Chapter 170 Remove Two Words

"I found a magazine, and Lu Yao published an essay on it."

When Feng Ming put "Girlfriend" on the east table in a serious manner, Yu Dong was reading "The Brothers Karamazov" by Tuoshi. He liked this book very much and would take it out to read when he had nothing to do.

Dorothy is also a writer he likes very much, and his status in his heart may be second only to Chekhov and Kafka.

Yu Dong looked away from the book and looked at the "Girlfriend" on the table.

He knew that this magazine was a women's magazine.

Yu Dong looked up at Feng Ming, "You got this from Teacher Wu, right?"

Feng Ming curled his lips and said, "Is that the point? The point is that Lu Yao's works are published on it."

"so what?"

Feng Ming excitedly said, "How is it? This is a women's magazine, which is far away from the mainstream literature. This proves that the mainstream literary world cannot tolerate Lu Yao, and cannot tolerate a contradictory literature award winner."

Seeing Feng Mingyi's indignation, Yu Dong thought it was quite interesting. The mainstream literary world looked down on Lu Yao. Isn't that what everyone already knew?
The first part of "Ordinary World" was rejected by "Contemporary", but fortunately "Flower City" accepted it.

But then there was no magazine for the second part.

When it came to the third part, it was only published on "Yellow River".

If Lu Yao hadn't won the Contradictory Literature Award, "Girlfriend" probably wouldn't have asked for his manuscript.

Without getting a response from Yu Dong, Feng Ming shook his head and sighed, "After reading "Morning Begins at Noon", I feel that Lu Yao's illness may be very serious."

It's almost gone, Yu Dong also sighed in his heart.

If he remembered correctly, Lu Yao passed away in the year after "Morning Begins at Noon" ended.

Some people say that Lu Yao devoted his life to "The Ordinary World", but Yu Dong did not fully agree.

Lu Yao's main reason is that his life and rest are too bad, two packs of cigarettes a day, sleeping in the middle of the night, and getting up at noon, such a routine will not be good.

Even if he doesn't exhaust his life for "Ordinary World", he will have the same result because of other works.

After all, it is a pity.

"You leave the magazine, I'll take a look."

"Look, let me read it." Feng Ming said, shaking his head and walking out of Yu Dong's dormitory.

After Yu Dong finished watching "Morning Begins at Noon", he wrote a letter to Lu Yao, expressing his concern earnestly.

He originally wanted to go and see Lu Yao, but he felt that he didn't know him, so it was inappropriate to go there hastily, and he didn't know what to say when they met, so it would be better not to see him.


On October 21, Yu Dong's new book "The Last City" was officially released.

The first wave of market feedback was good, and nearly [-] copies were sold in a week.

However, the follow-up evaluation of this book has been polarized.

Yu Dong's loyal book fans said that this book is very good and has injected a new trend into domestic science fiction. Biopunk, a concept rarely mentioned in domestic science fiction, was created by Yu Dong to create a feeling that a new system is about to be born. .

But people who don’t like it think that this book is too involved in politics and ideology, completely divorced from the essence of science fiction, and the biopunk in the novel is not advanced at all, but like a dilapidated end-time, deliberately degrading the social structure.

There are also some people who think that the novel vilifies the Western countries too much and writes too much about China, which belongs to the plot of Yelang's arrogance.And most of these people are not ordinary people, but intellectuals.

They think that Yu Dong writes science fiction while huddled in the country. He can't look at the world. His vision is too small. He can't see the gap between China and the world, and he doesn't understand the advantages of democracy abroad.

These people also spoke eloquently: If a country wants to develop and a nation wants to develop, it must first see the strengths of others and its own shortcomings, and should not use fictional and inferior literature with the intention of jealousy to eliminate its own inferiority complex.

This is really true.

But it was used in the wrong place.

Yu Dong didn't know why these people suddenly paid attention to science fiction, but having their attention would be beneficial to the sales of the novel.

Being scolded by them, the book is getting better and better.

Not only is this book getting better and better, science fiction is also out of the circle all of a sudden.

After many people bought the book, they still had to criticize it. These people not only scolded Yu Dong's science fiction, but also scolded Yu Dong's other works.

It is an out-and-out double-faced person to say that Yu Dong kept criticizing and exposing the darkness of society in the mainstream literary world, but he began to curry favor with the government in the science fiction world.

Someone picked up "The Second World" and said that there are actually signs of obsession in this book, because the novel often vaguely mentions that China's technological development is the fastest.

In fact, Yu Dong didn't expect such a strong response this time, because he had already weakened China's power in "The Last City".

But even so, there are still so many people who can't understand it.

In other words, the inferiority complex of these people has exceeded Yu Dong's imagination.

What's funny is that there is an article published in the new issue of "Reader's Digest" called "The Last City", and the author's pseudonym is Gan Dong.

This article talked about the advantages of the United States a lot, and cited a lot of "evidence" to prove that the United States is a democratic country, and it is absolutely nonsense to be controlled by multinational companies.

But this is not the funniest thing. The funniest thing is that just two days after the release of this issue of "Reader's Digest", Yu Dong received a letter from their editorial department asking him to write a manuscript.

Moreover, the reason for inviting manuscripts is high-sounding, saying that it is to promote academic exchanges and be inclusive. If there are different opinions, they can be put forward together and everyone can learn from each other.

Yu Dong thought it was very interesting. What level of magazine is your Reader's Digest, and you have the nerve to talk about academic exchanges?

Does academic exchange have something to do with you?
Even Gandong and "The Last City" appear in their magazine, does this magazine have a bottom line and standpoint?
Some people in later generations said that "Readers" is a gathering place for public intellectuals, and the magazine's ideology is problematic, which is wrong to them.Whether it is public knowledge or not has little to do with "Readers", they just publish whatever is popular, it just happens that the information at home and abroad is not equal for a certain period of time, and the domestic people are curious about foreign countries, so making up foreign jokes is very popular .

Yu Dong returned a letter to them, rejecting them "tactfully".

"Your journal sent me a letter to invite me to submit a manuscript, but I have little knowledge and lack of knowledge, and I am afraid that I will not be competent, so I refused. However, I can provide other help to your journal. Your journal has recently been involved in lawsuits due to the title of the journal. Surrender, why don't I first think of a name for your journal, remove the word "Digest", and just call it "Reader", if your journal thinks it is feasible, I will directly adopt it, and I will not charge any fees."

(End of this chapter)

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