Chapter 173 80 is 80
For more than a month, Hahns has been paying attention to the trend of "Resident Evil", and knows the specific release time.

But unfortunately, he was too busy with work a few days before the release, so he didn't spare time to buy books and read them.

He passed by the bookstore a few times, thinking of going in to buy a book, but in the end he didn't go in because he was too tired.

I don't have time to look at it now, so I might as well buy it in two days.With such thoughts in mind, he missed several times.

But after he finished his work, he found that the bookstore was out of books.

He went to the Little Bear Bookstore first, and after finding that there were no books, he went to several bookstores, but still couldn't find them.


This was the word Hahns heard most that day.

Sitting on the bench at the entrance of the bookstore, Hahns felt a little regretful, he should have bought a book before he knew it.

Looking at the situation now, this book is sure to be a hit.

At that time, I will hold a first-print edition in my hand, don't mention how much face I have: look, I have been optimistic about this book from the beginning.

And now because he ran to several stores but failed to buy the book, his expectations for this book have reached their peak.

People, that’s how it is, the more you can’t get it, the more you want it.


Like Hahns, director Romero also regretted it.

A few days ago, Jimmy came to him to talk about the film and television adaptation of "Resident Evil".

At that time, he read the book and thought it was very good, but due to various considerations, he was still a little hesitant about the price, which made the negotiation deadlocked.

Now that he saw that "Resident Evil" suddenly sold so well, he instantly knew that he had missed the best opportunity.

If he had been ruthless at the time, he should have been able to buy the film and television adaptation rights of this book for three or four million yuan, but now he may not be able to. Based on his understanding of Jimmy, next time they talk about Jimmy, he may at least increase the price. 40%.

Immediately, Romero made a decision to call Jimmy and quickly buy the film and television adaptation rights of this book.

But when the phone call came, Jimmy said that he was very busy recently, and the film and television adaptation would be discussed later.

"Jimmy, my brother, 60, just nod your head, and I'll arrange to transfer 60 to you immediately, as long as you have five years of film and television adaptation rights." Romero said anxiously.

He knew Jimmy was playing hard to get, but he couldn't hold off any longer.

The box office reputation of several movies in succession collapsed at the same time, and he could hardly stand it anymore.

Now "Resident Evil" is his life-saving straw. If this movie is made well, he can definitely make a comeback.

"80, this is already a friendly price. You know how popular this book is now. Yesterday, Bantam's business manager Dante called me and said that according to market research, there will be more in the future." Print millions of copies. Think about it, by the time your movie is made, maybe this book has sold tens of millions of copies all over the world. Then you can sit and count the money.” Jimmy said with a smile .

"And." Before Romero could speak, Jimmy continued, "If the movie is made for someone else, will anyone remember you, the father of the living dead? When it comes to the living dead, I'm afraid no one will mention your three sons. It's part one."

Jimmy's words hit Romero's vitals, leaving him powerless to resist.

But Jimmy is really a big mouth, 80 US dollars, this is not a small amount.

Spielberg spent 150 million to win "Jurassic Park", that is because Michael Clayton is already a world-renowned writer, and Spielberg is indeed rich and powerful, so he has the confidence.In addition, the copyright won by Spielberg is definitely more than five years.

While Romero was hesitating, Jimmy said again: "Romero, this is a series of novels."

Hearing the words of the series of novels, Jimmy dispelled Romero's last hesitation. He sighed and said, "80 is 80, but I hope to get the priority of other follow-up books."

Jimmy smiled and said: "If it's just the priority, there is no problem at all. Even if you don't say it, I will choose you if the price is similar. After all, you are the father of the living dead in my heart, and only you can put this The series has a feeling."

After agreeing, Romero became more relaxed, "Jimmy, you are a person who can always make people willing to pay. Now I hear you praise me, and I am very happy. It cost me 80 yuan. A good word in return."

"Haha, George, you will be grateful for your decision today. I also want to tell you that if you want the copyright for the next step, even if you have the priority, it may not be so easy."

"I hope so."

Romero was very efficient, signed the contract with Jimmy the next day, and then sent the money to Jimmy.

He needs to get the script out as soon as possible, and then go to the company to cast it.

The script is actually pretty easy to get right, because the plot of this novel is already very cinematic and doesn't need too many changes.The most important thing is to attract investment. He decided to play a big role in this movie, so attracting investment is the top priority.

After Jimmy got the money, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although Yu Dong agreed to inject another 500 million RMB, the company has not made any money. No matter how much Yu Dong invests, it is not a long-term solution, and he has no way to pay dividends without profit .

Now with the 80 US dollars, the money spent before has basically been filled in, and the remaining income such as royalties is pure income.

But Jimmy did not stop. While continuing to do follow-up marketing for "Resident Evil", he began to prepare to promote the publication of "Second World".


In the end, Hahns couldn't bear it until the next edition came out, so he asked someone to buy a copy of "Resident Evil" for three times the price.

Before he got home, he found a bench by the side of the road, and couldn't wait to sit down and read a book.

The beginning of the book is a disaster. A laboratory has started a self-blocking mode due to a virus leak, and everyone in it has no way to leave.

The disaster came suddenly, and the people in the laboratory were caught off guard. They tried every means to escape, but to no avail. They could only die one by one in different ways.

Then a woman with a somewhat mysterious identity, Alice, and another guy who didn't know the details broke into the laboratory to investigate the situation...

The previous content was full of suspense, and Hahns couldn't help but continue reading. He wanted to know the origin of this laboratory and what happened to that virus.

However, the previous plots are too horrifying. The author seems to be deliberately focusing on describing these horrifying plots. The writing is very detailed, so that people can be substituted into it at once, and suddenly they are shocked.

"Several people were standing and talking in the corridor. Next to it was a glass wall, which had already been filled with disinfectant. There seemed to be something in the dim yellow disinfectant, but it was too dark to see what was inside."

"Zos pressed his face against the glass, and looked hard into the depths of the disinfectant water. He saw a faint yellow light flickering slowly, and the light suddenly dimmed. A black shadow gradually floated, and the black shadow was getting faster and faster. Zos felt his heart beating faster, he was preparing for the coming horror, but when the shadow appeared, he almost laughed, it turned out to be a floating table."

"Zos had a smile on his face, and was about to make a joke when a pale woman appeared behind the glass."

"...After a few people left, the woman behind the glass suddenly opened her eyes..."


A scream rang in his ears, and Hans threw the book in his hand out in fright, and he also ran forward a few steps.

When he came back to his senses and looked back, there was a teenager standing behind the bench with a more surprised expression than him.

"Who are you and why are you calling?" Hans' voice was still trembling.

But seeing that it was a person, Hans breathed a sigh of relief, bent down to pick up the book on the ground, and patted the ashes.

The young man smiled embarrassedly: "I'm going to buy this book today but I didn't get it. I just passed by and saw you reading it, so I stretched out my head and followed it for a while. I just saw that woman opened her eyes, and I screamed in fright. Speak up."

"You gave me a big jump." Hans sighed and touched his chest again, his heart was still beating fast.

The boy's cry just now made all the hairs on his body stand on end in fright.

After a while, Hans said, "My name is Hans."

"My name is Kadi." The teenager smiled, "I especially like reading thriller novels."

Hans rolled his eyes, "Then you must read thriller novels often, why are you so timid, I didn't scream when I read this passage."

Cardi said with a smile: "You are wrong. The more timid you are, the more interesting it is to read a thriller. If you are not afraid of reading a thriller, then what's the point of reading it? You are right."

Hans nodded, "What you said makes sense, but since you like thrillers so much, why didn't you buy one before?"

Cardi scratched his head, regretting. "At first, I wanted to wait for others to read it and get the evaluation. I'll see if it looks good before deciding whether to buy it. I didn't expect it to be sold out in a few days, and I don't know when the next edition will come out."

Hahns understood Kadi's regret very well. He waved to Kadi and said, "Let's watch together, but you can only watch, not talk."

Hearing that Hahns invited him to watch together, Cardi said happily: "Thank you, you are such a good person."

As he said that, he lay on the back of the bench, ready to watch with Hans in the same posture just now, but Hans quickly waved his hands, "Sit in front, don't stand behind me, it's really scary. "

Cardi chuckled, "Haha, wouldn't that be more fun, how about you behind me?"

 Thank you [Old Dragonfly] for the 500 reward
  Thanks to [Wandering Today] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Ghost Valley Holy Word] for the 200 reward of the boss
(End of this chapter)

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