Chapter 157 A new thorn

Dante watched Jimmy take the manuscript back, tilted his head and smiled: "You brought the manuscript so far away, which proves that you are very optimistic about this manuscript. We are good friends, and I believe in your vision. But I do read the manuscript. No, how about this, I'll call someone from the editorial department for you."

After speaking, Dante got up and made a phone call, "Susan, ask James to come to my office."

After hanging up the phone, Dante spread his hands, "James, the manager of the editorial department, will be here in a while, so I can only help you here."

Jimmy smiled and took out the manuscript again: "If I can negotiate with your company, I don't have to run away from the rest of the publishing companies. Dante, you know me, I like to cooperate with acquaintances. Of course, I can The first one to come to you is also because you have good coffee here."

Dante smiled and gestured with a cup of coffee.

After a while, James, the manager of the editorial department, came.

Dante pointed to the manuscript on the coffee table, and said, "James, here are two manuscripts, take them back and have a look, and give me an opinion after reading, to see if it is suitable for our publishing house to publish?"

"In a hurry?" James asked.

Dante glanced at Jimmy, who smiled and said, "I'm not very busy today."

"Look quickly and tell me the result today."


After James left, Dante smiled and said, "Jimmy, are you satisfied? This is my favor for you."

"No, no, no." Jimmy waved his hands again and again, "You're helping yourself, I'm here to help you today, and if you help me, you're helping yourself."

Dante took a sip of his coffee, not paying attention to Jimmy's words.


After drinking coffee, Dante continued to work, while Jimmy stayed in the office, watching the scenery outside the window, waiting for news from the editorial department.

A few hours later, when it was almost time to get off work, James finally came back with two manuscripts.

"Dante, where did you get these two manuscripts? They are very good, especially the "Resident Evil" one, which is very suitable for our company, but there is only one beginning, and the follow-up is a bit difficult to judge."

Seeing James' excited expression, Dante coughed lightly, "Ahem, if there is only the beginning, it doesn't mean anything."

"No, although only..."

As soon as James opened his mouth, he suddenly noticed Dante's expression. He looked in Jimmy's direction and instantly understood.

Immediately, he changed the topic, "It is true that although the beginning is good, it is difficult to determine whether it is good or bad without the story behind it. In addition, the level of the "Second World" is quite good, but the background of the story is China, and the main characters are all Chinese, published in the United States, the sales volume is not expected to be good."

Jimmy is like a human being, so he naturally sees and listens to everything just now.However, he was not in a hurry to express his opinion, but looked at Dante.

Dante thought for a while, and said, "James, I know what you mean, it's barely published, right?"

"Yes, it is so."

At this moment Dante looked at Jimmy, "Jimmy, look..."

"Let's talk about a price." Jimmy cut to the chase.

"James, tell me."

James agrees, "I think it's more reasonable to generate a copyright fee of [-] US dollars, plus a [-]% royalty. Of course, this refers to "Second World". Give an opinion."

"Jimmy, what do you think of the price?"

Jimmy squinted his eyes. If there was no "Resident Evil", he thought it would be a good condition for the other party to open his mouth.

But now with "Resident Evil", Jimmy's mentality has changed. In his opinion, this condition is simply begging.

But he didn't show any dissatisfaction, but said with a smile: "I don't think it's necessary to talk about derivative copyrights. In terms of royalties, eight points. Of course, I'm only talking about "Second World". As for "Resident Evil", Twelve o'clock."

Dante neither refused nor agreed. He pondered: "Jimmy, can this work? Today is too urgent. I need to discuss it with the editorial department. Come back tomorrow and let's talk about it."

Jimmy nodded: "Okay, then I'll come back tomorrow morning."


The school started on September [-]st, and Yu Dong didn't have the task of receiving new students, so he was relatively free.

In fact, if he hadn't served as a teacher in the Department of Drama and Literature, he would have to serve as a political counselor for another class this semester.

Now that he has a teaching task, Wu Changxin took into account that he still has to write, so he relieved him of the burden in this area.

Yu Dong explained all the matters of the new semester to class monitor Qu Aiguo, and asked Qu Aiguo to organize some students to help welcome the new students, while he himself went to the welcome site of the Department of Drama and Literature, wanting to see if the drama creation class was recruiting. which students.

As soon as he arrived at the welcome site for Xichuang, he heard a student shouting with a big bag on his back: "Mr. Bi, I came with him, so can't you accommodate us and let us live in a dormitory?"

This yelling student is not tall, but he is very strong. He has a hair parted in the middle. When he talks, he holds his head up, and the middle part falls back. The light-colored and large mole on his chin is provocative. I paid attention.

There was a small man standing next to him, and when they stood together, the little man looked very thin.

And the object of his complaint is Bi Feiyu.

Hearing the students' complaints, Bi Feiyu explained: "Student Wang Hailin, the dormitories are arranged according to the order. You and Jia Zhangke came at an unfortunate time. There is only one bed left in the dormitory in front."

Hearing these two names, Yu Dong raised his eyebrows.

Just now he was going to say that these two young people looked familiar, but he did not expect that they were really celebrities.But how did the two of them come to Jinyi, which made Yu Dong a little puzzled.

"Then you can arrange me and him in the next dormitory. There is no rule in this school that says which dormitory must be filled first, and then the next dormitory can be arranged." Wang Hailin is still fighting for a bed.

Bi Feiyu's expression was serious, "Student Wang Hailin, follow the arrangement."

Seeing that Bi Feiyu was angry, Jia Zhangke who was next to him pulled Wang Hailin's arm: "It doesn't matter if we can't live together."

Although Wang Hailin had a hot temper, he didn't dare to disobey the teacher too much, so he could only take the note and leave.

After they left, Yu Dong walked up to Bi Feiyu with a smile, "Why, Feiyu, the new student is not very docile."

Bi Feiyu glanced at Yu Dong, pointed at the roster and said angrily: "Everything else is fine, just this Wang Hailin, who has a very violent temper. It was like this when he first came to school, and he really has to set rules for them in the future."

Yu Dong smiled: "Young man, you should pay more attention."

Bi Feiyu shook his head, "You are free, and you still have the mind to come here for inspection."

"What inspection? Isn't this here to support the work. Those two boys, I will help you with their ideological work later."



 Thank you [Book Friend 20200130131544632] for the 500 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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