Chapter 164 Me Too

"You've become a mountain again, haha."

After the poetry reading was over, Feng Ming pulled Yu Dong to tease him.

The others laughed too.

Liu Meiqin asked with a smile: "Who is Han Dong that classmate mentioned?"

Yu Dong looked at Liu Meiqin in surprise, wondering why she didn't know about Han Dong.

Han Dong is not so famous that everyone knows him, but he should be quite famous in Jinling poetry circles.Liu Meiqin likes poetry, she must have heard of him.

Liu Changmin explained to Liu Meiqin: "Han Dong is a local poet in Jinling, and he wrote "You Have Seen the Sea"."

"Oh, so it's him. I've heard this poem before."

Feng Ming said with a smile: "I heard that Han Dong is a bit withdrawn and rarely interacts with others. He is quite famous in Jinling poetry circles, but he has never participated in any poetry club or other activities. Everyone doesn't even know what he looks like." do not know."

"The rumors are a bit untrue. Although Han Dong doesn't talk much, he is not withdrawn." Yu Dong said.

Everyone else looked at Yu Dong.

"You still know Han Dong?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Jinling's circle is so big, isn't it normal for me to know him?"

He Yu sighed, and shook his head pretendingly: "When we were together, I felt that you were nothing special except that you were a little more delicate. But when I mentioned the names of those literati, I suddenly felt that you were far away from us."

Feng Ming chuckled, "It's as if the old man came down from the sky."

"I didn't say it."

Several people talked and laughed and walked out of the teaching building. When they reached the intersection, the male teachers and the female teachers separated.

After the female teachers left, Feng Ming asked gossipingly: "Old Yu, what's the situation with you and Mr. Cheng? Did something happen that we don't know? Aiyuan said that Mr. Cheng is very different from before. Not the same, I took the initiative to say hello to her when school started, which shocked her."

"Then you should ask Mr. Cheng about this. How do I know?"

"No, her change must have something to do with you." Feng Ming said firmly.

Several other people were also interested, and He Yu asked, "Where did Lao Feng say this? I really felt that there was something wrong with the eyes of Mr. Liu and Mr. Cheng just now."

Feng Ming smiled: "Brothers, let me speak slowly..."

Yu Dong interrupted him, "Say the fart, go back and beat the eggs, I have peanuts and melon seeds in my room, and I have plenty of food and grass."

After speaking, Yu Dong went up and left.

He Yu and Liu Changmin looked at Feng Ming, "It's still important to smash the eggs, so let's listen to the secrets of Fengyue later."

Feng Ming stayed behind and stomped his feet. The two old fools couldn't think of anything else when they heard the slap.

"Hey, wait for me, the three of you can't play anymore."

Feng Ming also hastily rushed up.


Jia Zhangke became popular in Jinyi, and then brought a poetic style, and the students worked hard to create poems.

Different from the poetic style brought up by Yu Dong before, this time the students also had a comparative mentality.

You Jia Zhangke, a freshman, can write excellent works, so who is worse among us?

It is also because Jia Zhangke's poems became popular, and after the last "Guardian of the Wishing Stone", Yu Dong won another title: Jinling Mountain.

Later, he was referred to as Gao Shan by his classmates.

That day when Yu Dong was walking on the road, several students greeted him: "Hello, Teacher Gao Shan."

Yu Dong was stunned for a long time before he connected the word "high mountain" with what happened at the poetry reading meeting at that time.

Some freshmen didn't know Yu Dong, and when they saw a bunch of students greeting Yu Dong, they really thought Yu Dong was called Gao Shan.

Can't help wondering: "Why is this teacher Gao so popular?"


"Mr. Gao, someone is looking for you."

On the morning of September No. 30, Yu Dong was preparing for the monthly summary of the writing class in the dormitory, when He Yu stood in the yard and shouted.

Yu Dong stood up, leaned on the table and stretched his head to look. He Yu was fetching water from the side of the well, and there was a man about 30 years old standing beside him.

This man is handsome, with parted hair, wearing glasses, and exudes the air of a scholar.

The man was explaining to He Yu at this time: "This teacher, I am looking for Teacher Yu Dong."

He Yu laughed, "My name is also Teacher Yu Dong, and he lives in that room."

Under He Yu's guidance, the man walked towards Yu Dong.

Yu Dong also came out of the room, he looked at the man, "Hello, I'm Yu Dong, may I ask who you are?"

The man showed joy and said with a smile: "Hello, Teacher Yu, I am the editor of "People's Literature", Cao Zhengke, and I came to visit you specially."

"Oh, hello, hello, please come in."

Yu Dong invited Cao Zhengke into the room, and was pouring tea for him, when He Yu shouted outside, "Mr. Gao, someone is looking for him again."

"This teacher, I found Teacher Yu, not Teacher Gao."

"My name is Teacher Yu, he lives in that room."

"Excuse me." Yu Dong handed the tea to Cao Zhengke and walked outside.

This time it was a woman in her thirties, wearing a casual gray suit, holding a briefcase in her hand, and her curly hair was permed, which was quite trendy.

"Hi, I'm Yu Dong, may I ask who you are?"

"Hello, Teacher Yu, I'm Lu Mengping, the editor of "Flower City". It's a pleasure to meet you." Lu Mengping took the initiative to hold Yu Dong's hand and said enthusiastically.

Yu Dong rubbed his head, what day is it today, why did the two editors come here on the same day?

"Oh, hello, please come in."

Yu Dong invited Lu Mengping into the room again.

After Lu Mengping entered the room, seeing Cao Zhengke, her expression immediately changed: "Brother Cao, why are you here?"

Yu Dong didn't know if it was because of her poor hearing, or if Lu Mengping did it on purpose. She said Cao Dabian, no matter how she sounded, it sounded like Cao Shit.

Holding the teacup, Cao Zhengke said with a smile, "I'll come and see Teacher Yu, aren't you here too?"

"You know each other?" Yu Dong asked.

Lu Mengping rushed to say: "We were all working in "Yuhua" before, so we can be regarded as colleagues."

"What do you mean? The two of us have worked together in "Yuhua" for two years, can't we even afford the word "colleague?"

"That's not necessarily the case. What is a colleague? They either do the same thing or do the same thing together. At best, the two of us can be regarded as two people who used to work in the same office."

"Your words are meaningless."


Yu Dong listened to the two of them bickering, but couldn't get a word in.

These two must have deep grievances, otherwise it would be impossible for them to pinch each other in front of their own faces.

After they talked for a while, Yu Dong said, "Editor Lu, let me pour you a glass of water."

Only then did the two realize that their behavior was inappropriate just now, and Lu Mengping apologized, "I'm sorry, we have known each other for many years, and we have always gotten along like this."

"Oh, that's quite special." Yu Dong nodded and poured a cup of tea for Lu Mengping.

After receiving the tea, Lu Mengping said again: "It's like this, Teacher Yu. I'm a native of Jinling. I came back early this time to visit you and Teacher Bi Feiyu while there is no holiday."

Cao Zhengke followed up and said, "Me too."

(End of this chapter)

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