Chapter 175 Warmly celebrate
"Jia Zhangke is so lazy. He dug a hole for the other party to jump in. I guess the other party has not reacted yet. They don't know much about our poetry reading meeting. They thought it was a student organization."

In the Yudong dormitory, Liu Changmin danced and told him what happened between the two schools in the past few days.It can be seen that Liu Changmin is very happy that the poetry reading meeting can reach the inside of Jinling University.

"Haha, Jia Zhangke..."

Jingle Bell--

Yu Dong was about to say something when the phone on the desk rang, he looked at Liu Changmin, "I'll answer the phone first."


Su Tong's excited voice came from the other end of the phone, "I have good news for you. The results of the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award have come out. You have three winners in Shanghai, namely Wang Anyi, Wang Xiaoming, and you."

Yu Dong said unexpectedly, "I really won an award."

Su Tong smiled and said: "What's so strange about this, I said before that young writers during your time in Shanghai are not very competitive. I expected you to win the award."

"What about Suzhou Province?" Yu Dong asked again.

"Ye Zhaoyan, me, Chu Fujin. It's a pity, if the two novels after Feiyu were published earlier, he should have a share. I'll just tell you all the sixteen award-winning writers in East China this time, Hu Jian over there is Shu Ting..."

When it came to Zhejiang Province at the end, Su Tong laughed: "And Yu Hua."

"I was just wondering if there was him."

"It's no surprise that he won the award. He became famous earlier than you. The NO.13 award will be presented in Xiamen on December [-]. Do you have time to go there together?"

"Let me take a look." Yu Dong looked at the calendar on the table, "Coincidentally, it's Sunday, I guess I can find time to come."

"That's fine, I'll ask someone to buy tickets for the two of us, and then we will go there together."

"Okay, follow your arrangement."

After Yu Dong hung up the phone here, Liu Changmin asked with concern, "Did you win any awards?"

Liu Changmin heard the general idea just now, and only knew what kind of award Yu Dong had won, but he didn't hear the specific award clearly.

"Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award." Yu Dong replied with a smile.

He is also in a good mood. Although the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award is not very famous now, it is still an important award.This award is also the first award he has won in traditional literature, which is of unusual significance.

Liu Changmin frowned and thought for a while, "I've heard about this award. It seems that Zhang Chi and Jia Pingwa won this award last year. It seems to be a new award. Is this the second time?"

Yu Dong nodded, "That's right."

"What do you mean?" Liu Changmin looked puzzled: "Can it be counted?"

"To be precise, it should be the fifth edition, but the first three editions are a bit special and not awarded to individuals."

"Oh, so that's what it is."

In fact, Yu Dong didn’t make it clear enough that this award was awarded to individuals in the first three editions, but they were all individuals in a group. For example, the first award-winning writers were outstanding students from the writer class of Yenching University, and the second award-winning writers were Jinling Excellent students of the university writer class.

This kind of individual award is actually no different from the collective award.Rather than saying that these writers won the awards, it is better to say that the Writers Class of Yenching University and the Writers Class of Jinling University won the awards.

"I have to report this good thing to Lao Wu." Liu Changmin walked out after talking.

Yu Dong raised his hand to grab the air, but finally he didn't call Liu Changmin.

It would be better to let Lao Liu report to Lao Wu first, and it would be easier for Yu Dong to speak up when he went to ask for leave later.

But what he didn't expect was that Principal Wu's response was unusually enthusiastic. After listening to Liu Changmin's report, Wu Changxin asked someone to write a notice and paste it on the bulletin board at the entrance of the government affairs building.

"Congratulations to Mr. Yu Dong from our school for winning the [-]th Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award!"

Within a day, the whole school knew that Yu Dong had won the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award.


Next to the playground of Jinling University, Jia Zhangke and the others set up a small table with a banner hanging above the head, which read: Poetry reading in Cucumber Garden.

There is also a pair hanging on both sides.

Invite friends from all over the world to join the club, and invite those who are dissatisfied from all over the world to kick.

Li Lai squatted beside him, and said to Jia Zhangke: "Look, there are a few people over there. They are obviously spies sent by the Literature Society. They have been squatting there watching us for a long time."

Jia Zhangke glanced at those "spies" and said with a smile, "This proves that they still value us from the bottom of their hearts, not as disdainful as they say."

"How about we go meet them?"

"What? Could it be possible to quarrel with them in the past?"

"It's mainly because of being stared at all the time, it's uncomfortable."

Jia Zhangke's face was unpredictable: "You have to enjoy this kind of gaze. People must experience these on the road to victory and success. Only those who can enjoy this kind of gaze can finally lead to the other side of victory."

Li Lai chuckled, "Otherwise I'd call you Mr. Jia, and you'll talk in the same way."

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw Wang Hailin running towards this side with a ponytail swinging, and laughed again, "This Wang Hailin's braid is also a bit ugly, I remember he didn't have a braid when he first came."

"It wasn't long enough at that time, hey, what is he doing here at this time, are they okay with the Science Fiction Association?"

While Jia Zhangke was wondering, he heard Wang Hailin holding up a stack of papers in his hand and shouting: "Old Jia, am I here to support you?"

Before Jia Zhangke and the others figured out what was going on, Wang Hailin had already rushed to him.

He slowly spread out the paper in his hand on the table, "I'm here to deliver the good news. I just got the news that Mr. Yu won the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award?"

"What is the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award?" Li Lai asked suspiciously.

Jia Zhangke was excited: "This is a great thing, what did you bring? Awards, studies, literature..."

"Inverted, reversed, you read it backwards."

Wang Hailin fiddled with the paper on the table and read: "Warmly congratulate Yu Dong, a member of the Cucumber Garden Poetry Reading Club, for winning the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award."

What he brought was a piece of paper with large characters written on it, and when they were put together, there was such a sentence.

Then he took out two thin threads, "Quick, help string these papers up in order, and hang them on top of our heads."

Li Lai rolled his eyes, "You should get a banner anyway, it's so shabby."

"Time is urgent, how can I have time to get banners, besides, banners don't cost money, that's fine, stop talking nonsense, act quickly."

Then the three of them threaded the paper one by one and hung it above their heads.

The "secret agents" of the literary agency who were monitoring this side in the distance were attracted by Wang Hailin's series of actions, and fixed their eyes on the paper.

"to warmly celebrate……"

When one of them was halfway through reading, he suddenly slapped his thigh: "nnd, we were fooled!"

(End of this chapter)

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