Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 171 The difference between 1 reading

Chapter 171

When Jimmy came to look for Yu Dong, he had several newspapers and magazines in his hand.

"Look, this is all criticizing you."

When he said this, Jimmy had a smile on his face, as if in his opinion, this was not a bad thing.

Yu Dong glanced at these newspapers and magazines, and said with a smile: "There are also people who support me, why didn't you find them?"

"Those who support you, how can the effect of scolding you be better?"

"I was scolded, but you were quite happy. Is it a good thing to be scolded?"

Jimmy shook his head and said: "It also depends on who is scolded. If you are scolded by some confidential personnel, or scolded by a big man in the literary world, it is naturally not a good thing. But isn't it a good thing to be scolded by this kind of thing? Don't look at these things People are messing around like dogs now, but in the future there will be good fruits from them, and I have read all the articles they write, which is a mess, and I, even an American, can't stand it."

Before he opened his mouth, Jimmy continued: "I called "Science Fiction World" and the sales were good, which proves that this trend is still beneficial to you. Don't worry, if there is any bad influence, I can help you out."

"How to get it done?" Yu Dong looked at Jimmy with interest.

"Just spend some money, these people have no position, and they have a lot of black material, so they are easy to get."

Yu Dong smiled. In fact, you don't need to pay attention to such obvious things. Their rank is too low, and their methods are too direct, so they won't cause too much influence.What needs to be guarded against is precisely the kind that is usually invisible and hidden deeply.

"By the way, I'll show you George Martin's contract."

"Don't read it, my English is not very good."

"Oh." Jimmy put the contract back again, "If I knew it, I wouldn't have brought it. The content of the contract is what I told you before. George is also very satisfied with this condition and signed it very happily. Of course, if I were him , it may be more enjoyable than he signed. That is 20 US dollars, how many episodes of TV series does he have to write to earn it."

"Isn't Hollywood very generous in paying screenwriters? I've heard that some screenwriters pay tens of thousands of dollars per episode."

"It depends on the person. My Dong, a screenwriter like George who writes one and only one, can earn thousands of dollars per episode. And like him, how can he be given an episode? Counting the money, it’s all packaged prices. A TV series is only tens of thousands of dollars, and he was lucky enough to earn 20 dollars for several years.”

Jimmy briefly talked about the situation of Hollywood screenwriters, and then changed the subject: "Dong, we are spending this money a little too fast, and we can't sustain it if this continues. If you have any other plans in the future, you must Tell me in advance so that I can be prepared, otherwise I really have no money to operate."

Yu Dong glanced at Jimmy, this guy opened his mouth, and Yu Dong knew what color of poop he was going to pull, and he was asking for money inside and outside the words.

But the facts are indeed as he said, he has spent a lot of money recently, and basically the money spent is the plan proposed by Yu Dong.

Yu Dong thought for a while and said, "I'll invest another 500 million, and you can improve the company in the United States as soon as possible. In addition, the domestic company should start recruiting, so take care of it, and put the financial and legal affairs first. Get this done."

"Shouldn't it be enough to outsource the finance and legal affairs?" Jimmy scratched his head, "The finances are fine, but the legal affairs burn a lot of money."

"It's up to me," Yu Dong said.

Jimmy nodded, "Okay, listen to you, anyway, it's your money that's being burned. But once you put on this posture, I feel more hopeful. This company is definitely not just for fun. I suggest, wait for our company to develop. Once we grow stronger and the policies are improved, we can get a piece of land here in Jinling and build our own office building, and then we can make a steady profit on just the land.”

Yu Dong is not very interested in land speculation, "I'll talk about these things later, let's expand the company's business first. Last time I asked you to sort out the new writers' materials for me, have you sorted them out?"

"I sorted it out a little bit." Jimmy took out a few sheets of paper from his bag and handed them to Yu Dong: "The information on newcomers is the most difficult to find, because they are not well-known, and this time the time is short, so I sorted out four."

Yu Dong took the document and glanced at it, but didn't see any familiar names.

"Well, don't be in a hurry, take your time. In addition to newcomers, those writers with works and potential can also pay attention."

Jimmy smiled and said, "You don't need to tell me that. What our writer's agent does is to find potential writers."

"By the way." Jimmy took out another stack of materials from his bag, "I've also collected materials from several game companies recently, take a look and see if you're interested."

Yu Dong took the information, but he didn't rush to read it, but said with a smile: "It doesn't matter whether we are interested or not. Paying attention is actually asking you to be careful. If "Resident Evil" can become popular, I think there will definitely be game companies looking for you. Then we will talk about who to cooperate with."

Jimmy nodded: "You're right, I'm spending time looking for one by one now, and I may not be able to find the right way."


The day after Jimmy left, Yu Dong received a reply from Lu Yao.

The reply was very long, covering seven pages.

Lu Yao told Yu Dong that receiving Yu Dong's letter was the happiest thing in this period of time.

Lu Yao also paid attention to Yu Dong's novels. Before that, he was thinking about what kind of person Yu Dong was, but he didn't expect to receive a letter from Yu Dong.

Seven pages, several thousand words, but Lu Yao didn't mention his illness at all, and said that when he was free, he would go to Jinling to find Yu Dong for dinner and drinks.

After reading Lu Yao's letter, Yu Dong was quite emotional.

Maybe he is still full of hope for life, or maybe he wants to maintain his pride and stubbornness in front of strange friends, and he doesn't want to ask for even a little mercy in front of his new friend, Yu Dong.

Yu Dong sent another letter to Lu Yao, also did not mention his illness, only said that he would definitely invite him to dinner when he had time.

But this time, what Yu Dong waited for was not a reply, but an obituary.

In mid-November, Lu Yao passed away.

When Yu Dong saw the obituary, he was stunned for a long time. He thought it would be a while, but he didn't expect the bad news to come so soon.

Knowing that the funeral was on the 21st, Yu Dong immediately bought a ticket to go to Chang'an.

He originally thought that when the next reply came, he would find some time to visit Lu Yao.But I didn't expect that with a single thought, Yin and Yang were separated.

After traveling all the way, when Yu Dong arrived at the funeral home, the farewell ceremony had already begun.

Lu Yao in the photo was smiling, and Lu Yuan was kneeling in front of the photo, crying hoarsely.

(End of this chapter)

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