Chapter 156 Bantam

Four letters, two from veterans of Golden Horse and Jade Rooster, one from Meng Nan, editor of "Yanjing Literature", and one from Ruan Xiaohu.

Yu Dong opened Meng Nan's letter first, there was nothing special about it, just asking how things are going recently, and if there is a suitable manuscript for "Yanjing Literature", please don't hesitate to submit it to their agency.

Yu Dong didn't reply to this letter. Today is different from the past, and there will only be more and more letters like this in the future. He doesn't have the energy to reply one by one.And since there is no manuscript for them, it is useless to reply with good words.

Then he opened Ruan Xiaohu's letter.

It has been several months since Ruan Xiaohu came to say goodbye last time, and this is the first time he wrote a letter.

The letter stated that he has now obtained a local tour guide certificate in his hometown and plans to be a full-time tour guide.

What makes him happiest about being a tour guide is not that his income will increase, but that he can have more time to read books.

Some time ago, because I was busy getting the certificate, I had fewer opportunities to read literature books. Now that I finally got the certificate, I am going to seriously look for some books to read, and I hope Yu Dong can recommend some books to him.

Looking at Ruan Xiaohu's letter, Yu Dong could feel his joy from the lines, and at the same time was happy for him.

In his reply to Ruan Xiaohu, Yu Dong recommended several books that he thought were good, and encouraged him a few words, telling him not to give up reading.

Finally, Yu Dong opened the two letters from the Golden Horse and Jade Rooster veteran.

There was more than 20 days between the two letters.

In the first letter, the veteran said that he had traveled to the countryside before and felt the lack of educational resources in the countryside. He made up his mind to go to the countryside to support education, and the address for correspondence may need to be changed in the future.

The second letter was sent from the school in the countryside. When the letter was sent, the veteran was already in the countryside.

Holding the veteran's letter, Yu Dong fell into deep thought. In his previous life, the veteran never went to the countryside to support education.Before the two stopped communicating, the veteran had been teaching at Jiangcheng University.

But now, something happened.

Is this accident also because of his return?
But recalling the letters during this period, Yu Dong felt that there was no point at all that would cause the veterans to go to teach.In fact, the veteran himself said that he came up with this idea because he went for a walk in the countryside.

In fact, Yu Dong felt that from a rational point of view, it would be better for the veterans to stay in Jiangcheng.

It’s not that teaching universities is better or more noble than teaching primary and secondary schools, but that China now needs outstanding young teachers like veterans to give full play to what they have learned before.

Rural education resources are scarce, and the role he can play as a supporting teacher is really limited.

In fact, many rural students do not have the conditions to study at all. Even if you tell them how knowledge can change their destiny, the current predicament prevents them from thinking about the future.

What they can see right now is that after they drop out of school and go to work or farm, they can help reduce the burden on their families and live better.

But no matter what, as a friend of the veteran, Yu Dong still supported his decision.

Abandoning the identity of a university teacher and running to the countryside to teach, one can imagine what kind of resistance the veterans encountered.Since none of those resistances dampened the veteran's enthusiasm, why did Yu Dong pour cold water on him again.

In the reply, Yu Dong expressed his support for the veteran's decision, and at the same time hoped that he must take care of his health. The body is the capital of the revolution, and the same is true for Yu Zhijiao.

Breaking the body is not worth the loss for him, for education, and for the country.

After answering the veteran's letter, Yu Dong was deeply touched. Maybe he can do something within his capacity, such as setting up a hope primary school, donating some teaching materials, and setting up some scholarships.

Fundamentally speaking, education is the most important thing in order to win the cultural confrontation.For education, the state has its own plans, and all it can do is to add some bricks and tiles to it.

That being the case, make more money, preferably more foreign money.

"Am I making excuses for wanting to make money?"

Yu Dong smiled, he couldn't care so much anyway, let's talk about it after finishing the matter.


On August 29th, before the school officially started, Jimmy called to tell Yu Dong two good news.

One is that the translation of the English version of "Second World" has been completed, and the other is that the beginning [-] words of "Resident Evil" have also been translated.

Jimmy was about to return to the United States with the two manuscripts, looking for publishers who would be interested in them.

Yu Dong couldn't help but admire Jimmy's ability to handle affairs. He actually found the famous translator Wen Anxiong to translate "Resident Evil".

This Wen Anxiong is amazing, he is not only a translator, but also a literary critic.He has translated many American literary works of the 60s and [-]s, and has done a lot of research on the literature of the Beat Generation in the United States.

At the same time, he has also published many English works, and he is also well-known abroad.

Considering many aspects, Wen Anxiong is indeed a very suitable candidate.


While Yu Dong was busy with school start at Jinyi, Jimmy was already in New York.

His first stop in New York was Bantam Books.

The American book market looks like a hundred flowers are blooming. In fact, there are only a few big publishers, and there are inextricably linked relationships with each other.

Bantam is the largest publisher of popular books in the United States, and stylistically, they are also the most suitable for Resident Evil.

And Jimmy had some friendship with Dante Self, the manager of their business book department, so he just came over.

Dante Self was drinking coffee and enjoying a rare leisure time in the afternoon when Jimmy knocked on the door.

"Jimmy, you can pinpoint the time every time." Dante Self put down the cup, then picked up the phone and ordered, "Susan, make a cup of coffee and come in."

Jimmy said with a smile: "Because only at this time can I drink your coffee."

After the two hugged and sat down, Dante looked at Jimmy with a smile: "I heard that you have been staying in China recently. Did the "One Day" last time give you a taste of the sweetness?"

"You can't be fooled by anything, smart Dante. I do look for some good novels over there in China."

"So you came this time just to recommend to me the novels you were looking for in China?"

"Since you took the initiative to mention it..." Jimmy smiled and took out two document bags from his briefcase and put them on the coffee table. "Here are two books, I hope you can read them."

Dante glanced at the document bag on the coffee table, but didn't take it, "Jimmy, I'm not in charge of reviewing the manuscript, I suggest you take the manuscript to the editorial department, if they think the manuscript is usable, let's talk about the follow-up. what do you think?"

Jimmy smiled, and slowly put the manuscript back into the briefcase: "It's okay, the manuscript is not important, I'm mainly here for coffee."

 Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Yi] for the 588 reward
(End of this chapter)

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