Chapter 153

Yu Dong did not give the protagonist a full name, the protagonist is called Lao Zhang, and his son is called Xiao Zhang.

This is not Yu Dong's intentional design, but he wants to follow his first feeling about the story.

When he heard the story from the two worker friends, he had direct feelings, so he not only wanted to write the story, but also expressed his first feelings at that time.

And the name Lao Zhang is good for him to substitute his first feeling.

After writing for about two hours, Jimmy came out of the room. He saw Yu Dong writing something with a pen, and asked in surprise, "Why are you still writing? Is it the content of Resident Evil?"

Yu Dong turned his head and glanced at him, then turned his head back, "No, I just went out to pick up new novels."

"Just now?" Jimmy was even more surprised. Although he didn't read fast, it didn't take long.

At this time, Yu Dong went out to catch a wind?

"What was written?" Jimmy asked.

"You will know when you finish writing."

"It's like this again..."

Jimmy curled his lips and didn't bother Yu Dong's writing anymore.

He put the manuscript of "Resident Evil" back into the house, then took out a watermelon from the refrigerator, cut it in half, took a spoon, and ran to the wicker chair in the yard to lie down.

While digging watermelon hearts and stuffing them into his mouth, Jimmy was thinking about the plot in "Resident Evil".

He originally wanted to talk to Yu Dong about this novel, but Yu Dong was writing a new book, so he could only hold back his thoughts.

"Resident Evil" gave him too many surprises, not just a suspenseful beginning.

Yu Dong's ability to create scenes is really superb. When he read some plots, he even felt like a zombie was lying next to him and licking his ears.

Before that, all of Yu Dong's novels, including those science fiction novels, always contained some thinking about human nature and literary discussions.

But this novel is quite different.

It’s not that there will be no thinking after reading this book, it’s just that Jimmy didn’t have time to think about human nature or philosophy when reading this book. Attracted by the pictures, every moment I feel the impact of the current storyline, and at the same time I am looking forward to the next moment of the story.

It wasn't until after reading the whole book that the pores all over the body were slowly shrinking due to stimulation that I had a moment of leisure to think about what the book wanted to express.

This is a highly commercial popular novel, the purpose of which is to bring readers a wave of spiritual stimulation.

What surprises Jimmy even more is that there are many things to explore in the world constructed by this novel, and it can be made into an excellent series of novels.

This is a great temptation for those film production companies.

A series of works is the easiest to become a classic. As long as one is successful, there will be endless money to be made later.


Yu Dong didn't rest until his parents came back at night.

At this time, Jimmy told Yu Dong how he felt about "Resident Evil" with an excited face, and patted his chest to promise: I must make "Resident Evil" and "Second World" famous all over the world.

Why is "Second World" added, because Jimmy thinks that "Resident Evil" can easily become a hit, and then people will naturally pay attention to "Second World" also written by Yu Dong.

And "Second World" is indeed of excellent quality, except that the protagonist is not American, basically there is nothing wrong with it.

"By the way, have you finished your new novel?" Jimmy asked again.

"It's still early, and I think it will take a few days to write and revise. After finishing this novel, I think I should go to Jinling. What about you, what are you going to do next?"

"You take some time to get the final draft of "Resident Evil". I will find a suitable translator first, and try to translate this novel into English as soon as possible. After the beginning is translated, I will take the beginning back to the United States Contact the publishing house and strive to finalize the translation of the English version as soon as possible."

Yu Dong said with a smile: "Then you have not been easy recently, several books are being prepared for publication, and you have to run at both ends."

"Speaking of this, I'm just about to tell you that our cultural company is about to start to move, and I can't always be the commander in chief. I have quite a few authors in my hand now. Besides you, there are He Hongwei, Yang Peng and George Martin, since these authors have signed, we have to help them manage. George told me last time that he has a plan for a series of long-form fantasy stories in his hand, and he has already written some chapters , if I really write it out, I guess I will be busier."

"Long fantasy story series?"

Yu Dong was a little surprised. In his impression, "A Song of Ice and Fire" would not come out until four or five years later. Could it be that he has already started writing it now?
"That's right, but he is busy writing scripts in Hollywood now, and this novel has temporarily stopped. After I signed him, he also told me that if possible, he hopes to stop working in Hollywood and concentrate on writing that novel. Fantastic."

After listening to Jimmy's words, Yu Dong suddenly understood.

Perhaps "A Song of Ice and Fire" has indeed been written for a long time, but it was interrupted due to work reasons, and then it was restarted.

But now that their company has signed George, it is very likely to accelerate the birth of "A Song of Ice and Fire". The key question is whether Jimmy can stop George from working in Hollywood.

In other words, can Jimmy make George money right now.

"How far has he progressed?" Yu Dong asked.

"It has been well prepared, and even the map of the background of the story and the genealogy of the characters are almost ready. I have also read his materials, and they really have great potential."

"Then have you ever thought that we can negotiate the copyright of this novel in advance, so that he will have the money to create with peace of mind."

Jimmy frowned, "This is a bit too risky, the book hasn't come out yet."

"Can we talk about half of the copyright? For example, if you want a film and television adaptation copyright, leave the other copyrights to him, so that we can leave room for each other. I believe that with the current market for fantasy novel film and television adaptations, it shouldn't cost much. Of course, we can negotiate Just talk, if you can’t talk, don’t force it.”

When Yu Dong made this proposal, on the one hand, he really wanted to make some money from this IP, and on the other hand, he wanted to create a better creative environment for George Martin, which would be beneficial to both of them.

But Jimmy is not very optimistic about Dong's proposal. In his opinion, doing so is only beneficial to George Martin, but their company has to bear a lot of risk.

It is true that the market for film and television adaptations of fantasy novels is mediocre now, but no matter how ordinary it is, it will cost a lot of money to obtain the film and television adaptation rights of a novel, and it may cost 10,000+ US dollars or even more.

Jimmy couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, he has a specialization in art, and Yu Dong is still good at writing books. Doing business is a little too emotional.

 Thanks to [It’s better to eat] the big guy’s 100 reward
  Thank you [*** Wei Xiao] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thanks to [Big Brother Liu Boss] Big Brother's 100 reward
  Thank you [Lao Zhu is a thin man] for the 1500 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20170106112925349] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 200 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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