Chapter 162 Niu Erfang

Sunday, September 27.

In the afternoon, the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club will hold its first gathering since the beginning of school. This gathering is necessary because it has been a long time since the summer vacation, and it is also to promote the poetry reading club to the freshmen.

The current Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club is no longer as simple as a few teachers reading poems behind closed doors. Not only has the number of people increased a lot, but the themes of reading have also expanded, from simply reading poetry to reading books.

As the veteran of the poetry reading club, Yu Dong naturally wanted to participate this time.

But as soon as he packed up and went to the teaching building, Uncle Zhou brought someone to the yard over there.

"Teacher Yu, someone is looking for you." Uncle Zhou shouted towards Yu Dong.

"Oh, who is it?" Yu Dong replied and walked out the door, seeing the person next to Uncle Zhou, but he didn't recognize him.

Uncle Zhou said to the man: "Hey, this is Teacher Yu. I brought it for you. I'll go first."

"Thanks, buddy."

This man looked about forty years old, with his hair combed back, of medium height, and a broad face.

After Uncle Zhou left, he walked up to Yu Dong with a smile on his face, "Teacher Yu Dong, I'm Niu Erfang, from the Xishan Popular Science Association. I take the liberty to visit, and I hope Haihan."

Yu Dong shook hands with him somewhat unexpectedly, "Hello, Mr. Niu, what can I do for you?"

Niu Erfang glanced into the room and asked, "Is it convenient to sit down and talk?"

Yu Dong looked at the time, and there were four or ten minutes before the poetry reading would start, so he nodded, "Yes, but I don't have much time, at most two and ten minutes, do you think it's okay?"

"of course can."

Then Yu Dong invited him into the house and made him a cup of tea.

After taking the teacup, Niu Erfang explained, "That's right, Mr. Yu Dong, our Xishan Science Popularization Association has an idea to start a science fiction magazine, so I came here to visit you specially to hear your opinion."

Yu Dong looked at Niu Erfang in surprise, they wanted to start a science fiction magazine, why did they come to visit him?
That's right, he is indeed the most famous in the science fiction world this year.But it never got to the point where a provincial science popularization association had to travel thousands of miles to seek his opinions for a magazine. As for trying to win him over, it should have been when the magazine really started. Now there is only one idea, what's the use?

In addition, Yu Dong thought Niu Erfang's name was a little familiar just now, but after hearing what he said, he suddenly remembered who he was.

The Xishan Science Popularization Association did run a magazine called "The King of Science Fiction". At the beginning, it focused on children's science fiction comics, but it was later changed to publish science fiction novels.

Science fiction writers such as Wang Jingkang and Liu Cixin also published novels in "The King of Science Fiction".

Yu Dong thought for a while and asked, "Then do you have any ideas now? Which direction are you going to go?"

"We haven't confirmed yet. The model of "Science Fiction World" is ready-made, and it has been getting better and better in the past few years. Of course, we also thought about learning from their model. But the current situation in China is also for you, teacher. You know, if we're in the same mold as SF World, it's going to be bad for both of us."

Yu Dong nodded. If Xishan and the others run a magazine that is exactly the same type as "Science Fiction World", they will definitely not survive.

"Science Fiction World" is just getting better now, and it hasn't been long since it was changed to a monthly magazine. If there is another magazine, it will not only divide the readers, but also divide the authors.

At that time, the sci-fi manuscripts will not be enough for the two magazines, which will inevitably reduce the quality of the magazine, and eventually form a vicious circle.

In the short term, the addition of a magazine of the same type will inevitably make the manuscripts of science fiction writers more popular, which is beneficial to science fiction writers.

But the current market does not allow such competition.

Of course, if the Xishan Science Popularization Association insists on making the same one, there is a high probability that it will be overwhelmed by "Science Fiction World", and then stop publishing for a while.

"Then have you thought about other directions?" Yu Dong asked.

Niu Erfang pondered: "In the past two years, foreign comics have gradually become popular in China, so we thought maybe we could adopt the form of comics."

It really is a comic.

It seems that it is undoubtedly "The King of Science Fiction".

In fact, Yu Dong thinks that the form of comics is quite good, but because of the "historical" lessons, Yu Dong is not very optimistic about the magazine produced by Xishan Science Popularization Association this time.

Yu Dong has seen the early "Science Fiction King". To be honest, the painting style is not flattering, it is almost an amateur level.Let’s not talk about the story structure and the like, just talking about the art is completely unqualified.

But it was hard for Yu Dong to tell Niu Erfang about this when they met for the first time.He looked at his watch and asked, "Mr. Niu, actually I still don't understand why you came to see me. It's not really just to listen to my suggestions for you."

Niu Erfang looked at Yu Dong, and then laughed: "Teacher Yu is really quick to talk, so let me just say it straight. I have traveled to several places and visited some science fiction writers. I heard a piece of news from these writers. , your agent Jimmy James has signed many sci-fi writers in China. I think if we want to launch a sci-fi magazine, he must be unavoidable.”

"So that's how it is." Yu Dong smiled: "He's not in the country now, but he'll be back soon, how about this, you leave a contact information, and I'll let him contact you as soon as he arrives here."

Niu Erfang said gratefully, "Thank you, Teacher Yu, you have helped me a lot. Of course, in addition to looking for him, I also came here to get to know you. When our magazine is launched, we will definitely need your support at that time." .”

"That's easy to say." Yu Dong agreed without hesitation, but thought in his heart that he couldn't help them. What they really needed was a good manga team, rather than expecting a grassroots team to support the stage.

After Niu Erfang finished writing the contact information, he said goodbye and left. He said that he came from Yanjing and had already visited Mr. Zheng Wenguang, and he would go to Shanghai to visit Ye Yonglie next.

After he left, Yu Dong checked the time and hurried towards the teaching building.


When Yu Dong arrived at the place, the classroom was already full of people, and many students were still standing.

As soon as he entered, the students became commotion. Many students came here to see him, especially the freshmen.

The freshmen didn't know Yu Dong's "lying flat" style, and they wanted to come and see Yu Dong, a "great writer" writing poems for everyone.

Feng Mingchao beckoned to Yu Dong, "Old Yu, there is a seat reserved for you here."

Yu Dongding took a look, and there was indeed a seat reserved, and Cheng Yanqiu, who was sitting next to the empty seat, was looking at him with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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