Chapter 180

Wu Changxin's wife poured Yu Dong a cup of tea, and then went to cook a bowl of noodles for Wu Changxin.

His wife is not tall, not very talkative, and always smiles when she sees people.

Ten years before Wu Changxin came to work in Jinling, his wife was farming at home, and she didn't come here until the child was in middle school.

"I lost my temper tonight." Wu Changxin took a mouthful of noodles, "The main reason is that I drank too much in the next few cups and didn't eat a few mouthfuls of food."

Yu Dong smiled and said: "Drinking, principal, you are relatively restrained."

After taking a few mouthfuls to clean up the noodles in the bowl, Wu Changxin took another sip of the soup, then stroked his chest and said, "It's much better."

Then he lit a cigarette, "I heard something from my hometown tonight, and my mood has been affected."

Yu Dong nodded and didn't ask anything. He believed that if Wu Changxin wanted to speak, he would definitely speak up.

Sure enough, Wu Changxin continued to speak: "Actually, I knew what he said before. A person in our village, who is considered to be my brother, was beaten to death while working outside."

"I don't have a good relationship with him, and it's not particularly sad, but a little embarrassing. He can be regarded as a celebrity in our area..."

For the next hour or so, Yu Dong didn't say a word, all he was listening to was Wu Changxin.

His brother who died was in his 30s and had not yet married a wife and had children.

The reason for this is because he is mentally deficient. Although he is in his 30s, he only has the IQ of a child.

Only a child's IQ does not mean that he also behaves like a child when he speaks and behaves like a child. He just can't turn around in many things. He usually looks like an ordinary adult, and he also likes to imitate other people. He talks in a different way when he sees people.

He also likes to brag, as long as he has heard of things, he can brag about them.

When Wu Changxin went back last time, he told Wu Changxin that he was teaching in a certain elementary school recently, but the teaching environment was not very good. He asked Wu Changxin how the school was and if he could apply to come here.

The last time Wu Changxin went back, he told Wu Changxin that he was working on a bread project outside recently and cooperated with a well-known local rich businessman, but the rich businessman was too stingy and the money was not distributed equally, so he was going to kick the rich businessman off and do it himself.

Wu Changxin didn't say the name of this clan brother, but only his nickname.

When he was a child, he had a hernia in his crotch. Later, the hernia was removed by surgery, but this nickname has always been kept.

Dadan acts funny and is different from ordinary people, so he has had a lot of interesting things.

For example, once he got a few fish to sell at a fair, and he was countered by the price, but he didn't say anything, sold the fish to the other party at a low price, and then turned around and stole the fish again.

As a thief, he had no shame in his heart. Instead, he publicized it, saying that this person bullied him because he was insane and deliberately lowered the price.

At that time, when many people heard about this, they felt that Dadan was not stupid, but a bit slippery.

There is also a fool in their village, the kind who is much more stupid than Dadan, and you can see a foolish face from a long distance on the road, called Hongzi.

Hongzi likes to play with Big Dan, but Big Dan thinks he is not stupid and should not play with idiots, so Hongzi will be scolded by Big Dan most of the time when he comes, and sometimes he will be beaten.

But when Dadan is in a good mood, he will play with Hongzi, playing some things that others can't understand.

Sometimes Dadan would take Hongzi to the local elementary school to frighten those pupils, and then he would jump out and drink Hongzi back, acting as a hero saving the pupils.

It's just that those elementary school students are not deceived at all, not only afraid of Hongzi, but also afraid of big eggs.

Dadan also has a younger sister, who is well-known in the village as a genius. Everyone said that Dadan's brains were used by his sister, which is why there is such a big difference.

Later, his sister got married and gave birth to a son who was like his mother with a very flexible mind.

When he was eight or nine years old, he played tricks on his uncle, but his mother didn't take it seriously, thinking that luckily her son was not like his uncle, and was a fool.

Later, Dadan's father died, and his younger sister's family lived in his house.

Later, Dadan went out to work.

"I heard that Hongzi came to play with Da Dan that day, and when he saw that the battle was wrong, he was scared and cried." At the end, Wu Changxin sighed, "I heard that after Da Dan died, someone went to the village to make trouble, saying Sister Da Dan and the others should be driven away, because their family has a different surname."

At this time, Yu Dong said: "The things you told me, I can't tell how stupid he is."

"Silly is really stupid. He can't understand many things. Many of the things he tells people come from imitation, just like a child. He also went to school, and he didn't go to the third grade until he was 16 years old. .”

"Why did he fight with others later?" Yu Dong asked.

Wu Changxin shook his head, "I don't know. I heard that the person who started with him was working with him. Maybe it was because of a quarrel. He is a person. You have to treat him as a normal person. Sometimes he can Make you mad."

At this time, Wu Changxin looked at the time again, and said apologetically, "It's so late before I know it, it's my fault that I insist on dragging you to talk so much."

"Fortunately, it's only eleven o'clock. Then I'll go back first. Principal, you should go to bed early."

"Okay, I'll send you a piece."

"No, I just sent you back. You come back to see me off later. Let Zhang Lang send Li Lang. When will we send you? Let's go, let's rest early." Yu Dong smiled and waved his hands, and he left Chang Wu new home.

Wu Changxin dragged him to talk about so many shitty things tonight, but he actually felt a little ashamed.He thinks that all these years, he has been a cold bystander, and sometimes he even goes along with people's ridicule. Now that Da Dan is dead, he always feels that he is also responsible for this tragedy.

Telling someone about all this at this time can relieve him a lot.

On the way back, Yu Dong kept replaying the story of Dadan in his mind. He thought it was a good material that could be written into a novel.

This time, he is not going to rely on realism anymore, he is going to write absurdly.

Along the way, Yu Dong conceived the novel in his mind, and unknowingly arrived at the gate. The doorman on duty in the reception room was dozing off. When he heard Yu Dong knock on the window, the doorman stood up suddenly as if his tail had been stepped on, and immediately positive.

"Leader, I'm sorry, I was a little confused just now, let me open the door for you."

Yu Dong smiled and said, "I'm not the leader. I'm on duty in the middle of the night. It's hard work."

"Unfortunately, there are few people on duty at night, and there are few people who come back in the middle of the night like you, the leader..." Halfway through the sentence, the guard felt that he had talked too much, so he quickly shut up.

After the gate was opened, Yu Dong walked straight towards the dormitory. Halfway there, a piece of white snow the size of a fingernail fell on the tip of Dong's nose. Before the snow melted, the second and third pieces followed... Heavy snow came without warning.

(End of this chapter)

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