Chapter 149 Breaking News
Li Xiaolin asked Yu Hua to finish "To Live" with peace of mind for the time being, and then bring it to the agency.

Hearing Li Xiaolin's words, Yu Hua was very relieved. Although the nominal editor-in-chief of "Harvest" is Ba Jin, in fact Li Xiaolin is in charge of everything. She is also the chief judge and deputy editor-in-chief, and Ba Jin's daughter.

Of course, Yu Hua felt very guilty about breaking the appointment this time.

After Li Xiaolin and the others left, Yu Hua was still upset: "I heard that Teacher Ba Jin is not good at walking. He needs crutches when he walks, and he doesn't usually go to the club at all. It's really rare to have the opportunity to meet him this time, but Because I lost it myself."

Ba Jin's health is indeed not good, as Yu Dong had heard from Cheng Yongxing before.Now Ba Jin goes to the magazine office less and less often, and it is difficult to walk even on crutches. Maybe he won't even be able to get out of bed in the near future.

Patting Yu Hua on the shoulder, Yu Dong comforted him and said, "If Teacher Ba Jin knew that you missed the chance to meet him because of your work, he would definitely not blame you. Isn't it because of your work that he is willing to see you?"

Yu Hua raised her head and smiled, "Yu Dong, thank you very much, this time you booked me a room and invited me to dinner again, and if it weren't for you, this book would not have changed so much."

"This is the outside world. It is not easy to create, and everyone supports each other."

Yu Hua leaned back on the chair and was about to take out a cigarette to smoke when she suddenly looked at Yu Dong and put the cigarette back.

Seeing his action, Yu Dong smiled and said, "It doesn't matter if you smoke."

Yu Hua waved his hand, "Forget it, I'll take less. Where are your melon seeds? Do you have any more? Give me some."


Yu Dong went back to his room and brought two red plastic bags, opened them to Yu Hua, "There are melon seeds and peanuts, grab whatever you want."

"Then I won't be polite." Yu Hua smiled and grabbed a handful from each of the two bags: "Cracking melon seeds in summer is quite interesting. I used to only eat melon seeds during the Chinese New Year, just like Mr. Mo Yan." It’s like eating dumplings during Chinese New Year.”

Mo Yan's "Dumpling Freedom" Theory The last time Yu Dong heard Mo Yan say it when he was having dinner together in Yanjing, he said that he wanted to be a writer because others told him that being a writer would allow him to eat dumplings every day.

Then Yu Hua talked about some past things. When he was a child, he liked to go to the morgue when it was hot in summer, because it was the coolest place, and it was a good place to escape the heat.

And he later became a dentist, how many teeth were pulled out, and how many teeth he saw.

The clear sound of cracking melon seeds and peeling peanuts echoed in the room. In this "crackling" mundane rhythm, the two chatted about some mundane things that had nothing to do with Fengyue, which was not interesting.

At eight or nine o'clock, Yu Hua sat down at the table again, and began the additional work of "To Live".

Before leaving, Yu Dong reminded him: "Don't write too late today, the room is extended for you for a week, don't worry."


The next morning, Yu Dong greeted Yu Hua and went home.

As soon as he got home, his mother Qin Fang said to him: "Your elder brother Liu Jiang came to see you yesterday evening, but he didn't see you. He asked when you would come back, but I wasn't sure, so I didn't give him an answer."

Yu Dong fetched water to wash his face in the yard, and asked, "Did you ask me for anything?"

"I didn't say the specifics, but the tone is very important. Oh, by the way, you know he's out of work?"

Yu Dong shook his head unexpectedly, "I don't know, he said it himself yesterday?"

"It's spread all over the village that he was fired. I wanted to ask him last night, but he doesn't look like he was fired. I'm very happy." Qin Fang sighed slightly, "Liu Jiang is an old man, his mother left early, and his father is also old, if something goes wrong at work, what should we do in the future."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Didn't you say that he is very happy to see him, so don't worry about it, how many rumors in the village can you believe?"

"But it can't be groundless."

"Comrade Qin Fang, as a graduate of the Department of Literature, I must correct you. The groundless meaning means that the rumors are based, and you used them wrongly."

Qin Fang raised her eyebrows, searched on the ground, then picked up a slipper and walked towards Yu Dong, "I paid you to study in the Department of Literature, did you just ask you to argue with me, today—"

Yu Dong shrank his neck and ran out of the yard in a few steps, "I'll go to Brother Liu Jiang's house to see."


Liu Jiang was watching TV at home, and when he saw Yu Dong coming, he said pleasantly, "Xiaodong, you are back. I went to look for you last night, and Aunt Fang said you went out."

"I just heard from my mother that you looked for me, so I came here."

"Let's talk first." Liu Jiang dragged Yu Dong home, and then took out half a watermelon from the refrigerator, cut out two racks, and gave one to Yu Dong: "You, you are really enough." If you are careless, don't you ask about the subscription certificate?"

"Oh, this matter, if you don't tell me, I really forgot, how is it now?"

"It's not over yet, but according to my estimation, when it's over, your five cards will earn [-] yuan?"

"Forty thousand?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

His surprise was not feigned, because the average batch he bought was about [-] each.On average, Liu Jiang made [-] a piece.

"Can one make so much money?"

Liu Jiang said with a smile: "It's not that there are so many of them. The main reason is that you are lucky. The five winning lottery are not bad. In my own batch, the average one is about [-]."

"Didn't we all buy it together? Why did I take out those five cards separately?" Yu Dong asked.

Liu Jiang finished gnawing on a rack of watermelons, then wiped his mouth, and said with a smile, "I know what you think, do you think I gave you more on purpose? Actually, no, when I bought the subscription certificate, I It is indeed your luck that you took out those five cards alone. Don’t worry, I will not let you suffer, nor will I let myself suffer, as much as it should be.”

Yu Dong nodded and asked again: "Then how much did you buy yourself?"

Speaking of this, the smile on Liu Jiang's face could not be restrained, he stretched out a palm, "Fifty, at first I bought [-], and then when I heard some rumors at the end, I bought them again." Hurry up and buy twenty more."

Then he looked at Yu Dong and sighed, "Xiaodong, I'm also to blame for this matter. You wanted to buy more, but I stopped you."

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "It's okay, I'm already content with earning [-] yuan. By the way, I heard that you don't work in the bank anymore. Is that true?"

"It's true. I resigned. I have money in my hand. Who will serve those old men? In fact, I am hesitating whether to buy a house or start a business. Now the housing prices in the city center are too expensive, five or six thousand Once leveled, I always feel a bit frothy."

Yu Dong threw away the watermelon rind in his hand, and said with a half-smile, "I don't think you hesitated. Since you have resigned, doesn't it represent your choice? If you really want to buy a house, you won't resign gone."

Liu Jiang looked at Yu Dong unexpectedly, "Xiaodong, you really surprised me. That's right, the house price is too high now. I have a lot of money, but I can't buy a big house. I used to There is a client who is the leader of Dashun Company. He has a good relationship with me. Now Dashun has too many orders, and I can’t do it myself. I want to outsource it. I want to open a toy factory and take over the work from them. What do you think? Sample?"

"I don't understand business, but I think Brother Jiang, you have always been a person with ideas. Since you think it's okay, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Yu Dong really doesn't know much about business, but he knows that the current housing prices in Shanghai are indeed inflated, and there is no need to buy them.There should be better times in a few years to buy a house.

"With your words, my heart is settled. Your 4 yuan will be sent to you after I get all the money out."

"No, don't you want to do business? I'll buy a stock, and you can give me the stock."

"This..." Liu Jiang hesitated: "You are putting pressure on me. If I lose my own money, I will lose it. If you invest in shares, then I must do something... Okay, I accept your shareholding, and your 4 yuan will be counted as ten points for you, and we will sign a contract when the time comes."

"Okay, follow your arrangement."

Yu Dong didn't care too much about the shares, the main reason was that he had money in his hands, and he really didn't care about this small amount of money.But Yu Dong was very happy to see the fighting spirit reappeared in Liu Jiang.

Since childhood, Yu Dong has always taken Liu Jiang as a role model. Later, Liu Jiang became depressed, and he also felt sorry.


After leaving Liu Jiang's house, after Yu Dong returned home, he was already mentally prepared to wait for his mother to ask about Liu Jiang, but unexpectedly, his mother looked at him strangely, "Xiaodong, are you dating someone?"

"What's wrong?" Yu Dong asked in surprise.

Qin Fang pointed to the phone in the room, "A girl called you just now."

"Girl?" Yu Dong thought for a while, and the one who knew his phone number and could still be called a girl seemed to be Cheng Yanqiu, "Oh, that's my colleague."

"Colleague?" Qin Fang asked suspiciously, "I didn't say anything, so you already know which one it is?"

"Because she is the only one who knows my phone number."

"Is it possible to develop into an object?"


Qin Fang raised her eyebrows and said with a happy smile: "Then develop quickly."

"No hurry."

Yu Dong said that he couldn't be in a hurry, but Qin Fang was in a hurry, "Why, you are so old."

"Now I mainly want to do my job well, and then serve my mother and my father well. The so-called tree wants to be quiet but the wind doesn't stop, and the child wants to support but the relatives don't wait. Of course I want to spare more time for joy. Is it mother My lord, you really want your son to leave you so desperately to start a small family of your own, don’t you have time to take care of our big family? The second elder has raised me for so many years, it should be me..."

"Don't do this to me, I'm telling you..."

Yu Dong stepped into his room, quickly sat down at the table, held a pen and said solemnly: "Ms. Qin Fang, your son is about to start writing literature, please don't disturb him, and close the door by the way."

Seeing Yu Dong playing treasure, Qin Fang shook her head helplessly, and then helped him close the door.


After resting at home for a few days, Yu Dong went to the hotel where Yu Hua was staying again.

After meeting Yu Dong, Yu Hua told him that she had already finished the manuscript yesterday.

"Since you have finished the manuscript, why don't you take it to the magazine and show it to the chief judge Li?" Yu Dong asked curiously.

"I want to show you first. In a sense, this novel was written by the two of us, so you should read it first." Yu Hua said seriously.

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "Brother Yu Hua, there's no need for that, I didn't do anything."

"Let's take a look." Yu Hua handed the manuscript to Yu Dong, and then brought a pack of melon seeds from the bedside table: "After you left, I also went to buy some melon seeds, which saved me a lot of cigarettes. That's it." I ate too many melon seeds for two days, and I got a little angry."

Yu Dong took the manuscript in one hand, and grabbed a handful of melon seeds in the other, "Then I'll read it again."

In fact, Yu Dong is also curious whether what Yu Hua wrote this time is different from the previous life.

The new manuscript is easy to read, because Yu Hua has marked the additions and revisions, so Yu Dong doesn't need to read a lot of content.

Read the whole article, less than an hour.

The new manuscript is basically the same as the long novel "To Live" in the previous life, and some details are different, which is also reasonable.Yu Dong couldn't help nodding. It seems that Yu Hua hadn't had no idea about these additional plots before, otherwise it would be impossible to achieve such a similarity.

"I think it's very good." Yu Dong put the manuscript on his legs, put his hands on the manuscript, and said, "Impeccable."

"If you agree, then I'll burn the lights and fight at night for several days." Yu Hua smiled and stood up, "Come on, let's go to the club and accept the real test."

Yu Dong nodded and returned the manuscript to Yu Hua, and then the two rushed towards the "Harvest" magazine together.Yu Dong went there not only to accompany Yu Hua, his own manuscript of "Chaos Diary" was still in Cheng Yongxing's place, and he also wanted to ask for his opinion when he went there today.

Unfortunately, when Yu Dong and the others arrived at the magazine, the leaders of Cheng Yongxing and the others were all having a meeting in the conference room, and they were received by Yu Dong's editor-in-charge, Wang Yu.

After pouring tea for Yu Dong and the others, Wang Yu smiled and said, "Teacher Yu, Editor-in-chief Cheng showed me your manuscript, and he also gave instructions. The manuscript will either be published in the next issue or the next issue. As for Teacher Yu Hua's manuscript, We may have to wait for several editor-in-chiefs to finish their meeting before making a decision."

Both Yu Dong and Yu Hua nodded to express their understanding.The latter asked Wang Yu, "What kind of meeting are they having today, can you tell me?"

"I don't know the details." Wang Yu pushed his glasses, "It seems to be discussing the positions of editor-in-chief Xiao and editor-in-chief Cheng. Aren't they both acting deputy editors now? Since the death of editor-in-chief Xiao Dai a few years ago, In our agency, there is only editor-in-chief Li who is considered a real deputy editor-in-chief."

I heard that it was to discuss this, so Yu Dong and the others were not interested.Anyway, whether it is an agent or not, the current person in charge of the magazine is Li Xiaolin and the three of them.

But then Wang Yu threw out another big news, "Before the meeting, I heard from Editor-in-Chief Cheng that the National Novel and Short Story Award will be re-opened, but the name will be changed."

 I made a wave of complaints today, and I feel very refreshed.

  Sure enough, what my instructor said was right, people have to indulge occasionally, otherwise the shape of the soul will be distorted.

  The clients I work with are all leaders of government departments and public institutions. I am already tired enough to deal with them every day. Putting too much pressure on myself when writing a book is really not worth the candle.

  As for the update, I haven't marked the [-]-in-[-] now. Yesterday, two updates were [-], and today one update was [-], with an average of [-], which is the same as what I said before it was put on the shelves.

(End of this chapter)

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