Chapter 168 Cymbal

The next morning, when Cheng Yanqiu woke up early, Yu Dong was already waiting downstairs.

She looked at the bicycle beside Yu Dong and asked, "This is?"

Yu Dong patted the seat, "I'll take you for a ride today."

"But, I can't." Cheng Yanqiu frowned.

Yu Dong looked surprised, "No? I didn't ask you to ride, just sit in the back."

"Yeah, I've never even sat on it. I've seen other people use jumping to sit on it. It's quite difficult."

Yu Dong rubbed his head, it was hard for him to imagine how Cheng Yanqiu lived in the past.If she said that she couldn't ride a bicycle, Yu Dong wouldn't be too surprised, after all, there are indeed many people who can't ride a bicycle.

Her family conditions must be quite good, otherwise she would not have never ridden a bicycle.

Of course, these days, the conditions of families who can learn music must not be bad.

"It's nothing difficult, you come up and sit down first." Yu Dong patted the back seat and signaled Cheng Yanqiu to sit up first.

The back seat of Yu Dong's car was relatively high, and Cheng Yanqiu couldn't reach it even on tiptoe, and she didn't dare to jump up, so she could only support Yu Dong with one hand and press the leather seat with the other to reach it.

After she sat down, Yu Dong went up and yelled "Let's go", and the car started moving.

The bicycle was the most unstable when it first started. Cheng Yanqiu felt the shaking from behind, and hurriedly grabbed Yu Dong's clothes, fearing that he would be thrown off the bicycle.

When the car picked up speed and stopped shaking so much, Cheng Yanqiu didn't let go of his hand.

The sun hadn't come out yet, and the morning mist hadn't dissipated yet. After pedaling the bicycle, the wind picked up along with it.

Against the cool wind and mist, Yu Dong said with a smile: "Don't worry, my driving skills are among the best in our town. When I was seven years old, my legs were not long enough, so I could only stuff them under the bars and step on half a circle." Since then, he has mastered the stunt of riding a bicycle without holding on to the handlebars."

"I've never been in someone else's car, and I don't know if you're bragging."

"Small skills, why bragging." Yu Dong laughed, swallowed a mouthful of mist, and then said, "Let's eat duck blood vermicelli first, and then visit Xuanwu Lake."

Cheng Yanqiu nodded: "Yes."

The two first went to the duck blood vermicelli shop that Yu Dong mentioned to have breakfast, and then rode to the edge of Xuanwu Lake to find a duck boat.

The duck boat has been a popular recreational item on Xuanwu Lake in recent years. Once the holidays come, the locals will flock here.

Usually couples or families come here and drive the duck boat to the middle of the lake. The surrounding lake water seems to be able to separate the boat into a small world. Whether it is a couple or a family, in this small world, they only have Each other can also enjoy a moment of peace.

Fortunately, Dong and the others came early, so they boarded the boat directly without queuing.

Although they are all called duck boats, these boats are not all in the image of ducks. The boat Yu Dong and the others are sitting on is a giant panda.

Looking at the bow of the giant panda boat, Cheng Yanqiu said with some regret: "It's a pity that I didn't see any giant pandas when I went to Rongcheng last time. I heard that the Panda Museum over there opened this year."

Yu Dong has never heard of this news, but he is not unfamiliar with the panda base in Rongcheng, which is a holy place for panda lovers all over the world.

Of course, the current panda base should not be as large as it will be in the future, and there will not be so many pandas.

"The Panda Museum won't run away anymore, I will go there when I have time." Yu Dong patted the bow of the boat, "I can't see the real panda, let's take a look at the fake panda first."

"There are too many fake pandas."

Cheng Yanqiu pointed to the distance, and four or five "pandas" were swimming towards them.

Duck boats in Xuanwu Lake are rarely seen, and are about to be replaced by pandas, but the name of the duck boat will not change.

Just like sports shoes are called Nike shoes, and canned drinks are called Jianlibao.

Cheng Yanqiu's first cruise, even God gave face.

The rising sun hung yellow in the sky, like a big light bulb with insufficient wattage, dizzy on the rippling lake surface through the lingering water vapor, and felt a sense of being out of the mundane world.

The water vapor floats on the surface of the lake, making the outside world hazy, making it impossible to see the scenery a little further away.In the TV series, the Fairy Cruise is nothing more than this scene.

However, the water vapor can block the light, but it can't block the sound. I don't know who is playing the flute on the shore, and the melodious and unknown tune echoes on both sides of Xuanwu Lake, adding a layer of just-right background music to this fairyland.

"It seems to be Teacher Cai."

Cheng Yanqiu listened for a while, then spoke.

"Teacher Cai?"

"Well, teacher Cai Jingmin from the Conservatory of Music."

"You can hear this?" Yu Dong looked surprised, "Could it be that he wrote this song?"

Cheng Yanqiu lifted the hair next to his ears and laughed, "This piece is called "Partridge Flying". It was made a long time ago, but Mr. Cai changed it to a new flute version. The entire Jinling can make this version of "Partridge Fly" "Fly" has played to this level, only Teacher Cai."

"What is Xindi?"

"The new flute is..."

Cheng Yanqiu explained to Yu Dong what Xindi was, and then told him about Mr. Cai.

Yu Dong nodded when he heard it, and was also stunned.

As expected, he specialized in arts. In music, he was many levels behind Cheng Yanqiu.

"Can you play the flute?"

"know a little."

"How much is one point?"

"I'm majoring in piano and minoring in bamboo flute and cello. It's not bad, but I still have a gap with Teacher Cai."

Yu Dong felt that when Cheng Yanqiu talked about music, the previous arrogance rose again.Although she said that there is still a gap between her and Teacher Cai, she compared herself with Teacher Cai, so one can imagine how confident she is.

"You major in piano, why teach vocal music? Our school also has a piano major."

"Because I like singing." Cheng Yanqiu said with a smile.

Yu Dong could not refute this reason.

And Cheng Yanqiu's singing is really good, at least there is no problem with the pop singing.

"Actually, I also tried to learn musical instruments when I was in college, but I tried several things and finally gave up." Yu Dong said.

Cheng Yanqiu asked curiously, "How many kinds have you tried?"

"Piano, Guzheng, Yangqin."

"These are not easy, you should start with some simple instruments."

"for example?"


Yu Dong rolled his eyes. Although he didn't understand music theory, he really knew the instrument of cymbal and had played it.

When they were in high school, their class wanted to form a band. Because there were not enough people, they dragged him to make up the number of people. At that time, the instrument he used was the cymbal.

It is two pieces of copper gongs. When playing, they collide together to make a sound. In addition to the rhythm, just remember the strength and weakness.

Yu Dong still remembers that the mantra was "strong strong strong weak weak strong strong strong weak".

Then the cycle repeats throughout the performance.

 Thanks for the 100 reward from the [Carving-Time] boss
  Thank you [in the north] for the 100 tip from the boss
(End of this chapter)

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