Chapter 179 Empty Shell
A few days after New Year's Day, the school is on holiday.

The students went home one after another, and the teachers were still standing on the last shift.

On the seventeenth day of the twelfth lunar month, Wu Changxin called all the teachers of the drama department together for the last meeting of this semester.

Yu Dong arrived at the meeting room with Bi Feiyu early, but he didn't expect Zhang Xian to arrive one step earlier.

Seeing the two of them, Zhang Xian put down his pen, rubbed his hands, and said with a smile, "Teacher Yu, Teacher Bi, you're here so early."

The temperature in the past two days has been very low, with the lowest temperature being seven or eight degrees below zero every day. For Jinling, this temperature is already extremely low.

The south is no better than the north. The humidity here is heavier, and the temperature is a little bit colder, so that there is no place for people to drill.

Yu Dong and the others were also shrinking their necks and exhaling, but there was a temperature difference when they came in from the outside, so they felt a little better.

"Director Zhang came earlier than us." Yu Dong said with a smile.

Bi Feiyu also smiled and said: "Director Zhang is the keynote speaker for today's meeting, so we must prepare earlier."

"I wrote something, and now I'm done."

Zhang Xian rubbed his hands and felt that it was useless. Just as he was about to put his hands in his pocket, Yu Dong took out a bag of melon seeds from his pocket, "Director Zhang, some melon seeds."

"Uh, oh, good."

Zhang took the melon seeds first, and the three of them sat together and crackled the melon seeds.

"It's also been said that the taste of the New Year suddenly comes out when you eat melon seeds." Zhang Xian glanced at Yu Dong's bulging pockets. He had heard before that Yu Dong liked to carry melon seeds everywhere he went. Today is an experience. Arrived.

Bi Feiyu and Yu Dong were often together, and she was used to it. When she came in just now, her first reaction was not to take out cigarettes from her pocket, but to take out Yu Dong's pocket.

Yu Dong said with a smile, "I, I went to many roasted seeds and nuts shops on purpose, and compared them, the melon seeds of Xiao Li's roasted seeds and nuts are the most delicious. His melon seeds are ten cents more expensive than others, but they are more expensive. In fact, the melon seeds are well controlled from the raw material, and there is no empty shell."

After eating the melon seeds in Bi Feiyu's hand, he took another handful from Yu Dong, and then said with a smile: "I have a different opinion on the matter of empty shells. Eating melon seeds is like tasting literary works, and empty melon seeds are like It is the blank space in the novel. If the plot of the novel is true everywhere, there is no blank space, and no place for readers to pause, then it will not work. Director Zhang, look, all the melon seeds are equally full, then The pleasure of eating melon seeds will be covered by mechanical movements, and occasionally there will be an empty shell in the middle, although it is uncomfortable for a while, it also raises the follow-up expectations."

Yu Dong shook his head, with a look of disapproval on his face, "If you say this, you will be suspected of justifying the flaws of the work. Can't you use other things to replace your so-called blank space? I will smash ten spiced melon seeds , and eat another salt melon seed, isn’t it also a blank space, is it also a pause?”

"That can't be done. The sensory stimulation brought by empty-shelled melon seeds and spiced melon seeds is completely different. The so-called recollection of bitterness and sweetness is the first to suppress when you want to rise. Only bad ones are good. If I was born in a wealthy family, Eating fish today, meat tomorrow, and chicken and duck the day after tomorrow is not as good as eating grass for two days to improve your appetite."

"Your quibbling is purely quibbling, and the metaphor is not correct. There are defective literature everywhere, why bother to see bad and good at the same time in the same work?"

"Why can't..."

In the middle of speaking, Bi Feiyu suddenly turned bitter, and opened his mouth to spit out the melon seeds he had just eaten.


Seeing Bi Feiyu's painful expression, Yu Dong laughed: "How do you feel now?"

Zhang Xian heard the two quarreling just now, and he was almost stupid. This literati is really different from their screenwriters, and the probability of literati's insanity is obviously much higher.

At this time, the door of the meeting room was pushed open, and Wu Changxin walked in with a chill.

After he came in, he was about to take out a cigarette and light one. When he saw the melon seeds on the table, he put the cigarette back with a smile, and walked over to grab a handful of melon seeds.

"It's not a holiday yet, you guys are celebrating the New Year first."

After Wu Changxin arrived, other teachers also arrived one after another.

Seeing Wu Changxin and the others here, the later teachers were a little embarrassed, after all, it was not appropriate for the leader to arrive first.

But it's not their fault, there is still half an hour before the meeting time, they are already early, but Yu Dong and the others came earlier.

With melon seeds, everyone stopped smoking. Yu Dong brought a lot of melon seeds and distributed some to everyone. For a while, the meeting room was filled with the sound of melon seeds being cracked.

This is why Yu Dong brought so many melon seeds.

In this winter, the doors and windows of the meeting room are closed. If their pipes are set on fire, then this meeting room will not be a place for people to stay.

Get some melon seeds to keep their mouths busy, and naturally they will smoke less.

Wu Changxin squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "Today's meeting has a good atmosphere, and it's suitable for the occasion. The Chinese New Year is coming soon, so let's experience the atmosphere of the New Year at school first. I'm calling everyone here today to make a summary for the first semester of the Drama Department... "

The meeting was not long, and ended after just over an hour.

This is also one of Wu Changxin's strengths. He held meetings concisely, and would adjourn the meeting immediately after he had finished talking about the matter, and never made any nonsense.

At the meeting, everyone summarized their work, and then mentioned some plans for the next semester. Finally, Wu Changxin concluded with a few words and it was over.

In fact, there are still many things to discuss in the drama department, but there is no need to discuss them at this meeting.

After the meeting, Wu Changxin kept everyone in and said that he would treat everyone to dinner in the evening.

Two teachers couldn't be there because they bought tickets for the evening, and everyone else went.

Wu Changxin's personal wallet was not high-standard, and eight or nine people gathered around a small table and started drinking.

The owner of this restaurant is from Wu Changxin's hometown. The restaurant is not big, but the owner cooks Anhui cuisine very well. Besides Wu Changxin, other school teachers also like to come here for dinner.

The boss is also surnamed Wu, and he is in the same family as Wu Changxin. According to the genealogy, he has to call Wu Changxin the ninth grandfather.

Wu Changxin and his family have kept a relatively complete clan system, and the cohesion among the same surnames is very strong. According to Wu Changxin, there are now [-] brothers of the same clan in their generation.

Why say it is now, because it is still alive.

He ranks ninth in this generation, several of them have passed away, and the youngest is only a few years old.

In other words, if Boss Wu of the restaurant sees Wu Changxin's younger brother, he should also call him Grandpa Shiba.

When the meal was almost halfway through, the boss came over to toast, Wu Changxin chatted with him a few words, and asked him if he would go home for the New Year.

The boss smiled and said, "I went home and bought a ticket for tomorrow. The restaurant has no business during the Chinese New Year, and there is nothing to do here."

Today is different from later generations. During Chinese New Year, there are fewer people in restaurants and movie theaters. Everyone is visiting relatives and friends, and they are all happy at home.

In the end, the boss whispered a few words to Wu Changxin in the dialect. No one else could understand a word of their local dialect, but judging from Wu Changxin's expression after hearing it, it should not be a good thing.

But Wu Changxin didn't tell them, but just greeted everyone to drink.

Perhaps affected by this, Wu Changxin drank too much in the end.

Because only Yu Dong knew where Wu Changxin's home was, he sent Wu Changxin home.

After Wu Changxin arrived home, he sobered up from the wine and stayed in Yudong to drink tea.

 Thanks to [Dan Yu] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 reward
  Thank you [Orange Tea with Lemon Milk] for your 100 tip
(End of this chapter)

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