Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 166 Are You Watching Movies?

Chapter 166 Are You Watching Movies?
Facing Feng Xiaoning's question, Yu Dong asked with a smile, "Then Director Feng, why do you think the protagonist can go back to the past through the diary? This is logically unreasonable."

Feng Xiaoning looked at Yu Dong, lost in thought, and after a while, he said, "You won't tell me, all this is just a dream, let's use dreams to explain everything."

"It's easy to explain everything with dreams, but I prefer to explain it with higher-dimensional creatures."

"High-dimensional creatures? The more I listen to this, the more confused I become." Feng Xiaoning frowned and thought for a while: "Do you mean that high-dimensional creatures are like gods, promoting this matter? And our lives, indeed Is it just a videotape that can be recorded and washed?"

"Director Feng, do you believe in God?"

Feng Xiaoning shook his head, "I don't believe it."

Yu Dong smiled and continued, "Then let's talk about high-dimensional creatures. It may be difficult to explain high-dimensional creatures, but we can use two-dimensional and three-dimensional metaphors. When someone mentioned "Closed Loop" before, It is said that the world depicted in it is like a finished movie, and the time is not sequential. We now regard the world in "Chaos Diary" as a running program, and the protagonist's story is a cycle in this program."

Feng Xiaoning nodded thoughtfully, "Although I don't understand the procedure you're talking about, I understand something, so continue."

"Well, in this cycle, there are countless conditions and choices. After the cycle gets the result, it returns to the previous conditions and choices, and starts to recalculate the result. We regard the symbols in the program as low-dimensional creatures, and create programs people are regarded as high-dimensional creatures."

If Feng Xiaoning believed in God, he would definitely raise an argument at this time: After all, he is still God.

But Feng Xiaoning didn't, he nodded, "I probably understand, in fact, even if I don't understand this, it won't affect the filming."

"Isn't it better to understand?" Yu Dong smiled.

"That's right, it's better to understand. I will make a plan, and then apply for funds. The money may not be much, but the funds will definitely be applied for." Feng Xiaoning seemed quite confident, "During this time, I will apply for funds. Once the script is written, it will be checked by you later.”

"It's too heavy to talk about. You can take it over and let me learn. I'm currently teaching a writing class for a drama creation class, and I'm also learning about it," Yu Dong said.

"Do you Jinyi also have a play creation class?" Feng Xiaoning was a little surprised.

"It was newly opened this year, so I was arrested as a young man."

"That's no wonder. I remember that your school's drama department has been closed long ago. But if you say so, then you might as well write the script yourself, and treat it as a practice." Feng Xiaoning said with a smile: "I'd rather be happy." Let you practice, maybe you, a great writer, can still shine in the screenwriting world in the future. Screenwriters and writers are not separated. Otherwise, why does Yanjing Film Academy have a literature department?"

Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, "There are plenty of opportunities to practice, let's forget about it this time. By the way, last time in Rongcheng, you heard from Director Feng that the film bureau was going to be reorganized. Is there any new news? Will this reorganization be successful? When will it be?" ?”

Speaking of this, Feng Xiaoning shook his head, "It's still procrastinating, and I don't know when there will be an approval letter. The main reason is that there are great internal differences. The reformists think that it is necessary to make a drastic change and reorganize in place at once, but the conservatives think We must moisten things silently, little by little. Now everyone can’t convince anyone, and I guess it will take a while for the results to come out.”

Yu Dong grasped the key information, "So the two parties have a consensus on the reorganization? It's just that they disagree on the strength of the reorganization?"

"That's what it means, and I personally think that even if the two sides negotiate a guideline on the strength of the reorganization, it will take a while to implement it later. It will be impossible to open up the domestic film market indefinitely, and then we will face a problem. , Which foreign films should we import? Whether to focus on commerciality or ideology is a difficult problem.” Feng Xiaoning analyzed for Yu Dong.

Yu Dong nodded, he very much approved of Feng Xiaoning's analysis.

Domestic reforms have always been cautious, and this is also the development style of our country.We can keep trial and error, but we can't touch the root.

Yu Dong also supports restrictions on foreign entertainment works. If the domestic film and television industry is a stagnant pool full of small fish waiting to die, then it is catfish that need to be introduced at this time, not sharks. .

The introduction of foreign blockbusters is to find a way to survive, not to find a way to die.

"Director Feng, do you have any thoughts on casting this movie?" Yu Dong asked again.

Feng Xiaoning looked at Yu Dong with a smile: "What's your opinion, Teacher Yu Dong?"

"I don't have any objections, I'm just curious. I also want to know which actors should shape the characters in the story."

"I don't have a clue now. The key is that many of the scenes in this story are from childhood, so a group of young actors are needed. Especially the protagonist, it is a test of the acting skills of the actors, and ordinary young actors may not be able to do it."

Feng Xiaoning was actually thinking about the role after reading the story, but he hasn't decided on any role yet, and he will have to seriously consider this matter later.

After talking about the script, the two chatted casually for a while. Feng Xiaoning also talked about the novel "Death of a Widow". He learned from Zhang Yimou that a movie adapted from this novel is being filmed.

Feng Xiaoning and Zhang Yimou entered the Yenching Film Academy in the same year. Although they studied in the Department of Fine Arts and Department of Photography respectively, the two departments have a lot of overlap, so the two of them are old acquaintances and have always kept in touch.

Feng Xiaoning also likes the novel "Death of a Widow" very much. He also said that if Zhang Yimou hadn't taken the lead, he would have wanted to make it.

However, these words were somewhat flattering, and Yu Dong didn't take them seriously.

After the two of them had lunch at noon, Yu Dong sent Feng Xiaoning to the train station. He was going to Chang'an at the next stop, both for work and to go home.

After sending off Feng Xiaoning, when he returned to the dormitory compound, Yu Dong saw Cheng Yanqiu standing at the door of his dormitory, as if he was waiting for him.

The weather is cool today, she wore a beige knitted cardigan with a white v-neck T-shirt inside, looking very intellectual.

But seeing her outfit, the first thought that came to Yu Dong's mind was: Comrade Cheng Yanqiu has so many clothes.

At this time Cheng Yanqiu also saw Yu Dong, she took out two movie tickets from her pocket, and waved at Yu Dong from a distance, "Comrade Yu Dong, want to watch a movie?"

 Thank you [Low Blue Clear Sky] for the 200 tip
  Thank you [Super Little Golden Dragon] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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