Chapter 181 Soft Knife
"Lead, lead!"

Yu Donggang stretched out his hands to hold a few snowflakes, when the doorman's voice came from behind.

He turned his head to look, and the guard ran over panting with an umbrella.

The doorman is not very old, only in his twenties, but he is relatively fat, so it is a bit strenuous to run.

When he arrived, he put the umbrella in Yu Dong's hand from outside the door: "Leader, it's snowing."

Yu Dong took the umbrella and looked in the direction of the reception room. There was already a distance from the reception room. It was the middle point between the reception room and the dormitory compound.

So Yu Dong returned the umbrella to him, "Use it, you have to go home tomorrow morning, I'm not far from here, we'll be there soon."

After speaking, Yu Dong wrapped his coat and walked forward.

Fat Dun shouted again from behind: "How about I send the leader to you, and then I will come back."

Yu Dong waved his hands without looking back, "Go back."

It was like returning to the courtyard of the dormitory in the east, and the vegetable garden was covered with hoarfrost, and the dozen or so vegetables Feng Ming planted had no time to eat, so they were left to grow randomly in the vegetable garden, and after being covered by snow, they stood bone by bone in the ground.

Bi Feiyu was still awake, when she heard footsteps in the yard, she shrugged and walked to the balcony.

"Is it Yu Dong?"

"Ang, you haven't slept yet."

"No, why did it take so long to send someone?"

"Old Wujiu woke up again, he dragged me to chat for a while, aren't you waiting for me to come back?"

"What are you waiting for, you are such a big man, afraid that you will lose it?"

Yu Dong paused, and said, "Fei Yu, sister-in-law is the one who brought you up first."

Bi Feiyu was obviously taken aback, "Why did you say this all of a sudden?"

"Because I think you are so awkward, it is impossible to take the initiative to mention it. You see, you obviously care about me, but you don't want to admit it..."

"Bah, this heavy snow didn't freeze me, I got goosebumps from your words. Now that you're back, go to bed early." After saying this, Bi Feiyu turned back to the house and closed the door .

Yu Dong smiled and went into the house too.


Early the next morning, Yu Dong got up and opened the window, and the outside world was already a snow-white world.

Snow is so arbitrary, when it comes, all other colors give way, leaving only its whiteness.

In the past two days, most of the teachers in the yard had left, and no one wanted to get up early in the morning, and there was no footprint in the yard.After a night of heavy snow, the sun followed closely, but the weather was too cold and the sun's effect was limited. It was like a light bulb in a refrigerator.

After looking at the snow scene in the courtyard for a while, Yu Dong was about to close the window, but saw a smear of red emerging from the entrance of the courtyard.

This "red" stepped on the snow and walked in step by step. When she looked up and saw Yu Dong behind the window, she waved her hand happily, but the yard was too quiet, and she was too embarrassed to make a sound. Judging from the shape of her mouth, she was saying, "Morning."

Yu Dong didn't expect Cheng Yanqiu to run here early in the morning. Yesterday they made an appointment to have dinner together today, and just now he was wondering if he should cancel the appointment because of the heavy snow, so she came.

Cheng Yanqiu was wearing a red cashmere coat, and the rain boots on his feet were also red.

She walked slowly to the window, bent her eyes and said with a smile: "It's snowing, are you building a snowman?"


The next day, Yu Dong returned to Shanghai.

It's not snowing here.

There has always been little snow in Shanghai. Even if it snows, it is usually light snow that cannot be accumulated. Sometimes the snow is heavier, and the locals will be happy for a long time.

After Yu Dong came back, Liu Jiang came to him immediately and told him about the toy factory.

The business of the toy factory was good, and Dashun had a lot of orders. Liu Jiang was bold and invested a lot of money in it, and the output immediately increased.

Today's Liu Jiang is full of style, wearing a suit and leather shoes with a big back, and it is said that he bought a mobile phone for business negotiations.In fact, Liu Jiang doesn't use much phone business now, and he bought a big phone mainly to show off and support the scene.

Go out to discuss business, and the big brother will pay out, and the business will be half done.

He came here to talk about the business situation with Yu Dong on the one hand, and to talk about dividends on the other hand.What he means is that although he has made some money this year, he will not pay any dividends and invest all the profits in the next step of production expansion.

Yu Dong naturally has no objection to this, just let him handle it himself, and don't take too long.

"I understand this, I have money in my hand, don't worry, the factory will be on holiday today, and I am busy paying wages to the workers, so let's not talk about it."

After Liu Jiang left, Qin Fang said to Yu Dong: "Son, do you have a share in Xiaojiang's factory? I asked him and he didn't say anything."

"It's a little money invested, not much." Yu Dong replied.

"Son, you should be careful when doing business with acquaintances. Xiaojiang is a nice person, but you have to be more careful when anything is linked to money. Remember your cousin Liu Huanzhi, he is doing business with friends, and now he is losing money. The two families are quarreling so much that they can't be friends anymore." Qin Fang exhorted with a serious face.

Yu Dong nodded: "I know this, I just invested some money, and it's not a partnership to do business."

"Then if you lose money, don't you blame others?"

"Don't complain, it's not much, I can afford it."

Qin Fang rolled her son's eyes and said, "Oh, it's terrible now, my tail is up to the sky."

"But having said that, Xiao Jiang is very good. He used to be good to our family. Now that he opened the factory, he runs to our house more frequently. He gives us this and that when he has nothing to do. He is better than your own son. He's grown up, and he's doing well in his career now, so it's time to think about personal issues..."

Yu Dong waved his hands again and again: "Stop it, don't meddle in personal issues, he is annoyed enough by Aunt He every day."

"You child, why am I like her?" Qin Fang said cursingly, without mentioning Liu Jiang's matter, turned and went to the kitchen.


On New Year's Eve, Yu Dong's phone rang continuously.

Yang Xiao, Tan Kai, Cheng Yongxing...

Yu Hua also called, saying that he wanted to come to Shanghai at the beginning of the year, and asked Yu Dong if he had time, and Yu Dong had nothing to do, so he agreed.

Not long after hanging up on Yu Hua's phone, Zhang Yimou called again. After saying happy New Year's Eve, he also asked Yu Dong if he had time to get together recently.

Yu Dong thought about Yu Hua, so he asked if it was okay at the beginning of the year, and Zhang Yimou said there was no problem.

The filming of "Death of a Widow" has basically been completed, and if there are no accidents, it will be released in the summer. The title of the film was changed from "Death of a Widow" to "Soft Sword".

The meaning is obvious, this soft knife refers to the pen in the writer Yu Xi's hand and the words of the villagers, and it is these two soft knives that killed Li Xuelian.

(End of this chapter)

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