Chapter 154 Did I Say It?

After Yu Dong sorted out the final draft of "Resident Evil", Jimmy took the draft to find a translator.

He plans to search in China first, and if he can't find a suitable one, he will go to the United States to have a look.

A few days after Jimmy left, Yu Dong went to Jinling by car.

As soon as he arrived at the school on his front foot, Wu Changxin arrived at the dormitory on his back foot.

Wu Changxin stood at the door, looked at Yu Dong who was making the quilt inside, and said with a smile, "I figured you should be here."

Hearing Wu Changxin's voice, Yu Dong turned his head and said unexpectedly: "Principal Wu, why are you here now?"

"I came to find you for a meeting. I knew you would come back today, so I set the meeting for this afternoon and I'll be waiting for you. And Bi Feiyu and the others, I'll call together." Wu Changxin said.

"Then you just call me and say no, you don't need to make a trip."

"It's free for the phone bill, it's so close." Wu Changxin smiled, "Make the bed first, I'll go up and call Bi Feiyu and the others, and I'll come down to find you later."

At this time, Bi Feiyu had already shouted upstairs, "Principal Wu, there is no need to come up, I have already heard it."

Wu Changxin took two steps back, looked up at Bi Feiyu on the balcony, "Then please help me find Mr. Zhang."

As soon as he finished speaking, another voice sounded from upstairs again: "I heard it too, I'll be down in a while."

Yu Dong asked curiously, "This one first?"

"New teacher, I will introduce you to each other later."

After a while, Bi Feiyu walked to Yu Dong's door with another man.

This man is about 30 years old, with long hair, looks very chic.He is taller than Bi Feiyu, with fairer skin and slightly fatter.

"Yu Dong, this is Zhang Xian. He will be in charge of the drama department in the future. Zhang Xian, this is Yu Dong."

"Teacher Yu, I have admired you for a long time, and I have admired you for a long time."

Zhang Xian took the initiative to come over and shake hands with Yu Dong, "I have read several novels published by Mr. Yu in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest", which can be said to be deeply infected. In the future, the work of the drama department will depend on Mr. Yu. A lot of support."

"You're welcome, it's my duty to support the school's work."

"Let's stop talking here, let's go to my office for a meeting." Wu Changxin said something, and then walked towards the government affairs building, saying as he walked, "There are still a few teachers from the drama department who have not arrived. Yes, it’s not formal, it’s just a casual chat.”

Along the way, after chatting, Yu Dong also knew Zhang Xian's background.

He studied undergraduate and postgraduate studies in the Department of Drama and Literature of the Chinese Academy of Drama, and then went to Dublin for further studies, and only returned from abroad this year.

Yu Dong was a little surprised, because with Zhang Xian's resume, he could go to a better academy. Basically, he can enter any drama academy in China, and there is no need to come to Jinyi.

Maybe Wu Changxin can allow him to come and take the lead, but now it seems that the platform of Jinyi is still too small, and it is not attractive to be the leader of the drama department here.

Several people arrived at Wu Changxin's office and started today's meeting.

Wu Changxin briefly talked about the situation of the Drama Department and the arrangements for Dong and Bi Feiyu.

The Department of Drama now has only one drama creation major. Bi Feiyu serves as the political counselor of this major and the teacher of reading and appreciation courses.

Yu Dong is still working as a political counselor for Gongmei, and as a writing teacher.

After Wu Changxin assigned the work, Zhang Xian said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, you may have to work harder. The writing class is longer."

"I don't need to say much, I just need to change my office."

Zhang Xian nodded, "During their freshman year, the students didn't have many professional courses, so our teaching tasks were not too heavy. The main thing is to find out a suitable teaching model for Jinyi. Now our course schedule, In fact, they are all copied from Chinese opera. But this is not a long-term solution. If our curriculum and teaching mode are exactly the same as those of Chinese opera, then we will be at a disadvantage from the very beginning.”

"Zhang Xian is right. This model has been studied by Chinese opera for 20 years. It is unrealistic for us to use this model to compete with them." Wu Changxin said.

Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu glanced at each other, and the latter said, "Actually, the two of us don't know much about drama, and the main job is to rely on Mr. Zhang. Of course, we can still help people who have something to do with literature." Gotta be busy."

In fact, relatively speaking, Yu Dong was under more pressure.

He taught a writing class, but the Chinese Department of Yan Normal University did not offer a writing class, so the writing class was a bit strange to Dong.

Of course, it doesn't matter that every teacher teaches different ways of writing.It's just that Yu Dong's writing system may not be suitable for the writing class of the Department of Drama and Literature, because the purpose of the writing class of the Department of Drama and Literature is to create scripts.

Therefore, Yu Dong himself had to prepare some things about script creation.

Fortunately, he is not completely unfamiliar with script creation. When he was in college, he himself did research on script creation, especially drama creation.

The meeting lasted for a while, Wu Changxin left Zhang Xian behind, and let Yu Dong and Bi Feiyu go back first.

On the way back to the dormitory, there was no one else around, Bi Feiyu also relaxed a little, he smiled and asked Yu Dong: "You should be very busy this month, have you made anything new?"

"Yes, a novella."

Hearing that Yu Dong only had one novella, Bi Feiyu proudly stretched out two fingers and said: "I have two novellas, both of which are novella. One was sent to "Flower City", and the other was going to be sent to "Yuhua "."

"You are exposed to both rain and dew." Yu Dong smiled, and then stretched out two fingers, "Actually, I still have two novels."

Bi Feiyu's smug expression suddenly disappeared, and said angrily: "You are writing too fast, I can't keep up with you at all."

"If you can keep up with me, I'll be damned. I write from morning to finish, and you guy only gets up at noon, and you still have to exercise and play."

"All right, all right, you're a model worker."

Yu Dong hugged Bi Feiyu's arm, "Model Worker treats you to dinner tonight, do you appreciate it?"

"Appreciate the light, not only the honor, but I also want to feast on it, and eat up all your manuscript fees."

Yu Dong laughed: "Fei Yu, don't call me crazy, even if you have a hundred mouths, you still can't finish eating."


Early the next morning, Yu Dong took the manuscript of "Coward" to Zhongshan Magazine.

Su Tong knew he was coming, so he wasn't surprised, "Since I'm here, I'm going to tell you about the manuscript..."

"Didn't I bring this to you?" Yu Dong put the manuscript on Su Tong's desk with a smile, "Did I dare to come here without the manuscript?"

When Su Tong saw the manuscript, a smile appeared on his face: "I didn't hear you on the phone."

"Didn't you say that life should retain some mystery, otherwise there will be fewer surprises."

"Did I say that? I forgot." Su Tong smiled, then opened the manuscript.

(End of this chapter)

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