Chapter 155
"Good, very good."

Su Tong smiled and patted the manuscript, "Lao Zhang and Xiao Zhang in the novel are used very well, blurring the specific characters and highlighting the general social phenomenon that the novel wants to express. The society has developed rapidly in recent years, and various groups The contact between them has also become more than before, and many people at the bottom are anxious and insecure."

"I didn't design it on purpose, it just felt better when I wrote it, which was in line with my first feeling." Yu Dong said.

"Following the first impression is right." Su Tong put down the manuscript, and then lit a cigarette, "There are thousands of stories in the world. If your novel just wants to tell a story to others, then everyone read it every day. Just read the newspapers. There are many twists and turns in the newspapers. If literature wants to convey meaning, it must reveal the writer’s perspective. Especially for social issues like this, if you just simply write the story, it will become a problem. It became reportage, even ordinary journalism."

"So this manuscript is over?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it's over. It's just that this issue has already been scheduled, so I can't catch up. I won't be able to attend until November."

"I'm mentally prepared for this."

Su Tong nodded, and asked again: "How is Jinyi's drama department doing?"

"In the initial stage, everything was still in the groping stage. And I was an engineer, and I followed President Wu's instructions on everything I should do."

"If the drama department can be established, it will be good for you and Feiyu." After saying this, Su Tong tapped his head again, ran to the desk and took out a piece of paper from the drawer, "September Are you going to participate in the official book fair? I have received an invitation here."

Yu Dong stretched out his head to look at the invitation letter, shook his head and said, "I've been there last time, so let's forget about it this time. It's really not easy to make a trip."

"I'm not planning to go this time either." Su Tong put away the invitation letter, "It's really not of much use to us."

Afterwards, Yu Dong chatted with Su Tong for a few more words, but he didn't stay any longer.

After running to say hello to Liu Xuemin, Yu Dong left the magazine.

Just as he came downstairs, a young man came across the alley.

The young man came to meet him, his gaze first swept across Yu Dong's face, and then he glanced back. After staring for a while, he shouted, "It's you!"

Yu Dong has already recognized the other party as the Lin Kai he met on the train last time.


"It's really you!" Lin Kai looked at Yu Dong incredulously, "Aren't you from Shanghai, why did you come here?"

He looked up and looked upstairs again, "Did you come out of Zhongshan Magazine just now?"

"Yeah, I have something to do here, do you live here?"

"I live here. Didn't I tell you last time on the train that my house is next to the magazine office. No, no, you haven't answered my first question. Aren't you from Shanghai? How did you get there? here?"

Yu Dong smiled, this kid is very shrewd, he didn't bypass this question.

"I'm from Shanghai, but I also work in Jinling. The person who was with me last time is my colleague."

"I thought she was your partner." Lin Kai laughed and said, "It just happened to happen. Go to my house and I'll give you a signed magazine edited by Su. It was agreed last time."

Yu Dong didn't move, he thought for a while, and said, "Actually, I work in Jinyi and know Su Tong very well, and I came here this time to deliver manuscripts to him."

"Why did you suddenly..."

Lin Kai suddenly came to his senses and stared at Yu Dong in surprise, "You won't tell me that you are Yu Dong, right?"

Yu Dong nodded and said, "I am indeed Yu Dong. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you my identity last time."

Now that they met for the second time, Yu Dong didn't want to hide his identity anymore.

"You...I..." Lin Kai pointed at Yu Dong, and then at himself, "No, no, why do I feel a little dizzy? You are Yu Dong, and I was still working hard on the train last time I’m recommending Yu Dong’s works to you, but I’m actually recommending your own works to you.”

"Actually, the magazine I sent you last time had my signature on the last page."

"The problem is that I have read that magazine before, why would I think of reading it again..." Lin Kai suddenly laughed, "Why does this matter feel unreal, I want to see you every day, but I never thought of it I met you without my knowledge, and talked to you so much. Oops, if I hadn’t seen you today, I wouldn’t have been ignorant of this for the rest of my life… I probably wouldn’t, You're going to be on TV sooner or later, and I'm sure I'll recognize you."

Lin Kai's talkative nature was aroused again, Yu Dong didn't say much, he said a lot to himself.

The surprise and joy in his tone did not hide at all, and his eyes never moved away from Yu Dong's body.

But Yu Dong was about to leave, "I may still have some things to do here."

Lin Kai quickly said, "Oh, oh, okay, you go slowly, I won't bother you anymore."

"You can go to Jinyi to play with me when you have time. Don't forget that you still owe me a magazine signed by Su Tong." Yu Dong smiled and waved, then rode his bicycle and left.

Lin Kai watched Yu Dong ride out of the alley from behind, then suddenly remembered something, and ran home.

After arriving home, Lin Kai rummaged through the boxes and cabinets, and finally found the magazine that Yu Dong gave him last time.

Turn directly to the last page, and there are words on the last page.

"To classmate Lin Kai——Yu Dong, 1992.07.20."

Fortunately, it was not lost.

This is a special sign.

The only shortcoming is that this special signature is not signed in the booklet, but in the magazine.

Thinking of this, Lin Kai patted his head again. He was so surprised just now, why didn't he think of asking him for an autographed postcard or something.



When Yu Dong arrived at the school, Uncle Zhou stopped him: "Teacher Yu, I have a letter from you."

When Yu Dong stopped the car, Uncle Zhou said with a smile, "Mr. Yu, you arrived yesterday, right?"

"Yes, I arrived yesterday afternoon."

"No wonder, I was helping to clean up in the back yesterday, and I didn't see you. There are four letters from you in total, and you put them away." Uncle Zhou sorted out the letters and handed them to Yu Dong, "Would you like to come in and sit down, now we The reception room is much more spacious than before.”

Yu Dong smiled and raised his head to look at the reception room. It was indeed more spacious than before.

The school's new gate was built in the summer, not only the reception room, but the entire gate is very grand.

"But this one is big, and I think the library of our school looks small." Uncle Zhou said with a look of regret.

Yu Dong followed and looked at the library. Indeed, compared with the magnificent new gate, the old library looked much more stingy.

"Haha, let's just wait and see, this library is not easy to dismantle. You are a messenger, I will visit you next time." Yu Dong waved to Uncle Zhou, got on the bike and left.

 Thanks to [Dan Yu] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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