Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 167 I Can't Help My Child

Chapter 167 I Can't Help My Child

The movie of Yu Dong and Cheng Yanqiu was not seen in the end.

When they arrived at the movie theater at six o'clock, they were told that the movie theater had a power outage, and they didn't know when the power would be restored.

Standing at the entrance of the cinema, Cheng Yanqiu held the movie ticket in his hand, with a disappointed expression.

"Qiu Ju's Lawsuit" has been released for a month, and she didn't watch it on purpose, just to find a chance to be with Yu Dong.

Now it's hard to make an appointment with Yu Dong, but this happens.

Yu Dong looked at the ticket gate where a group of people lined up to refund tickets, and he also found it quite interesting.

Since his rebirth, he hasn't been to a movie theater to watch a movie, mainly because most of the movie theaters nowadays are chaotic, and the audio and video effects are also poor, so it's not interesting to watch.

Many movie theaters are transformed from video halls, and they are about the same size as ordinary classrooms, with a few rows of chairs.

The ones that are slightly better are just better-looking, the space is more spacious, and there is no difference in projection technology.

It is also precisely because of the backward projection technology that VCDs and pirated discs appeared later, which immediately crushed the domestic box office market.

TVs are getting bigger and cheaper, and VCDs have appeared. You can buy a disc for a little money and play it at home, and the effect is not much worse than that of a movie theater.

As a result, not many people are willing to pay a lot of money to go to the cinema to watch movies.

It was not until later that film technology and projection technology improved a lot that people began to re-enter the cinema.

"I'll refund the ticket." Cheng Yanqiu said.

Yu Dong grabbed her arm and said, "Don't change it, change it to tomorrow's one, just ask the conductor to stamp it."

As he spoke, he directly took the movie tickets from Cheng Yanqiu, walked into the movie theater, found the staff, and stamped their tickets.

After changing, Yu Dong came out with the ticket, "I'll take the ticket first, and we'll come back at this time tomorrow."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded, and then asked Yu Dong: "Then shall we go back to school now?"

Yu Dong smiled and said, "Now that you've come out, let's go for a walk. I haven't visited Jinling for more than a year. Aren't you a local? Be my tour guide and take me around."

"Okay." The disappointment on Cheng Yanqiu's face was swept away, she put her hands behind her back, and looked at Yu Dong with a smile: "Then is there any place you want to go? You should have been here a lot at Xinjiekou Next time, the "Zhongshan" magazine is nearby."

"Xinjiekou is fairly familiar."

"We can walk around the Drum Tower. Have you been to Southeast University? Although their school is not big, the scenery at the entrance is not bad, but it's getting dark now..."

"It's okay, let's go over there, and I heard that there is a good duck blood vermicelli shop in the area of ​​the Drum Tower. If you are hungry, you can go in and try it. You can also go to Xuanwu Lake, which is not far anyway. " Yu Dong said.

After waiting for Dong to finish speaking, Cheng Yanqiu looked at him with a smile that was not a smile, "Why do I feel that you are very familiar with Jinling? You know where it is, how far it is, and where there are shops. I don't know even if I'm a local. Which duck blood vermicelli in Gulou is delicious."

"It's all hearsay, so I just have to go and see it today. Let's go." Yu Dong said with a smile, and walked forward.

The two walked along the main road towards the Drum Tower. As they walked, the sky gradually darkened.

But after it was completely dark, because of the lights on the side of the road, the two of them felt that the sky was much brighter again, and the night really began.

"I came to this Anren Street most often when I was a child. When I was in junior high school, an aunt often sold steamed cakes here with a burden. Her steamed cakes were delicious, but I rarely saw her in the past two years. I don't know if she didn't do it."

Every time he went to a street or a road, Cheng Yanqiu would talk about his childhood.

She seems to have a special ability to remember the inconspicuous little things in life, and when these little things are said again from her mouth, they seem lively.

Yu Dong seemed to see a little girl with a ponytail on Ann Street, counting change to buy steamed cakes.

In fact, Yu Dong had already guessed who the aunt Cheng Yanqiu was talking about was selling steamed cakes. She should be the founder of Fang Po Cake Shop.

When Fangpo didn’t have a store in the beginning, she just picked up a burden and sold steamed cakes in the streets and alleys. Many local people knew her.

"Maybe we can meet again in the future. I must try how delicious her steamed cakes are then, so that you will miss her until now."

"really tasty."

Yu Dong listened to Cheng Yanqiu talking about her childhood, wandered the streets for a long time, originally planned to go to Xuanwu Lake, but failed to go because of talking on the street for too long, and the duck blood vermicelli shop, only I can make an appointment to eat before watching a movie tomorrow.

When I returned to school, it was already past ten o'clock in the evening. Fortunately, the guard on duty did not have Uncle Zhou, otherwise the old man would definitely gossip.

Sending Cheng Yanqiu downstairs to their dormitory, Yu Dong was about to turn his head and leave, Cheng Yanqiu called him: "Tomorrow during the day we will go to Xuanwu Lake to take a duck boat ride, is it okay, I have never been on a duck boat before."

"Okay." Yu Dong agreed very simply, "I'll come to see you tomorrow morning, let's go have breakfast together, and go there after breakfast."

"Okay, then I'm going up."

Watching Cheng Yanqiu go upstairs, Yu Dong also went back to the dormitory.

There were a lot of things to do today, and he was quite tired. He was going to take a bath and go to bed, but he didn't expect that the drowsiness would be washed away after the bath, and he became more energetic instead.

In addition to the "Chaos Diary" movie in his mind, Cheng Yanqiu, standing in the street and talking about her former figure, has always been lingering in Yu Dong's mind.

In the past, Yu Dong had always been passive emotionally, just like the relationship between him and his ex. When the other party chased him, he felt pretty good, so he agreed.

Now Yu Dong should be more cautious, he began to examine his heart more.But he also started to take the initiative, just like today he lied that he didn't know Jinling and asked Cheng Yanqiu to be a tour guide, as if he wanted to have more contact with her.

After thinking wildly for a while, Yu Dong took out a pen and paper and wrote for a while.

I don't care about what to write, anyway, I just write whatever comes to mind, and as I write, my heart finally calms down.

But the drowsiness still did not come up, so he found another notebook and began to write the structure of "Deep Space".

This novel has been written before, but now he is going to revise it. The main revision is the background. The deep space he wrote before was set in 2018, so it is obviously inappropriate to put it now.

With such a change, there are many things involved, and after changing it, Yu Dong suddenly realized that some of his previous ideas were not good, and came up with some new plots.


By the time Yu Dong finished his shower, it was almost noon in New York.

When Hans went downstairs to eat, he happened to pass by the Little Bear Bookstore, and he saw the big poster at the entrance of the bookstore at a glance.

"A Autumn Thriller"

"New Works by Famous Writers"


These words are printed on the poster.

The most important thing is that there is a person missing half of his head on the poster. This person is standing crookedly, with his hands stretched forward, his head seems to have been cut off in half by some sharp tool, but the eyeballs are still hanging on it.

Such a poster is very eye-catching. After only one glance, Hahns couldn't help walking into the bookstore.

He pointed to the poster at the door and asked the boss, "Where is this "Resident Evil"?"

The boss smiled and said, "The book won't come out until next month, and the poster is just a preview."

"Has this author YU made any works before? I think the living dead on this poster are a bit similar to "Dawn of the Dead", but not quite the same." Hahns asked.

The boss shook his head, "I don't know either. Anyway, Bantam spent a lot of money in this promotion, so he should be very optimistic about this book."

"But boss, isn't this poster too bloody? It's not good if it is seen by children." Hahns reminded, although he thinks the content on the poster is very interesting, but it is really not suitable for children we see.

The boss replied with a smile: "It's okay, there are very few children here, it's really not possible, there is another version of the poster."

In fact, when Bantam made posters, it took various factors into consideration and made many versions of posters to cope with various situations.

Not only this Little Bear Bookstore, but also bookstores with a small scale in China have received posters sent by Bantam. Because of the long-term cooperation, these bookstores will naturally give Bantam face and are willing to help them advertise this.

But that's about all the publicity Bantam does.

The real "blood money" was still made by Jimmy himself.

After signing the contract with Bantam, Jimmy ran around and began to plan and promote the "Resident Evil" published earlier.

He first approached director Romero and persuaded him to reveal in front of the media that he was paying attention to a novel called "Resident Evil".

Then I found several media outlets and paid them to write the news.

"The living dead series will reach its peak again? Romero revealed that he is..."

Finally, he mobilized the navy to send letters to major media newspapers, creating an illusion that the novel "Resident Evil" is now a hot topic.

The rest of the work can be left to those media who like to follow hot spots. They don't need to be bribed by Jimmy. They will spontaneously pay attention to this novel and then publish news.

The audience will naturally pay more attention when they see that so many news are talking about a book. At this stage, the work of the sailors can also stop.

The illusion created before will gradually become the "truth".


In Bantam Books, James from the editorial department saw the news of "Resident Evil" reported by many media, so he went to Dante's office.

"Dante, our poster tactics seem to be working. "Resident Evil" has become very popular recently, and even Romero has expressed concern."

Dante smiled speciously, "Do you really think our poster tactics worked?"

"Otherwise?" James was stunned for a moment, "YU's popularity is not good in the United States. Even if "One Day" is mentioned, how many people will pay attention to this movie that has not yet been released? Except ours I can't think of anything else that the poster would work."

"That's because you don't know Jimmy."

"You mean the broker?"

Dante narrowed his eyes, "James, put away your arrogance. Jimmy doesn't have any well-known projects in his hands now, but I think we may need to take the initiative to find him in a short time. We Bantams are really good Big, but we’re not the only book company in the world.”

James didn't take Dante's words to heart. Maybe Jimmy was lucky and found a novel with potential like "Resident Evil".

But a novel can't explain anything, and Jimmy can't talk to Bantam on an equal footing with a novel.

"Anyway, he took the initiative to help publicize, and we can sit back and reap the fruits." James said with a smile.

Dante shook his head slightly, but did not answer James' words.

A person like James can only be an editor, and his vision is still low.

Jimmy's operation this time made Dante feel a little bad.

Although the publicity this time is not earth-shattering, Jimmy and the others will definitely spend a lot of money, at least tens of thousands of dollars, only more, not less.

Being willing to spend so much money for the early operation of a novel proves that Jimmy and the others are not weak, and also proves that they have full confidence in the novel "Resident Evil".

If "Resident Evil" really becomes popular all over the world, then he will have to think about how to keep up with the explanation.

Because he didn't talk about the derivative copyright of "Resident Evil" at all.

When the time comes when the novel is adapted into a movie or a comic, and it is booming, only Jimmy happily collects the money, and the Bantam Company can only watch from the sidelines.

The more these profits, the more jealous the company's upper management will be, and it is likely to blame him at that time.

Dante knows very well that bosses don't look at how much money you make for the company, they only see how much money you don't make for the company.


Although Dante has his own worries, he still does his best in publicity.

When the media reported on "Resident Evil", Dante kept releasing some news, and even selected some of the more exciting chapters in the book and published them in newspapers for readers to have a sneak peek.

Although "Resident Evil" has not been released yet, the news about it has been overwhelming, giving many readers the illusion that people all over the world are paying attention to this novel.

At the same time, Jimmy, who hides behind everything, is also distressed to settle accounts.

A total of 18 U.S. dollars has been spent on this marketing, and not long after that, one-third of their company's start-up capital has been gone.

And this is not over yet, after "Resident Evil" is officially released, he will need to do further marketing to build the reputation of this book.

It is conservatively estimated that by the end of the second round of marketing, at least 25 US dollars will be spent.

This is 25 U.S. dollars. If Yu Dong hadn't told him that the cost would not be considered within 200 million RMB, he would not be willing to spend such money.

There is an old saying in China, "If you don't want a child, you can't trap a wolf." Now that the child has been let go, the next step is to wait for the wolf to trap you.

(End of this chapter)

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