who the other party was, and Cheng Yongxing introduced, "This is Sister Xiaolin."

"Oh, so it's Chief Judge Li." Yu Dong greeted with a smile, "Chief Judge Li is much younger than I thought."

Li Xiaolin also smiled, "You are more talkative than I imagined, let's go, let's sit in your room, Yu Hua, let him sleep for a while."

"Okay——" Yu Donggang said a good word, then remembered that he was only wearing a bathrobe, and hurriedly said: "Give me 2 minutes, I will change clothes."

Two minutes later, Yu Dong opened the door and invited Cheng Yongxing and the others into the room.

After entering the room, Li Xiaolin saw the manuscripts piled up on the table at a glance, and asked, "Did you stay up late last night to write?"

"That's right." Yu Dong nodded, "After I finished here at four o'clock, I went to check on Yu Hua. He was still writing at that time."

"You are also very hardworking." Li Xiaolin leaned closer to the manuscript and looked at it again, "Have you finished the manuscript? Have you talked to any magazine?"

Yu Dong waved his hand, "That's not true, but my manuscript is a sci-fi novel, so it should be submitted to "Science Fiction World."

Li Xiaolin was not surprised to hear that Yu Dong was writing science fiction. Cheng Yongxing had told her about this before.

Cheng Yongxing originally wanted to ask if he could read it, but when he heard it was science fiction, he lost interest, but Li Xiaolin pointed to the manuscript and asked Yu Dong: "Can I have a look?"

"Of course." Yu Dong nodded. Although he didn't know why Li Xiaolin was interested in science fiction, it didn't hurt to show her the manuscript.

Then Yu Dong poured a glass of water for each of them, "Sit down for a while, I'll go wash up, this unkempt man is really rude."

Cheng Yongxing said with a smile: "Would you like to have a meal? I think you have been sleeping until now. I'm afraid you haven't eaten yet."

"It doesn't matter, I'm awake, but my stomach isn't awake yet." Yu Dong smiled and went to the bathroom to wash up.

After he came out, Li Xiaolin was sitting at the table reading the manuscript, while Cheng Yongxing was leaning against the window, smoking an unlit cigarette. He kept flipping the match in his hand, as if he was hesitating when to light it.

Cheng Yongxing glanced at Li Xiaolin who was seriously reading the manuscript, and said to Dong, "Go and get something to eat, I think sister Xiaolin will be here for a while."

Yu Dong rubbed his belly, he was indeed a little hungry, so he nodded with Cheng Yongxing, and then went out to look for food.

When he came back after eating, Li Xiaolin was still reading the manuscript, and Cheng Yongxing was still leaning against the window, with an unlit cigarette in his mouth, but this should not be the previous one, because there was no cigarette ash There were two more cigarette butts in the jar.

Yu Dong grabbed a handful of melon seeds and leaned against the window with Cheng Yongxing on the left and right. The two of them didn't speak, just looked out of the window like this, one smoked and the other cracked melon seeds.

After about an hour, Li Xiaolin finally read the manuscript.She took a long breath, then stretched.

Yu Dong looked at the time, it was almost six o'clock.

"Yu Dong, you must have found a magazine for this novel, right?" Li Xiaolin asked while holding the manuscript.

Yu Dong scratched his head, "Huh?"

"Ah what?" Li Xiaolin laughed, patting the manuscript with her hands, "I asked you if you have found a home for this manuscript, if not, we will use it for "Harvest"."

Hearing what Li Xiaolin said, Yu Dong looked at her in surprise, suspecting that he had heard it wrong.

Cheng Yongxing next to him was even more surprised than Yu Dong, "Sister Xiaolin, did I hear you right, you mean that we "Harvest" will publish a science fiction novel?"

Li Xiaolin picked up his cup and took a sip of water, then waved his hand and said, "It has some fantasy elements, but I think it is suitable for "Harvest". The writing method is very novel, and the social problems disclosed are also very trendy."

Cheng Yongxing ran to get the manuscript in disbelief, flipped it up, "Really?"

"Yes, but don't read it now, and bring the manuscript back—" At this point, she asked Yu Dong's opinion again, "It doesn't matter if we bring the manuscript back to the agency?"

"It's okay, but it's just a first draft."

"The first draft is fine, let Xiao Cheng read it first."

"That's fine."

"Okay, let's go and check on Yu Hua, I don't know if he's awake."

When the three entered Yu Hua's room, he was sitting on the bed in a daze.

When he saw Yu Dong and the others, he asked in surprise, "Mr. Li, why are you here?"

"Why do you think I came here?" Li Xiaolin gave Yu Hua a blank look, "It's already six o'clock in the evening, what time did you make an appointment with my dad?"

Hearing that it was already six o'clock in the evening, Yu Hua jumped out of bed in shock.

When he woke up just now, he saw that the sky outside was "not yet bright", and he didn't turn his head around for a while, and was still confused. Now he finally realized that he had missed the agreement with Balao.

"Don't worry about it now, my dad is already home."

Yu Hua stopped moving, and said apologetically, "I'm really sorry, I didn't know what time I was writing last night, and finally went to bed in a daze, and couldn't remember anything."

"I heard from Yu Dong that you are adding to a new manuscript?" Cheng Yongxing asked.

Speaking of this, Yu Hua became more energetic, and said with dancing: "Yeah, after you left last night, Yu Dong gave me a lot of suggestions. I don’t have a car anymore. Do you know that feeling, like the characters in the book jumped out of the page and told me their stories. They told me to write more here and less there Some. As if I didn't create them, but they themselves created the novel."

What Yu Hua said was mysterious, but Yu Dong and the others said they could understand it.

Sometimes writers encounter this kind of situation when they are creating. The direction of the story is no longer under the author's control, and the characters have their own voices and utter their own cries.

However, this situation only occasionally occurs for a moment.It is relatively rare to see someone as profound as Yu Hua.

"Has the additional writing been completed?" Li Xiaolin asked.

"Not yet, but the added content is already in my heart, it's just that my hands can't keep up with my brain."

Li Xiaolin looked at the manuscript in Cheng Yongxing's hand, then at the manuscript on the table, and said with a smile: "Our trip should be worthwhile."



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(End of this chapter)

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