Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 160 It turns out to be a big man

Chapter 160 It turns out to be a big man

Yu Dong's writing class was scheduled on Thursday, the whole day.

Writing classes generally have in-class training, which takes a long time, so it is arranged for a whole day.

That's why Zhang Xian said that Yu Dong had to work harder.

When Yu Dong arrived in the classroom, the 28 students in the drama creation class had been waiting for a long time. As soon as he entered the classroom, Wang Hailin took the lead and shouted: "Hello, teacher!"

Other students also stood up one after another, "Hello, teacher!"

Yu Dong smiled and pressed his hands: "Hi students, please sit down."

He glanced at Wang Hailin, this kid is now the squad leader of Xichuang 92, when Bi Feiyu told him, he was a little surprised.

Didn't you say you want to set rules for them? Why did you let this thorny head be the squad leader?
Bi Feiyu explained to Yu Dong that Wang Hailin has a bad temper, but he is full of drive. Let him be the squad leader. He dares to stand out when something happens, and maybe he can suppress his temper if he has a responsibility.

Yu Dong picked up the chalk and wrote two words on the blackboard: self-introduction and literature in my heart.

"Today is the first class, and there are two essays in class. The topics are these two on the blackboard." Yu Dong put down the chalk: "Except for this, there is no other content today. Students who have finished writing can dismiss get out of class first."

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the students began to discuss in low voices.

Today is a one-day class, no matter how much you write these two essays, it won't take a day, can you really finish class early?

"Teacher Yu, is there a word count limit for this composition?" Wang Hailin raised his hand and asked.

"At least two words."


Yu Dong smiled: "Because at least your names must be written."


"I know you must be thinking, is what Teacher Yu said counts, and is it really possible to leave early after finishing writing?"

The students didn't speak, but judging from their expressions, it was clear that Yu Dong was talking about what they were most concerned about.

"Let me tell you, I am responsible for all my words. As long as you feel that you have finished writing, you can leave first. But I also want to remind you that in this course of mine, the usual homework performance accounts for 60.00% of the total grade. "

Hearing Yu Dong's words, the students showed "so that's the case" expressions.

Yu Dong continued: "At this moment, you must be thinking again. Teacher Yu has a good mouth, but he is holding you back with your usual grades, isn't it?"

No one answered, because they really thought so, but they dared not say it.

"However, I want to tell you again that I don't look at how long you stay in the classroom or how many words you write. I only look at the completion of your homework. If you have the confidence to use A blank sheet of paper impresses me, so it is not impossible to hand in a blank sheet of paper. Are there any other questions? If there is no problem, let’s start now.”

"Teacher Yu, can we discuss?" Wang Hailin raised his hand again to ask.

Yu Dong nodded: "Yes, but try to keep your voice as low as possible so as not to disturb other classes."

Now no one had any questions, but no one started to write immediately, and everyone started discussing with their ears in twos and threes.

After looking at the students for a while, Yu Dong took out a copy of "The Analysis of Drama" by Martin Essling.He had roughly read this book when he was in school, and now he took it out to read it again because he was going to teach a play creation class.

The students whispered to each other for more than ten minutes, and then slowly quieted down. Most of them have already started to write today's homework.

The morning passed quickly, and none of the students came up to hand in their homework. Yu Dong sent them to have a meal, and then came back to continue writing after lunch break.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the first person to hand in homework appeared.

What Yu Dong didn't expect was that the first one to hand in his homework was Jia Zhangke, who was usually not very talkative.This kid doesn't like to stand out in other things, but he didn't expect to be quite confident in writing.

"You can finish class first." Yu Dong took Jia Zhangke's homework and said this to him.

But Jia Zhangke didn't leave, but sat back in his seat.

Yu Dong smiled and said nothing, and began to look at Jia Zhangke's homework.

First, "Self-Introduction", which caught Yu Dong's eyes at the beginning.

Let me introduce myself. It’s hard to write flowers. If I write too little, I’m afraid it won’t be enough. If I write too much, it’s redundant.

Jia Zhangke changed the way of writing, imitating the reporter's interview, and adopted the form of question and answer.

A: What's your name, please?
B: My name is Jia Zhangke.

A: Seeing that you are not young, you are in your 30s, 40s?
B: I just turned twenty.


This kind of writing is not uncommon, but it is really good to think of using this method in the first in-class training class.And this question-and-answer mode is also very suitable for the topic "Self-introduction".

This question and answer not only expresses my cognition of myself, but also expresses the cognition of others.

For example, A said, "You must not be young...", although there is no description of appearance, it makes people know that "I" looks very anxious.

This is where this format is at its best.

Yu Dong nodded, and looked at the next article "Literature in My Heart".

Jia Zhangke did not play any tricks in this article, but narrated what literature meant to him in a normal way. He wrote it since he was a child, the first book he read, the first book he wrote, and the first book he wrote. Some of his most influential books...

But Yu Dong frowned when he looked at it. Jia Zhangke is very hypocritical when he talks about literature. Although he didn't say it directly, it can be seen between the lines that in his heart, literature is a niche and closed , is hidden in the depths.

Don't look at this kid who is usually docile and silent, but he has a kind of aloofness.

"Teacher Yu, I'll hand in my homework."

Before Yu Dong finished reading Jia Zhangke's homework, Wang Hailin had already come up to hand in his homework.

"Well, you can finish class first."

Wang Hailin smiled, but also returned to his seat and sat down without leaving the classroom.

The two of them took the lead, and other students came up to hand in their homework one after another, and they also didn't leave.

Yu Dong sorted out all the homework and said with a smile, "If you don't leave, I will."

After speaking, he took the students' homework and left.

The students were sitting in their seats, you looked at me, I looked at you, someone asked Wang Hailin: "Squad leader, shall we go too?"

Wang Hailin gritted his teeth: "Let's go, the teacher is gone, what are we doing here?"

Hearing Wang Hailin's words, the other students all got up with a clatter, and they all left the classroom after a while.


"Extra, extra, Brother Dong's new book will be published soon, Brother Dong's new book will be published soon."

That evening, Wang Hailin was visiting Jia Zhangke's dormitory when he heard a shout from the second floor. He ran to the corridor and stretched his head to look. He saw a shirtless student running back and forth in the corridor on the second floor holding a magazine.

After a while, the shirtless student went up to their third floor again, and continued to shout: "Extra, extra, Brother Dong's new book will be published soon!"

Wang Hailin stopped the shirtless student, "Student, what's going on?"

The shirtless student glanced at Wang Hailin, "Let's be a freshman."

"Yes." Wang Hailin nodded, a little confused, "Does this have anything to do with whether I am a freshman or not?"

The shirtless student smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, if you're not a freshman, wouldn't you know who I am?"

Wang Hailin's face turned serious: "So you are still a big shot in our school, so you didn't ask for advice?"

The shirtless student chuckled: "I am Yu Dong's first disciple, so is Qu Aiguo!"

 Thank you [Book Friend 20190322172518716] for the 300 reward of the boss
  Thank you [Book Friend 20181219000432861] for the 100 reward of the boss
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Book Friend 20170106112925349] for the 100 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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