Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 161 Gathering Information

Chapter 161 Gathering Information
Qu Aiguo?In the East?Personally pass on the big disciple?

Wang Hailin was stunned, what is this all about?
"Senior, I know Mr. Yu Dong, but why are you his personal disciple?" Wang Hailin asked.

Qu Aiguo said proudly: "Primary school brother, do you know when Teacher Yu Dong came to Jinyi?"

"I heard it was last year?"

"That's right, it was last year. Then do you know which class he led first?"

"It seems to be an art major?"

"What kind of art, it's art, the art of arts and crafts." Qu Aiguo said with a look of disgust: "How did you get into college, kid?"

"It's a fluke, a fluke." Although Wang Hailin's temper exploded, he couldn't underestimate Qu Aiguo's aura, and he didn't dare to speak back.

Before he came here, he had heard that it is okay to mess with the teachers in the university, but you can't mess with those powerful seniors, otherwise the seniors will make you wash smelly socks every day.

Wang Hailin also looked down at Qu Aiguo's feet. The socks must be smelly for those big feet.

Qu Aiguo didn't know that Wang Hailin was studying his socks, and shook the "Science Fiction World" in front of Wang Hailin: "Our Dong Ge is not only a frequent visitor to top literary magazines such as "Zhong Shan" and "Harvest", It is even a milestone figure in the science fiction world. No, the new issue of "Science Fiction World" announced that Dong Ge's new book, the novel "The Last City" will be released soon."

Wang Hailin stroked his middle score, "I've heard of Mr. Yu Dong's involvement in science fiction, but I haven't paid much attention to it. Is he so famous in the science fiction circle?"

"You're ignorant, aren't you? You just recruit any sci-fi fan on the street, but if there is one who doesn't know Brother Dong, I will be responsible." Qu Aiguo patted his bare chest and said firmly.

"The problem is that sci-fi fans are hard to find..." Wang Hailin muttered in a low voice, and then he saw Qu Aiguo's eyes and laughed quickly: "I mean, I also want to pay attention to sci-fi, but I can't find any organization. "

Qu Aiguo patted Wang Hailin on the shoulder, "Didn't you see the organization now? I am the president of the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association. Do you want to join the association?"

"Yes I do."

"Okay, if you want to join the club, go to Room 301, No. [-] teaching building at [-]:[-] tomorrow morning." Qu Aiguo patted Wang Hailin's shoulder again, then raised the magazine in his hand and ran up the corridor, shouting: "Big news, brother Dong The new book "Prison No. [-]" will be released soon!"

Wang Hailin looked at Qu Aiguo who was running and shouting, and scratched the back of his head. After talking for a long time, he still couldn't explain why he was a first-handed disciple.

Looking back, Wang Hailin ran to the dormitory and told Jia Zhangke about it.

"How about it, do you want to come with me tomorrow morning?"

Jia Zhangke shook his head, "I won't join the Science Fiction Association, I'm going to see the Cucumber Garden Poetry Association."

"The Cucumber Garden Poetry Club? What is this?" Wang Hailin asked in surprise.

"This is a poetry club founded by Yu Dong and his teachers, and it is very famous in our school." Jia Zhangke explained: "And the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association you mentioned, I also know that the president is from the second grade of Gongmei. It was founded by Qu Aiguo, the senior, and their association is also full of teacher Yu Dong's book friends, but the association only focuses on science fiction."

Wang Hailin's eyes widened, and he slapped Jia Zhangke on the shoulder, "You're fine, you usually look like a gourd, and you are good at finding out information. Okay, I will go to the Science Fiction Association alone, but I will go to the Cucumber Garden Poetry Association." I want to go with you."


"The Last City" will not be released until the end of next month, but "Science Fiction World" has already made preparations in advance, and this issue has begun to announce the release news to warm up.

The main reason is to see the feedback from readers, so that we can also determine how many copies will be printed for the first time.

Science Fiction World Magazine has no experience in operating long science fiction booklets, so it has no idea.

The sci-fi market has been sluggish. Although it has improved this year, the volume is still relatively small.Moreover, the domestic book industry has been sluggish in the past two years, coupled with rampant piracy, it is indeed difficult to have confidence.

Of course, the problem of piracy is the most serious. When exaggerating, the original version only sells [-] to [-] copies, but the pirated version has already sold hundreds of thousands of copies.

Original books are still a luxury for many people. Take "The Last City" as an example, with 42 words and a price of 12 yuan. This price is not high for this number of words, and it is even a bit low for the quality of typesetting. .

But many people still can't afford it, and now most people earn less than 12 yuan a day.

Based on this situation, it is impossible for the genuine version to outperform the pirated version.

Original editions have to be edited and arranged, and the author has to be paid. In addition, most pirated editions do not pay taxes, so even books of the same quality cannot be sold at the same price as pirated editions.

Moreover, piracy is not easy to manage now, because the national conditions are such that those who cannot afford genuine books should not be deprived of spiritual food.

Yu Dong didn't care too much about these things, and his life went on as usual. As soon as September No. 20, Jimmy came to Jinyi to find him with George Martin's preparation materials.

After reading those materials, Yu Dong was even more sure that what George Martin was preparing was "A Song of Ice and Fire", so he immediately decided that Jimmy must get the copyright of this book.

Jimmy originally had a different opinion, but seeing that Yu Dong was really optimistic about the book, he didn't say anything else.

The main reason is that they do have some money in their hands now, and buying the copyright of George Martin's book does not hurt their bones, even if they make a mistake in their decision-making, it will not have much impact.

And seeing that "Resident Evil" and "Second World" are about to be released, the company's funds will continue to increase, and the money in hand will only increase. It is not impossible to do something to make the boss happy.

So Jimmy quickly returned to the United States with the manuscript and materials. After this time, the plans for the two books "Resident Evil" and "Second World" will officially start.

Before Jimmy left, Yu Dong said to him: "Collect more information about new writers when you are free."

Jimmy was not too surprised by this, and nodded in agreement.

After Jimmy left, Yu Dong was still thinking about "A Song of Ice and Fire".He was originally inspired and wanted to recall and see if there were any other well-known writers who hadn't made a fortune, so that he could start in advance.

But in this way of recalling out of thin air, I can't remember much at all, and I can't remember specific information.

For example, he thought of Rowling, but now she is not well-known at all, and there is no one to be found.

You can't spend a lot of money to find a 30-[-]-year-old blonde woman in the UK, and then show him the photos.

So he asked Jimmy to collect a lot of information about new writers, hoping to find some acquaintances.

 The number of the last chapter was written wrong, but it is troublesome to change it, so I will inform you

(End of this chapter)

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