Chapter 158
This kid Wang Hailin has a bad temper, and Yu Dong knew it before, but Yu Dong didn't remember a few of this guy's works, he only remembered how he cursed people.

Maybe he has had famous works, but no matter which country he is in, screenwriters are behind-the-scenes people who are hard to be famous.

Even for a top screenwriter like Liu Heng, ordinary people rarely know him.

Although Jia Zhangke is not as topical as Wang Hailin, he is more famous in the film and television industry. He won international awards for several films such as "Xiao Wu", "Platform" and "The Good Man in Three Gorges", which also earned him a lot of fame.

Yu Dong didn't lie to Bi Feiyu when he said that he was going to do ideological work for them.

After he finished looking for Qu Aiguo the next day, he stopped by Jia Zhangke's dormitory.

Wang Hailin is also there.

When Yu Dong went, it was just after dinner in the evening, and several students in the dormitory were chatting together.

Seeing Yu Dong approaching, several people glanced at him, but didn't take it seriously, and continued to chat.

been ignored.

"Ahem." Yu Dong coughed lightly to attract their attention.

Wang Hailin turned his head and glanced at Yu Dong, "Student, what's the matter?"

Yu Dong was recognized as a student again.

In fact, this is normal, just talking about the few people in the dormitory, Wang Hailin and Jia Zhangke are more anxious than Yu Dong.

"I'm your writing teacher, Yu Dong."

"In the East?"

"It's Yu Dong!"

"Teacher Yu Dong."

As soon as Yu Dong announced his family name, the students in the dormitory became excited.

Wang Hailin ran over at once, "Teacher Yu Dong, my name is Wang Hailin, and I am a newcomer to drama creation. I really like your works, and I came to Jinyi for you."

"Hey, Wang Hailin, didn't you just say that you came to Jinyi because the Chinese Opera and Yanjing Film Academy didn't recruit students this year?"

Wang Hailin was exposed, but he was not ashamed or coquettish, and continued to smile and said: "That's only part of the reason, Mr. Yu, we were still talking about you just now. At that time, the recruiters told us that you would come to teach us, so we just arrived The school was looking for you, but they never found you, only Teacher Bi."

When Yu Dong heard him mention "Teacher Bi", he was still a little upset, so he smiled and said, "What's wrong with Teacher Bi? I'm here tonight, but I was entrusted by you Teacher Bi to chat with you. You guys Teacher Bi, he is straightforward and has a strong personality, and you will fall in love with him soon."

Jia Zhangke, who was standing behind Wang Hailin, raised his hand, "Mr. Yu, is Mr. Bi the Bi Feiyu who wrote "The Isolated Island"?"

Yu Dong glanced at Jia Zhangke in surprise, "Yes, have you read this novel?"

"I've seen it, and I was very impressed." Jia Zhangke nodded.

"What isolated island? Teacher Bi also wrote novels?"

"Teacher Bi doesn't look like a literati."

Others didn't have any impression of "The Isolated Island", so they started asking.

Yu Dong smiled and said: "If you want to know, you can find out the first issue of "Flower City" last year. Teacher Bi's "Isolated Island" was published there."

Then Yu Dong waved to them: "Everyone sit down, let's chat."

Although Wang Hailin had a bad temper, he was quite capable. When everyone else was looking for a place to sit, he dragged a chair over and said, "Teacher Yu, you sit too."

"Thank you." Yu Dong took the chair with a smile and sat down in the middle of the dormitory.

When everyone else found a place to sit down, Yu Dong said, "Everyone has entered university from middle school, and a new life has officially begun since then. I think you all must have had various imaginations and ideas about university life before you came here. Longing. But now that you have entered the campus, all your previous imaginations should be left behind. From now on, you need to experience and feel with your eyes and ears. You are the only students in the drama department today, but Jin The Department of Drama once had a history..."

Next, Yu Dong told the students about the history of Jinyi Drama Department and how hard it was to reopen it. At the same time, he fed them chicken soup and blood.

"The history of Jinyi Drama Department may not be related to you. But its future will be created by all of you here. As the first batch of students of Drama Creation, I hope that you will have the spirit of being the first to make contributions to future generations. Brothers and sisters set an example. It is said that everything is difficult at the beginning, but I think that in this magnificent cultural wave, you just caught up with a good time, and one highland after another will emerge in this wave. It will be your platform, and it will be your battlefield!"

"Okay!" Wang Hailin was obviously ignited by Yu Dong's words, and clapped his hands flushed.

The others also applauded.

Jia Zhangke's originally pale face also became flushed, and he looked at Yu Dong with piercing eyes.

Yu Dong smiled and pressed his hands, "I won't say any more words, just tell me about yourself. As your teacher, I should also know what kind of people my students are, so I can I know how to teach you in the future."

"Okay, Teacher Yu, let me tell you first." Wang Hailin raised his hand, "This year is actually the third time I have been admitted to university. In the first year, I was actually admitted to the Shanghai Opera..."

After Wang Hailin's self-introduction, Yu Dong realized that it was really a coincidence that he came to Jinyi.

This year is the third time for him to take the college entrance examination, the first time he was admitted to the Shanghai Opera, but he failed because of the squeezed places.

Last year he was admitted to Yanjing Film Academy, but he failed the physical examination.Among the group of people at that time, only two had not passed the physical examination, and the other was Jia Zhangke.

They were planning to fight again this year, but they found that none of the drama and literature departments of these schools had enrolled students.

At this time, Jin Yi's admissions teacher went to find them, said all kinds of good things, and finally attracted them.

Yu Dong couldn't help but sigh with emotion, isn't this just a coincidence.

It just so happened that they didn't enroll students in Chinese opera, so Jin Yi opened a drama department, leaving a way for Wang Hailin and the others.

"Oh, I went to Yanjing Dance Academy, but they wanted me to do a live dance. When I heard it, I thought, this is the end. Sure enough, I didn't pass the exam." Wang Hailin sighed helplessly. Spreading his hands, he smiled and said, "But it's a blessing in disguise. If I really get admitted to the Dance Academy, I won't be able to come to Jinyi. Compared to the Dance Academy, I still like the Department of Drama."

Hearing what Wang Hailin said was interesting, the other students also laughed.

In fact, many students are admitted to art schools, which is also related to cultural subjects, especially mathematics, because at this time, art subjects are not included in the mathematics score.

For example, Wang Hailin and Jia Zhangke, both of whom are literary youths, if their culture courses are good, they can definitely enter Yan Normal University or even Peking University.

Especially Jia Zhangke, who was extremely biased. He published novels in magazines when he was in middle school, and their local Writers Association also expressed that even if he didn't go to university, he was willing to let him in and become a member.

It's also because Jia Zhangke didn't have a good time, otherwise he would have been recommended, at least it would have been admitted with a reduced score.

 Thank you [Book Friend 20190322172518716] for the 1400 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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