Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 169 Look at the game dealer

Chapter 169 Look at the game dealer

George Martin has been under a lot of pressure lately.

Forced to make ends meet, he had to stop writing his own novels and was hired by ABC to create the TV series "The Door". The pilot episodes of this show were all filmed, but now there is news that it may die again.

This is not the first time he has experienced this kind of thing. He has encountered similar situations in "The Twilight Zone" and "Double-Faced Max".

Although the salary in Hollywood is not bad, most of the programs he participated in have not passed the approval.

As a writer, he certainly hopes that his works can be seen by the public, but his work in the past few years has made him more and more disappointed.

He thought of Jimmy James again. He had called Jimmy several times before, wanting to ask about the work, but he never got a positive reply.

Jimmy hadn't even contacted him during this time.

He was losing faith in Jimmy, too.

He even began to wonder whether it was the right decision to sign Jimmy.At that time, Jimmy was able to persuade him because Jimmy told him that he would support him in writing that long fantasy novel.

But now after signing, it has completely changed.

Jimmy really is an out-and-out businessman!
After scolding ABC and Jimmy in his heart, George felt a little better and resumed his work.

But not long after he touched the computer, a colleague at the door told him that someone was looking for him.

He put down his work and walked outside the office, only to find that it was Jimmy who had just scolded him bloody in his heart.

Seeing himself now, George felt a little embarrassed.

"Jimmy, why are you here?" George scratched his head and asked.

Jimmy walked over with a smile and put his arms around George's broad shoulders: "I have something to talk to you."

"What's the matter, can't you talk on the phone? I called you several times before, and you said you didn't have time. Why are you running here now?"

"Because it's a very important thing." Jimmy patted his briefcase, "I brought a contract, let's find a quiet place to take a look."

"But my working hours..."

"Hey, what are the working hours? It's not like I haven't been a screenwriter for ABC before."

"I'd better tell the supervisor." George hesitated.

"Then go quickly."

George nodded and went to the supervisor's office.

After he arrived at the office, he said that he wanted to ask for leave, but was scolded by the supervisor.Because of the fact that "The Door" could not be screened, the supervisor was furious. Now that George hit the gun, the supervisor took all the anger on him.

After scolding a lot, the supervisor pointed to the door and said, "Go out, anyway, "The Door" can't be released now, and you have nothing to do. You can ask for leave as long as you want."

George held back his anger, nodded and walked out of the office.

Seeing that he looked worried, Jimmy didn't know what was going on, so he asked, "What's the matter, didn't you get the leave? Is the management of abc's screenwriters so strict now?"

"No." George shook his head, "Don't mention it, let's talk about your matter first."

The two walked out of the abc building and found a coffee shop. Jimmy handed the contract to George: "Look, this is the best condition we can offer."

George suspiciously accepted the contract, which turned out to be a copyright contract for his new novel.

The contract stated that all the copyrights of the new book series totaled 20 US dollars, and 30.00% of the commercial profits obtained from the derivative copyrights were reserved for George.

In other words, the profits from the subsequent publication of this book have nothing to do with George.However, if all derivative copyrights such as film and television adaptation rights are sold in the future, 30.00% of the profits will be distributed to George.

Because the book hasn't come out yet, the contract is very long, and it describes in detail the contents of this series of books, which are compiled based on the preparatory materials provided by George.

In other words, as long as George writes books related to this material in the future, he will follow this contract.

George looked at the contract in his hand and was very excited.

20 US dollars is already a lot, and it was still before the book was written.

More importantly, the 20 US dollars did not buy out all the copyrights, but also left him a 30.00% derivative copyright fee.

From this contract, George saw that Jimmy valued him.

Without any hesitation, he took out a pen and signed his name on the contract.

Jimmy looked at his signature and reminded, "Do you want to see a lawyer?"

George waved his hand, "No, this contract is more risky for you."

Jimmy nodded, and he thought so too.

If George wasn't a solid guy, he could have swindled a book out of two hundred thousand dollars and all he had to lose was the subject matter.

If it was entirely up to Jimmy, he would never have drafted such a contract, because it was not in their company's interest at all.

But facing George, Jimmy said good things: "We have no risk at all, because I think you are trustworthy. And we are very optimistic about this subject. I also believe that as long as you write well, the 30.00% derivative copyright fee will be for you in the future. Bring in far more than $20 in revenue."

The reason why he said that was because he wanted to give George a good shot.

George really likes this set: "I will definitely write it well and will not disappoint your trust. But before that, I have one more thing to do."

"whats the matter?"



After negotiating with George, Jimmy rushed to China with the contract.

He wants to report the situation to Yu Dong, and mention the funds by the way. The money has been spent too fast recently, and the previous 300 million RMB is about to be spent.

In order not to affect the next work, he had to persuade Yu Dong to invest some more money.

But after a while it should be fine.

He just got good news two days ago, Bantam Company has decided to increase the first printing to [-] copies.

At that time, once the manuscript fee for the [-] copies is settled, there will be tens of thousands of dollars, which can also solve the urgent need.

But looking at it this way, "Resident Evil" will lose money if it doesn't sell more than a million copies.

Of course, it doesn't matter even if you lose money on the manuscript fee, anyway, this is not the only way to make money.

There will be film and television adaptations in the future, and after the popularity rises, Yu Dong's other books will also sell well.

Regarding film and television adaptation, Jimmy is already talking with Romero, but there is no consensus yet.

Jimmy isn't putting all his eggs in one basket either, and he's also reaching out to other producers besides Romero.

In addition, Yu Dong gave him a new idea last time.

Yu Dong asked him not to focus only on film and television dramas, but also look at game dealers.Jimmy thinks it makes sense, so he's also learning about game dealers recently.

(End of this chapter)

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