Chapter 178 Discipleship
After finishing Bi Feiyu, Jimmy's confidence increased greatly, and he went to attack Su Tong again.

Good guy, in less than half a day, he brought good news, and Su Tong also got it, the same conditions as Bi Feiyu.

It took Jimmy another two days to finalize the contract with the writer's agent, and then he was going to go north to Yanjing to sign other writers on the list in one go.

Before leaving, Jimmy heard about Cucumber Garden's poetry reading club going to Jinling University to do business.

After hearing the news, he immediately ran to find Yu Dong.

"Dong, I've heard about your science fiction association and poetry reading club. This is a good opportunity."

"What a good opportunity?" Yu Dong was preparing lesson plans and learning drama knowledge, and was not very interested in what Jimmy said.

In order to attract Yu Dong's attention, Jimmy raised his voice, "At this time, you can apply to the school to sponsor these two organizations, and it doesn't cost much. A few thousand yuan a year is probably enough. Let's not talk about poetry readings for now. The Science Fiction Association has relatively few operations in China and is very competitive. Let them organize members to expand their influence first, and then the computer network will develop rapidly in a few years. The Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association will take the first step and will definitely become the leader of domestic student science fiction. Organization, even if you don’t have any works, you can still maintain your influence among the students.”

Jimmy successfully caught Yu Dong's attention.

Yu Dong looked up at Jimmy. He didn't expect this guy to think so far, and he also thought of the rapid development of computer networks.

"How much have you thought about the computer network?" Yu Dong asked.

Jimmy shook his head, "Actually not, the computer network is not the point. Don't you have the word "students" in China? Now that you get some sponsorship for the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association, aren't they your students? With these students In the future, our publicity and marketing will save a lot of money. I like them because they are very ambitious, and ordinary school organizations would not think of going to other schools to attract members."

Yu Dong smiled, Jimmy really has a thorough understanding of China, or in other words, he has a thorough understanding of marketing, and he can always think of ideas to take advantage of the situation.

"Since you mentioned this matter, I think we can also do charity, starting from basic education." Yu Dong said.

Jimmy immediately gave a thumbs up, "Awesome, charity is a powerful tool, not only helps in marketing and publicity, but also can establish a positive image, and the company will definitely get preferential treatment in terms of policies in the future, it can be said to kill three birds with one stone. "

"If you want to do it, do it well. I don't mind if you use charity to promote it, but what you promote can't be fake, and what you promise must be done." Yu Dong said seriously. He didn't want charity to become a charity. Downright business.

Jimmy nodded and said: "I know this. There is no need to do fake charity, and there is a risk of backlash. We only need to regularly allocate a certain percentage of the publicity funds for charity, and there is no problem at all. And I will not over-promote Yes, charity needs to be publicized, but it can’t be overly publicized, otherwise it will arouse public resentment.”

"I'm relieved when you say that. There are a lot of things in the company during this period of time. You can think about charity after you have been busy for a while. Since you want to do it, you must do it with your heart."

"I have a plan in my heart. When the company stabilizes later, I will set up a charity department, right? By the way, I am often away, and no one takes care of your daily life. Do you want me to send you an assistant? A few days ago The company has recruited a few young people, they are very quick..."

Yu Dong waved his hands again and again, "Send someone to take care of the house? What have I done? You can do something serious."

"Okay, listen to you."


After Jimmy left, Yu Dong went to tell Wu Changxin about sponsoring the Science Fiction Association and the Poetry Reading Club.

Of course Wu Changxin was very happy, and immediately made a decision to give the Science Fiction Association and the Poetry Reading Club a fixed and dedicated activity classroom, and promised to make room for the two associations in the Jingwen Building to be built next year.

Jingwen Building is a building specially built by the school for the Drama Department.

Now there is only one play creation major, and the requirements for teaching land are not high, and the classroom can be shared with other students.

But when the performance major is established in the future, it needs to have its own building like the Academy of Fine Arts.

Yu Dong's sponsorship is divided into two parts, one part is basic activity funds, 3000 yuan per club per year.The other part is reward funds. If members publish their works in designated newspapers, they can get bonuses of varying amounts.

For example, if you publish a short story in "Science Fiction World", you can get a reward of 50 yuan, [-] yuan for a novella, and [-] yuan for a novel.

Or if you publish a poem in "Poetry Magazine", you can also get a reward of [-] yuan.

Other magazines such as "Zhongshan" and "Harvest" can get rewards as long as they have manuscripts published.

When Wu Changxin first heard about this plan, he wondered whether it would cost too much, but after careful calculation, it was actually not bad.

Because the designated publications are all high-level publications, it is very difficult to publish works on them. For example, magazines such as "Zhong Shan" may not publish a few in a year, and they have to look at Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong.

But in the end, Wu Changxin still felt that the money should not be paid by Dong alone, and decided that the school should also bear [-]% of the cost.

The reason why he made this decision was that Wu Changxin didn't know that Yu Dong was very rich now, and thought that all he earned were manuscript fees and bonuses, and wanted to save him some money.On the other hand, he believes that the school should also get a share of this kind of good reputation.

The matter was settled quickly, and a notice was made on the school's bulletin board.


"Outside the number, outside the number!"

Early that morning, Wang Hailin rushed into the playground with his hands raised.

Qu Aiguo was leading the members of the association to share the new issue of "Science Fiction World", when he saw Wang Hailin rushing over like a fool.

"Vice President Wang, you are a leader now, can you keep your focus?" Qu Aiguo said with a smile while holding the magazine.

After "capturing" Jinling University some time ago, Wang Hailin was promoted to acting vice president. The observation period was three months. After three months, if there were no accidents, he would be directly promoted to vice president.

Wang Hailin ran all the way over, and he could still shout a few words on the way, but when he got to Qu Aiguo, he was so out of breath that he couldn't utter a word.

He adjusted his knees for a long time before he said: "My lord president, my elder brother, the school has issued a notice, giving our association a lot of support, and now we are prosperous."

"What do you mean, what kind of support was given, how did we develop?"

"The notice said that the school and Mr. Yu Dong jointly contributed to set up support funds for the Cucumber Garden Science Fiction Association and the Cucumber Garden Poetry Association. The specific rules need to be collected from the Academic Affairs Office by the presidents of the two associations."

"Really or not, don't read it wrong." Because the matter was so important, Qu Aiguo didn't dare to delay, and after shouting to the members, "You should do your own work first", he raised his feet and ran towards the notice board.

The other members couldn't hold back at this time, and they all followed.

When they arrived, many students had already surrounded the notice board.

Someone recognized Qu Aiguo and the others, and said with a smile, "President Qu, your association has developed now."

Qu Aiguo waved with a smile and hurried to the notice board.

He was tall and broad, and this drill pushed the crowd to both sides.

When he arrived at the bulletin board, Qu Aiguo carefully read the content on the bulletin board, for fear that he might miss a word or misread a word.

After going up and down, looking back and forth several times, and confirming the content of the notice board, he pushed through the crowd and ran out, heading straight for the Academic Affairs Office.

After arriving at the Academic Affairs Office, after taking the detailed rules, Qu Aiguo ran back to the playground excitedly.

He held up the detailed rules and announced loudly to the members: "Comrades, our dawn has come. The detailed rules explain this support project in detail. Not only can we get 3000 yuan of basic activity funds per year, Moreover, as long as each member can publish their works in designated publications, they will be able to get rewards of varying amounts. There are quite a few rewards. There is only one designated publication for our Science Fiction Association, "Science Fiction World", comrades can guess , How much reward can I get for publishing a short story in the science fiction world?"

"Five dollars?"

"Ten dollars?"

"20 yuan?"

Qu Aiguo kept shaking his head until someone guessed 50, then he stopped: "That's right, publishing a short story will not only get you a manuscript fee from the magazine, but also an extra [-] yuan reward. This is just a short story , Guess how much you can get for a long story?"

Before everyone could guess, Qu Aiguo had already given the answer: "Five hundred! A total of five hundred yuan, as long as you are our member, as long as you publish a novel in "Science Fiction World", you can get a reward!"

Qu Aiguo's voice was high-pitched and provocative. After he finished speaking, the members seemed to have seen 500 yuan flying towards them.

As for how difficult it is to publish a long article in "Science Fiction World", they have not thought of it yet.

After Qu Aiguo finished speaking, Wang Hailin reminded in a low voice: "Brother, this matter is also a double-edged sword. With benefits, I am afraid that many bastards will come in in the future, just for this reward."

Qu Aiguo waved his hand, "For the reward? You have to be able to publish novels on "Science Fiction World". Of course, what you said is not unreasonable. We really should standardize the rules for membership recruitment, and try to attract people who really like science fiction. people come in."

"Also, our side is at a disadvantage compared to the poetry reading club. Their designated publications seem to be much more than ours." Wang Hailin said again.

"It seems to be a disadvantage, but now the audience of "Science Fiction World" is small, and there are even fewer science fiction writers. When there are more science fiction readers and more science fiction writers in the future, I believe that more magazines will be published."

Wang Hailin nodded, "That's true."

 Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Sea Dragon Frog Soldier] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Baichenming] for the 100 tip
  Thank you [Unpredicted Director] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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