Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 172 Jimmy's Little Shuangwen

Chapter 172 Jimmy's Little Shuangwen
The host of the memorial service was Chen Zhongshi, who was reading the eulogy in front, while Yu Dong watched from the outside.

There were too many people present, and everyone wanted to squeeze into the middle. There was a bench next to the crystal coffin with a video camera on it. The cameraman was carefully handling the machine. The scene was so chaotic that he had to find someone to watch it. Help from the bottom.

In the middle of Chen Zhongshi's eulogy, a long-faced man squeezed out from the crowd.

Because everyone wanted to squeeze in, this person walked out. Yu Dong couldn't help but glanced at him, but he didn't expect it to be Jia Pingwa.

Jia Pingwa looked worried, holding a cigarette in one hand and pushing the crowd aside with the other.

However, he did not get out of the crowd in the end. After reading Chen Zhongshi's eulogy, he shouted loudly, and the crowd began to move in one direction.

Jia Pingwa had to stop walking outwards and follow the crowd.

Yu Dong felt that he was very unhappy, not the kind of grief of a friend's death, but something unpleasant happened.

Someone pushed the crystal coffin, and it seemed that the body would be cremated next. Lu Yuan, who was wearing a blue school uniform, suddenly broke out and rushed to the side of the coffin.

When she pounced like this, the crowd became more commotion, the people behind rushed to pull her, and the others were also crying and shouting.

In the chaos, someone knocked down the bench, and the people and the machine fell off the bench, knocking the person holding the bench underneath into a daze.

But regardless of the pain, the photographers and reporters hurriedly raised their cameras and continued to shoot. The grief atmosphere at the scene reached its peak because of Lu Yuan's strenuous pounce.

Even Yu Dong was affected by the atmosphere, and his eyes became red.

In the end, the teenage Lu Yuan was pulled away, and Lu Yao was also sent to be cremated.

Everyone started looking for a place to sit, and stood casually when they couldn't find a place.Lu Yao's brothers and sisters walked around talking to the guests about their hard work, and some people started to leave one after another.

Yu Dong took the time to chat with Lu Yao's younger brother Wang Tianxiao for a while, and asked if there was anything he needed to help.

Lu Yao had divorced a few days ago, so now the younger brothers are in charge of all family affairs, so Yu Dong went directly to Wang Tianxiao.

Wang Tianxiao has the simplicity and honesty of a man from the Northwest, and he was very excited when he learned that the person who came was Yu Dong.

"My brother was still talking about you before, and I was by my side when he wrote you back."

Wang Tianxiao seems to only know Yu Dong's name, but he doesn't know anything else. He doesn't know that Yu Dong is also a novelist.

"Thank you for your kindness, but we don't need any help." Wang Tianxiao rubbed his head, "After my brother died, many people said to help, but the time to really need help has passed."

Yu Dong was taken aback, although Wang Tianxiao might not have meant it, but his words pierced Yu Dong's heart.

After Lu Yao's death, the Wang family's burden actually became lighter, and there was only Lu Yuan left to support.

Although her mother, Linda, divorced Lu Yao, she would not ignore her affairs, and they had several brothers, so it was not difficult to raise Lu Yao.

Lu Yao still has copyright, and there will be income from this aspect in the future.

It is much easier to raise a half-grown child than to raise a bedridden patient.

But having said that, being a family member for a writer like Lu Yao is not an easy task.

In terms of income, Lu Yao's income is not low, much higher than ordinary people.But he loves to smoke, and he smokes well. During the writing of "Ordinary World", he smoked tens of thousands of dollars.

Tens of thousands of dollars in the 90s, that's not ordinary.

Wang Tianxiao's words may be a mockery of those belated help, or it may be a complaint against his brother, a writer.

When Yu Dong was in a daze, Wang Tianxiao waved at him and left.

After standing in the funeral home for a while, Yu Dong was about to leave when he suddenly heard someone arguing.

The local dialect was used, and Yu Dong could only understand half of it. It seemed that a woman was accusing her husband of cheating, and the words were ugly and merciless.

Yu Dong was wondering who made the trouble on such an occasion, and then he saw Jia Pingwa with an uncertain face. It turned out that the one who scolded was his wife, and the one who was scolded was him.

Jia Pingwa argued for a few words, but when he found that he couldn't argue, he ran out in disgrace.

Yu Dong shook his head, walked out of the funeral home, and went straight to the train station.

He originally wanted to meet Chen Zhongshi, but on second thought, he should look for another opportunity. In the past, he didn't know what to talk about on occasions like today. Everyone felt very heavy, but they couldn't always talk about heavy topics.

Of the writers in Northwest China, Yu Dong admires Chen Zhongshi the most. He believes that Chen Zhongshi is the Chinese writer who understands magic realism most thoroughly.

After returning to Jinling, Yu Dong fell asleep in the dormitory. The long-distance running back and forth exhausted him a lot. He needed a good night's sleep to regain his energy.


Local time in New York, on November 22, "Resident Evil" was officially released.

Major bookstores have put up new posters, which read: Thriller master Stephen King recommends.

This is Jimmy's operation.

When a new book is released, it is best to find a famous author to write a recommendation or review. After thinking about it, Jimmy aimed at Stephen King.

Asking someone to find a relationship, Jimmy finally got in touch with Stephen King, showed him the manuscript of the new book, and gave him a promotion fee.

Stephen King read the beginning and found that the book was unexpectedly good, so he simply agreed to write a recommendation. After all, he can make money with just one sentence, and maybe he will gain some fame if the book becomes popular in the future. .

Originally, "Resident Evil" had gained a lot of fame due to Jimmy's repeated hype, but now with Stephen King's bonus, the sales volume of the new book that day was beyond everyone's imagination.

A new book by a newcomer sold more than half of the first [-] copies on the same day, which shocked Bantam Company.

Immediately without saying anything, began to urgently print 50 copies.

But it takes time to print a book. It doesn’t mean that if you print today, you can print the book tomorrow. Even a large company of the scale of Bantam Books cannot do it.

So there was a vacuum period. Many readers heard that "Resident Evil" was very hot, and went to the bookstore to buy it, but found the words "sold out" on the poster.

This made Jimmy laugh to death.

He didn't care how many copies he bought less in the past few days, and he didn't want to compete for the first week's sales list.Now this situation has actually increased the reputation of "Resident Evil", isn't it, it is not enough to sell, which shows how good this book is.

Jimmy was not idle, and immediately wrote a short story himself.

In this short story, YU, the author of "Resident Evil", spent five years of hard work creating the Resident Evil series of novels, breaking through many obstacles and writing the first one.

After finishing writing, he began to visit various publishing companies in the United States, wanting to publish the book.

However, many people did not agree because he was a newcomer, or they kept the price very low.

After months of searching, YU finally found Bantam Company.

Although Bantam Company has concerns about newcomers, it still gives relatively good conditions.

Originally, the person in charge of the business department was very optimistic about this book and planned to print 100 million copies for the first time, but because of the opposition from the leaders above, they could only print [-] copies for the first time, which led to the shortage of books today.

Jimmy was originally a screenwriter, so he naturally knew what kind of stories people like to read, so he wrote a short piece of ups and downs in a short while, depressing in the early stage, and elated in the later stage.

He is going to find several newspaper offices to distribute these articles.

And this time he is not going to pay by himself, not only will he not pay, but he will ask the other party to pay.

He plans to sell this little cool article to those newspapers in the form of first-hand information.

 Thank you for the 100 reward of [Feng Yichengsha]
(End of this chapter)

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