Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 163 Come to see Gaoshan

Chapter 163 Come to see Gaoshan
Cheng Yanqiu alone was fine, there was Liu Meiqin sitting on the other side of the empty seat.

Liu Meiqin waved to Yu Dong enthusiastically, "Teacher Yu, this way."

Yu Dong hesitated for a moment, but he still walked over and sat down between the two of them.

"Teacher Yu, I heard that you are teaching drama creation class this year, how do you feel?"

As soon as Yu Dong sat down, Liu Meiqin pressed her chin and asked him, the meaning of Dong in her eyes was the same as before, without any concealment.

"It's not bad, because it's a new course, I haven't taught it before, and I'm still in the adaptation stage." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

"I listen……"

What else did Liu Meiqin want to say, Yu Dong pointed to Liu Changmin on the stage, "It seems to be about to start."

Liu Changmin seemed to have a switch on his body. After being pointed at by Yu Dong, he said, "I am very happy to see that there are new friends and old friends today. Our Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club has been officially established for more than a semester." The school is also very supportive and assigned us a venue, although it can only be in the classroom now, but there is still a chance to have a fixed activity room in the future, which is all in the plan.”

"Before there is no dedicated activity room, our future activities will be carried out in this classroom. From Monday to Saturday night, and all day Sunday, this classroom belongs to us. So in the future, if you have time, you can spontaneously , Come to this classroom on a small scale to exchange poetry and literature, it doesn’t necessarily require us to initiate an organization.”

After Liu Changmin briefly talked about the situation in the cucumber garden, the poetry reading officially began.

There are no complicated links. Teachers and students who want to share poetry or experience can just go on stage by themselves.

There is no need to worry about the situation of silence, everyone's enthusiasm is very high.

Because Liu Changmin had always encouraged everyone to create poems bravely and share them bravely, they were affected, and there were more cases of reading original poems aloud.

The quality of these poems may not be good, but the purpose of the Poetry Reading Club is not to cultivate great poets, as long as everyone opens their hearts and expresses themselves bravely.

Let life be a bit poetic, and make poetry close to life, this is the main purpose of Cucumber Garden Poetry Association.

When the poetry reading was halfway through, Jia Zhangke raised his hand and came onto the stage.

Yu Dong was sandwiched between Liu Meiqin and Cheng Yanqiu, feeling that there was an invisible position squeezing him, making him restless.

Liu Meiqin still wanted to talk to him.

So he could only sit upright and look at the stage, as if listening carefully to everyone's sharing.

After listening to several original poems that didn't feel good enough, Yu Dong was also a little tired. At this moment, he suddenly saw Jia Zhangke on stage, and he became interested.

This kid had run a poetry club in middle school and published a collection.

Although Yu Dong has never read his poems, he is very interested in his poems.

After taking the stage, Jia Zhangke raised his forehead, but it was empty.

Before he went to college, he had handsome long hair, and he was used to the action of flicking his hair.Now that the hair has been cut for a while, this habit has remained.

"Hello everyone, I'm Jia Zhangke. I'm very glad to be here to participate in the Cucumber Garden Poetry Contest. Next, I will bring you an original poem called "Come and See". Please give me your pointers."

He wrote the words "see you" on the blackboard and began to read the poem aloud.


I come from Xishan

Come and see the Six Dynasties, come and see.

Red flames spread high in the sky
Pedestrians come and go in a hurry
The gate of the cucumber garden is waving to me

all present reality
all past dreams
Before this door, disappear
only left

present and future dreams
I'm coming to Jinling

Come meet a promising future
Come to see an unknown dream
Come to see an extremely beautiful sea

Come to see the mountain that I most expect and fear the most

Come to see this autumn, the sycamore leaves are still there]

After Jia Zhangke finished reading his poem, there was applause from the audience. These applause would be heard every time someone came to the stage, but this time it was obviously more enthusiastic than before.

Because his poem is much more interesting.

This poem is actually very simple, divided into upper and lower lines, the upper line said to Jinling, I am here to see you, and the lower line said to Xishan, I am leaving, I am going to see Jinling.

But it is such a simple poem that depicts the complex mood of a student who has just entered college and is about to start a new life. There are nostalgia for the past and imagination for the future.

Of course, joy is more expressed in the poem. He said that he would come to see the long-awaited and shy mountains. Although he didn’t know what the mountains symbolized, it meant that there were things or people in Jinling that he wanted to see. .

Yu Dong applauded Jia Zhangke, this kid's poem is not bad, the most important thing is that it fits his situation very well.

Many people like to write poems by force, and they don't know what they want to express in what they write, pretending to be profound and cloudy.

As everyone knows, in poetry, expression is the most important. Since a poem is created, it must express the creator's state of mind.Even if it is obscure poetry, it is not a mess of words.

So Yu Dong is very optimistic about Jia Zhangke's "Come and See", which is a bit interesting.

On the stage, Liu Changmin, who was standing next to Jia Zhangke, also looked at Jia Zhangke with a look of relief.

Although he encourages everyone to create poetry, he certainly prefers to hear some good poetry, at least some poetry that can be listened to.

Many people will enter into a misunderstanding when writing poetry, thinking that they can write poetry by holding this dictionary, knowing more beautiful and profound words, and learning some interesting sentences. Such people are called "dictionary poets".

In fact, beautiful poetry that fits the times should be spoken naturally.

"Student Jia Zhangke, this poem is very good. It seems that you have already looked forward to this city before arriving in Jinling." Liu Changmin said with a smile.

Jia Zhangke nodded, "Mr. Liu, just like what I said in my poem, there are two high mountains in Jinling that I look forward to but are afraid of seeing."

"Two seats?"

"Well, there are two, one is Teacher Han Dong, and the other is Teacher Yu Dong sitting in front of me. The two of them are the two mountains in my heart. All the beautiful scenery I am looking forward to can be found in these two mountains. I saw it online. So coming to Jinling, for me, is not only a study, but also a pilgrimage.”

As soon as Jia Zhangke said this, everyone in the classroom got goosebumps.

This is so meaty!
Yu Dong's scalp also went numb, how on earth did this kid say these words without changing his face.

Qu Aiguo, who was sitting in the back, rubbed his arms and pouted, "This kid made me feel uncomfortable."

Li Huixiang on the side smiled and said: "I think you are jealous that he has surpassed you in flattering skills. Be careful that your status will not be guaranteed in the future. This is called the waves behind the Yangtze River pushing the waves ahead."

Liu Changmin on the stage was about to praise Jia Zhangke, but he couldn't say it now.

"Uh, thank you, classmate Jia Zhangke, for sharing, please invite the next classmate."

(End of this chapter)

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