Chapter 176 Xia Da
"Teacher Yu, have a good journey."

In front of Jinyi's new gate, Hu Changqing excitedly held Yu Dong's hands and bid him farewell.

Yu Dong will catch the train in a while, and go to Xiamen to attend the Zhuang Zhongwen Literary Award Ceremony.

He was going to leave quietly, but Hu Changqing insisted on holding some farewell ceremony for him.

"Secretary Hu, isn't it just to receive an award? Don't make it so grand."

Hu Changqing laughed: "Look at what you said, what a grand event this is. We will hold a welcome ceremony for you when you come back."

Hearing Hu Changqing's words, Yu Dong felt his head was a little big.

"Okay, let's go, we won't be able to catch the train for a while." Liu Changmin said with a smile.

Yu Dong nodded, said goodbye to several teachers, and then waved to the students not far away.

There were about a dozen of these students, all of whom were members of the student union and were dragged to Yu Dong.Seeing Yu Dong waving his hands, they shouted in unison in an organized and disciplined manner: "I wish Teacher Yu all the best and success in no time."

Hearing the shouts of the students, Yu Dong felt his scalp tingling, so he quickened his pace.


Yu Dong and Su Tong met at the train station, and Ye Zhaoyan was also with him this time.Another winner, Chu Fujin, was not in Jinling during this time, he went directly to Xiamen from another place.

Ye Zhaoyan and Yu Dong hadn't seen each other for some days, and when they met again, Ye Zhaoyan's attitude was much better.

Before, he always looked at Yu Dong with his chin down, but now he finally looked straight at him.

But Yu Dong didn't care. Ye Zhaoyan was a bit old-fashioned in thinking, with serious circle consciousness and seniority thinking. He looked down on Yu Dong before because he was a foreigner and didn't have much work.

Now that Yu Dong has published novels in "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" one after another, it is no longer the same. Ye Zhaoyan naturally wants to look up to him.

Of course, Ye Zhaoyan wasn't too enthusiastic, he knew that he and Yu Dong were destined not to be friends, and he just wanted to avoid enmity.

"As far as I know, you are the youngest among the winners this time." Su Tong flipped through the list of winners, smiled and said to Yu Dong: "There were people who were about your age in the previous sessions, but these two None of the winners seem to be younger than 30 years old."

"Brother, haven't you reached thirty?"

"I'll be thirty in a month."

"That's still not thirty." Yu Dong smiled, and took the list of winners from Su Tong: "Do you know which of these people will be there?"

"How did I know that? I only found out after some acquaintances called. For example, Wang Anyi and Yu Hua are going to go, and Wang Xiaoming from Shanghai should not go..."

Su Tong briefly explained what he knew, then looked at Yu Dong and said, "There are relatively few domestic literary awards in recent years, and the Zhuang Zhongwen Literature Award has been reformed in the past two years, so the attention is still quite high .But if more than a dozen people are awarded every year like this, I feel that this award will be useless in a few years."

Yu Dong didn't care about Su Tong's worry.

The Zhuang Zhongwen Literary Award will not be awarded for a few times, and the frequency will drop a lot later, and it will not be awarded to so many people like it is now.

The current literary awards are very different from the later literary awards. For current writers, even the most unknown literary awards are very important, because basically all literary awards have bonuses, usually ranging from several thousand to tens of thousands.

For an era when ordinary people earn one or two hundred dollars, getting thousands of dollars at a time is not a small sum.

The point is that writers' remuneration is not as good as before, and the prize money of literary awards is an important source of income.


Yu Dong and the others arrived at Xiamen one day earlier. Originally, Su Tong said that he would go shopping in Xiamen, but after they arrived at the hotel, the idea of ​​visiting had been completely given up.

The more than 20-hour journey has exhausted their passion, and the only idea is to have a good rest in the hotel.

When it was almost evening, Yu Hua also arrived.

Instead of going to his room, he came to Yu Dong first.

After seeing Yu Dong, Yu Hua was very happy. She hugged Yu Dong and said with a smile, "If I hadn't heard that you were coming, I wouldn't have wanted to come. It's so far away. Besides, I was in Yanjing. After winter, it feels like spring here.”

Yu Hua is right, the weather in Xiamen has been very good these two days, the highest temperature during the day is around [-] degrees, it really feels like spring or even summer.

For Yanjing people, Jinling is the south.

But if we really want to talk about the south, it has to be Xiamen's side.

And here is very close to the sea, it seems that you can smell the sea breeze in this old city.

Seeing Yu Hua hugging Yu Dong excitedly, Su Tong asked with a strange expression, "What's the situation with you two? When did you get so close?"

Yu Hua hugged Yu Dong's shoulder with a smile, "You don't know too much."

Yu Dong smiled and explained to Su Tong: "Before, Yu Hua went to Shanghai to stay for a while."

"that's it?"

"Not only that, Yu Dong also provided me with a lot of inspiration. The novel "To Live" has a lot of credit for him."

Su Tong looked surprised and said, "Really?"

"It's not a big credit, but I did raise some opinions."

Su Tong still finds it a bit unbelievable. He knows Yu Hua well. He is very conceited and has a unique personality. He rarely listens to other people's opinions.

But he didn't ask any more, he was also happy that Yu Dong and Yu Hua could get along well.

Although we have only known each other for more than a year, because of various coincidences and literary exchanges, Su Tong treats Yu Dong as his own younger brother, so he always likes to take Yu Dong with him when he has anything to do.

"Wang Anyi should be here too. Let's go have a meal with her later. It's rare for us to get together." Su Tong said.

"Well, I saw her when I came here just now, and she also said to have dinner together tonight." Yu Hua said.

Su Tong looked at the time: "It's 04:30 now, let's go find her at five o'clock."

Saying that, Su Tong gave Yu Hua a cigarette, and the two began to puff.

Yu Dong went through the smoke, found melon seeds and peanuts in his backpack, and gave some to Su Tong and the others.

Yu Hua held the melon seeds and said with a smile, "I think you will be called Yu Guazi from now on. You really carry these melon seeds and peanuts with you."

"You bring cigarettes, I bring melon seeds, each other."


The award ceremony on the second day was very simple, and everyone sat together in a conference room.

Then the 80-year-old Zhuang Zhongwen presented awards to the award-winning authors one by one.

Because the place is small and the number of awardees is large, there was no acceptance speech at all. The writers stepped forward one by one to receive their trophies and certificates, and then they took a photo with Zhuang Zhongwen and it was over.

After the show ended, Zhuang Zhongwen invited all the authors to have a meal, and the awards ceremony was officially over.

After the ceremony, Ye Zhaoyan and Wang Anyi went back first, and Yu Dong and the others decided to stay for another day.

It was the first time for the three of them to come to Xiamen, and there should not be too many opportunities to come again in the future, so they wanted to take this opportunity to have a good time in Xiamen.

For this day's play, the three of them made a strategy map together.

Due to time constraints and heavy tasks, they picked some more important scenic spots, and the last stop was Xiamen University.

All three of them believed that when going to a place, they must go to the local university.

The education of a country is the foundation of a country, and the education of a place is naturally the spirit of a place.

That afternoon, after swimming past the Nanputuo Temple, the three of them went to Xiamen University nearby.

Today's Xiamen University is not a famous tourist attraction, so there are not a lot of tourists at the entrance, mainly the students of the school.

The three walked in swaggeringly, as if they were leading an inspection. Some students even shouted "Hello, teacher" to them while walking on the road.

The area of ​​Xiamen University is not small, and I have visited several scenic spots today, so the three of them found a place to rest before halfway through.

After resting for a while, the three of them were about to go back. When they passed by the playground, they saw a group of people playing football, and Yu Hua and the others had itchy feet again.

"Why don't we experience the football atmosphere of Xia University?" Yu Hua suggested.

Yu Dong scratched his forehead: "You have been walking for a day, can you still kick?"

"What is this called? The muscles used to walk are different from those used to play football. No matter how tired you are from walking, you won't have any problems running." Yu Hua said confidently, and then grabbed the two of them's arms and moved towards them. Walking to the playground, "Yu Dong, you look friendly, help us talk to them and see if we can be added."


Yu Dong has different opinions on the fact that he has an affinity for his appearance, but he still does public relations work.

The students were also very enthusiastic. When they heard that someone was going to join, they readily agreed, and they kindly put Yu Dong and the others into a group.

The result was naturally disastrous. The other teammates in Yu Dong's group were pretty good, but no matter how good they were, they couldn't stand the burden of Yu Dong's three rookies. In the end, their group lost by a big score.

After it was over, Yu Hua touched the beads of sweat on her face, pointed to her shoes and said, "That means the shoes I'm wearing today are wrong, otherwise I wouldn't lose."

Su Tong agreed: "Indeed, the shoes we wear are too bad."

Yu Dong rolled his eyes helplessly, it's not that the shoes are bad for these two rookies, it's because their feet are too useless.

The students didn't blame the three of them for being too disheveled. Just now, a student from the first team specially brought some bottles of water over.

Yu Hua and the others were not polite, took the water pipe and thanked them, and then poured it down.

The student looked at them drinking water with a smile and asked, "Are you from the faculty team? I don't think I've seen you before."

"We are from outside the school. When we passed by and saw you playing football, we came over to join in the fun." Su Tong said.

"Oh, that's it." Hearing that it was from another school, the student seemed to lose interest.

He nodded and was about to leave when Su Tong said again: "Student, is there anything particularly interesting about your school?"

The student tilted his head and thought for a while: "I feel the same, not as interesting as a football field."

Hearing the student's answer, the three of Su Tong and the others looked at each other and smiled, without asking any other questions, the student also returned to his team.

After a while, the student ran back again, "May I ask what your names are?"

He asked this question very suddenly, and Yu Hua asked back with great interest, "May I ask why you asked our names?"


"Do you think any of the three of us are familiar to you?" Yu Hua asked again.

The student nodded, then shook his head again, "It's not me, it's a friend of mine, she thinks you three are familiar to her."

He pointed to the distance, and there was a girl standing there, who turned her head shyly when she saw him pointing.

"It's a girlfriend." Su Tong teased.

The student faltered and murmured: "Not yet..."

"Go and tell your girlfriend, our three names are Su Tong, Yu Hua and Yu Dong." Su Tong said with a smile.

"Oh, Su Tong, Yu..." As he spoke, the student's eyes widened, "You are Su Tong... I know you, I have seen your works, and my classmates and I like your works very much. Why are you here?"

As he spoke, he yelled at the girl again: "Xiuyi, come here quickly, come here quickly."

The girl hesitated for a moment, but came over anyway.

The boy excitedly said to her, "They said they were Su Tong, Yu Dong and Yu Hua!"

"What do you mean we say, we are." Yu Hua pouted.

"Yes, yes, you are, you are." The boy was a little incoherent, and then asked the girl: "You said they looked familiar, did you recognize them?"

The girl said shyly, "I saw the photos of Su Tong and Yu Dong in the newspaper before."

At this time, the others also noticed the movement here, and ran over. When they heard that it was Su Tong and the others, they were also very excited.

Even if there are people who are not familiar with Su Tong and the others, looking at the appearance of others, they only think that these three people are very powerful, so they are also excited together.

"Wow, Su Tong, Yu Dong, Yu Hua."

After a few exclamations, they secretly asked, "Who are these three?"

Su Tong and the others were also very surprised, because they didn't think they were celebrities, and they didn't expect to be recognized in Xia University.

These students like to join in the fun, and when the surrounding students saw a group gathered here, they all ran over curiously.

Seeing the three people surrounded by them, although they didn't know who they were, they all subconsciously felt that they were some important person.

Soon, dozens of people surrounded the playground.

Someone in the crowd shouted: "Three teachers, are you here to give a lecture at our school? I didn't see any notice from the school."

"Yes, yes, I'm from the Literature Department, and I haven't heard anything."

"Teacher Yu Hua, I really like your new work "To Live"."

"Mr. Su Tong, your "Wives and Concubines" is very good-looking, and the movie is also good-looking."

"Teacher Yu Dong, you are so handsome!"

In the East:"……"

Su Tong pressed his hands and said: "Students, we are just here for fun, not to be invited to give lectures. If you like our works, you can usually pay more attention to "Zhong Shan", and you can see our works on it. Several works."

Yu Hua in the back couldn't help giving a thumbs up secretly, Su Tong is worthy of being the editor-in-chief of Zhong Shan, and at this moment he was thinking of advertising for their magazine.

Yu Dong is also very emotional that this kind of scene where writers are recognized and surrounded by crowds may not appear in the next few years.

In the future, literature will become more and more marginal, and even college students will rarely pay attention to literature.

Unlike today's college students, who more or less buy magazines such as "Zhongshan" and "Harvest".This situation has something to do with the development of literature itself, and also with the development of society.

Today's Chinese people, especially intellectuals, although the conditions in various aspects of the country are not very good, but everyone's life pressure is not too great.

Later, although there were more and more educated people, everyone was thinking about making a living and making money all day long. When they had some free time, they either went shopping for consumption, watched dramas at home, checked social apps, or played games.

There are too many things that can pass the time, and most people are naturally unwilling to spend time on literature that requires brains.

Later, "how to finish a book quickly" became popular, which is difficult for most people to understand, because people don't really want to finish a book quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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