Chapter 150 Zombie Theme
Hearing the news from Wang Yu, Yu Dong and Yu Hua had different reactions.

Yu Hua looked interested: "Editor Wang, have you heard when it will restart?"

Wang Yu shook her head: "I don't know about that. Editor-in-Chief Cheng only said that there is such a rumor, but it's still unknown if it's true."

Yu Hua glanced at Yu Dong again, "You should pay more attention to this matter. You are very promising in short and novelettes."

"My attitude towards the award is two words: follow the fate. And brother Wang Yu also said that this matter has not yet been decided, and I don't know how many years it will take to re-establish it."

"That's true." Yu Hua nodded.

Yu Dong looked at the two of them and said nothing more.In fact, he knows this much better than Wang Yu and the others. The National Excellent Short and Novella Award was discontinued, and it was re-established in 96, and it was indeed renamed as the Lu Xun Literature Award.

It's too early to worry about the 96 award, which only judges works within two years.

The three chatted for an hour in the reception room, and Li Xiaolin's meeting over there was finally over.

This time, Yu Dong met another deputy editor, Xiao Yuanmin. Compared to Li Xiaolin's ability, Xiao Yuanmin was much more restrained and calm. She greeted Yu Dong and Yu Hua, and went back to her office without talking.

Li Xiaolin read Yu Hua's manuscript and said he liked it very much, and decided to publish it in "Harvest".

But now there is a problem that she wants to publish both "Chaos Diary" and "To Live" in the next issue, but the space is not allowed.

The text capacity of "Harvest" has been revised several times. At the most, it was as many as 70 characters, and at the least it was only 34 characters. Now it is about 45 characters.

"Chaos Diary" has 12 words, and "To Live" is also close to 12 words. These two novels occupy half of the space at once, which is really inappropriate.

After much deliberation, Li Xiaolin finally decided to publish both novels in two installments.

"However, in this way, your novel will be New Year's Eve, which will not help you to publish a booklet." Li Xiaolin laughed.

Yu Hua didn't seem very interested in publishing the booklet. He shook his head and said, "The domestic book industry has been in a downturn for the past two years. There may not be any publishing house that will be interested in my book. For the time being, there is probably no hope."

"Don't be too negative, the market is indeed changing, but there will always be a head." Li Xiaolin said.

"I hope so."


After Yu Hua left, Yu Dong's life became peaceful.

Most of the time, he sits in the yard and reads, and the rest of the time is spent conceiving new books.Parents usually don't come to bother him, but sometimes relatives and friends come to visit, mainly because they want to see Yu Dong.

He is now very famous in the village and among relatives and friends. Thanks to his parents' propaganda, his reputation as a great writer has spread.

In this regard, Yu Dong is not too bothered, because the frequency is not too high, and it has not affected his creation.

Originally, he was about to revise the "Deep Space" that he had originally copied, but Jimmy called him at this time.

"Dong, besides science fiction, can you write some horror novels?"

Jimmy's question made Yu Dong a little puzzled, and he asked, "Why do you ask that?"

"Didn't I go to the United States to find a publishing house a few days ago, and I happened to meet George Romero. I told him some good things about you, and he asked if he could write a novel on this subject."

"George Romero? For what?"

"A very famous director. His works are more famous for the Living Dead series, Dawn of the Living Dead, Night of the Living Dead, and Day of the Living Dead. Have you heard of them?"

"I heard it."

Yu Dong nodded. Jimmy's translation was a bit strange. He said that Yu Dong almost didn't realize it during the Day of the Living Dead.Yu Dong has seen Day of the Living Dead, but the domestic translation should be zombies coming out of cages.

Yu Dong also remembered that George Romero should be the director known as the father of modern zombies.

The role of zombies has a long history at home and abroad, and zombies in different countries are also different.But the image of modern zombies should come from George Romero's movie.

"What does he want to do, is he want to make a movie?" Yu Dong felt a little strange, "He wants the script, so there's no need to find me."

Jimmy laughed, "He just mentioned it casually when chatting, and he may not take it seriously. But I think it is an opportunity. He is having a hard time now. The movies he has made in the past few years have not had a good reputation at the box office. He wants to transform, but he has no ability. I want to continue with the theme of the living dead, but there are no good stories. Horror films are very popular in the United States now, if you can write such novels, you will have an advantage in the market.”

"Of course, I'm just asking, you decide for yourself. If you are interested, I can find a few movies about the living dead for you to watch and find inspiration."

"I'll think about it."

"Okay, I'm in Yanjing now, and I still have some things to deal with here. After I'm done, I'll go to Shanghai to find you and report to you about the work situation in the United States."

"It's okay, you are busy first."

After hanging up the phone, Yu Dong considered Jimmy's proposal.

He doesn't do much research on zombie novels, but if he really wants to write, it's not impossible, because he can copy movies.

Zombie-themed movies are more famous than the Resident Evil series.

Yu Dong didn't have any psychological burden on copying the movie, otherwise he wouldn't have written "One Day" before.

But he has several plans in his hands now, and the length of the Resident Evil series is not small. If he really wants to write Resident Evil, it will definitely affect other plans.

Relatively speaking, Resident Evil is the most commercial, but commercial considerations are not the first here.

"Let's write it first, write it if it goes well, and put it down if it doesn't go well."

After thinking about it for a long time, Yu Dong decided to try it first.If it doesn’t take much time to write and the effect is not bad, then take down the subject matter, and if you can’t write it down, just give up.

He doesn't remember many details of the movie, but he doesn't forget the basic setting and the general story line.

This time he didn't plan to change the story line, nor did he plan to Sinicize, but wanted to add some side plots based on the plot of the movie, such as the stories of other characters.

Although the plot of the movie is exciting, the story will naturally be handled differently because of the different presentation methods. If you just copy the plot of the movie, it will make the whole story look thin.

And without the support of intuitive movie screens, more side stories are definitely needed to expand the world view, otherwise readers will be confused.

For example, the stars organization has a lot of things to explain and a lot of potential to tap.The characters in this organization, their stories and perspectives are also very important, which is not only conducive to the advancement of the story, but also conducive to the development of the setting.

(End of this chapter)

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