Backtracking to the Age of Literature and Art

Chapter 182 Everyone Has To Be In The Folk

Chapter 182 Everyone Has To Be In The Folk

On New Year's Eve, after dinner, Yu Dong's family went home to watch the Spring Festival Gala.

The fireworks outside are as bright as flying stars, and you can't hear the TV if you don't turn it up.

Because there were major accidents when setting off fireworks in Shanghai a few years ago, the city has been trying to control fireworks and firecrackers in recent years. Over the past few years, many tricks have been used.

Before, it was a one-size-fits-all policy, stipulating that fireworks and firecrackers are not allowed to appear in the ring, and a responsibility system was also implemented for unified management and control.

However, as soon as the regulations came out, there was a lot of discussion in Shanghai. The public thought that it had been a tradition for so many years, so how could they not let it go, and just be careful when it was a big deal.

This year, the city government couldn't resist the pressure, so the policy was relaxed, and areas that were previously banned were changed to a limited time limit.

However, these policies have no effect on Jiwang Town, which is considered a rural area, and the government's control over fireworks cannot reach here.

The Yu family also bought two barrels of "Gaosheng" this year. One barrel was put away after dinner, and the other barrel was reserved for the Lantern Festival.

Listening to the sound of fireworks and firecrackers outside, Qin Fang clicked her mouth and said, "Whenever you bring your daughter-in-law back, son, I'll also buy ten or eight barrels to fill up."

Yu Hansheng looked at the TV and said with a smile: "If you have this money, what kind of fireworks and firecrackers can you buy? Why don't you go and buy some delicious food and drink. The fireworks and firecrackers should be seen brightly and heard loudly. Every household outside It’s all playing, you can see it even when it’s bright, and hear it when it’s loud.”

"According to what you said, we can just wear a rag when we go out every day. Anyway, I can't see the clothes I'm wearing. If you think so, can you still hear the sound of firecrackers in the sky..."

Just as Qin Fang was talking, the phone at home rang again. She got close, so she got up and went into the house to answer it.

Seeing his wife enter the house, Yu Hansheng whispered to Yu Dong: "Son, don't listen to your mother, save this money to buy some clothes and jewelry for your partner, and she will think of you when she wears it. The fireworks and firecrackers will be over after one sound, and they won't last long."

Yu Dong laughed and said, "You can buy clothes and jewelry with the money of a few barrels of fireworks?"

"I can't buy jewellery, but clothes are fine. Besides, what does it mean to gather armpits to make fur, gather a little to make a lot, don't accumulate small steps, you can't go thousands of miles, don't accumulate small streams, you can't make rivers, tall buildings..."

Yu Dong raised his eyebrows and interrupted his father's words: "Dad, how do you talk these days, you keep dropping your book bags."

Yu Hansheng laughed: "Isn't it because you always introduce you as a great writer to others? I have to be more fulfilled myself."

"Yo, the sketch is here."

After a while of singing and dancing dramas, Yu Hansheng had long been bored watching it, so there happened to be a skit, and he immediately watched it attentively.

After finishing a sketch, Qin Fang was still in the room, and Yu Han muttered, "Whose call is this answering, why can't we finish talking?"

"Maybe it's her good sisters who usually play well." Yu Dong said nonchalantly.

Yu Hansheng shook his head, "It's absolutely impossible. Her sisters are usually seen, and each of them is more searchable than your mother. Can you afford the phone bill? I'll go and find out."

As soon as Yu Hansheng stood up, Qin Fang shouted from the room: "Son, Xiao Cheng is looking for you."

Yu Dong slapped his head, got up and ran into the house, Qin Fang was holding the phone and said to the opposite party: "Xiao Cheng, come to Shanghai to play when you have time, Auntie makes braised pork for you to eat, Yu Dong is here, we Give him the phone."

After speaking, Qin Fang smiled and gave Yu Dong the phone.

After Yu Dong answered the phone, he didn't speak. After watching Qin Fang go out, he said, "You were chatting with my mother just now?"

Cheng Yanqiu on the other end of the phone smiled and said: "Yes, I called you before, and my aunt answered it a few times, and I am quite familiar with it."


After New Year's Eve, Yu Dong stayed at home for several days. On the fifth day of the new year, he was dragged by his mother to visit relatives.

"You don't see people every day. People will say that you are a great writer now, and don't pay attention to these relatives. I know you don't care, but you have to think about me and your father. You think we can get together every day when we are old. By your side? There are relatives and friends walking around, we can save you a lot of things when we are old."

With his mother's words reaching this point, Yu Dong naturally dared not say any more words of rejection.

But when I think about it carefully, my mother is right, I am still too selfish sometimes, I always feel that I don't care, but I don't think about my parents.

Parents want to take him out to show off to others. He should understand this. It is said that parents all over the world love their children. Parents treat their children as treasures, so they naturally hope that others will also see their own treasures.

Today is to go to Uncle Yu Dong's house, and the relatives on my father's side have all made appointments to go to his house.

As soon as Yu Dong arrived, a crowd of people greeted him. One was that he was now a well-known writer, and he was considered a celebrity in the family; Enthusiasm.

After dealing with the whole house, Yu Dong's old cousins ​​surrounded him. These old cousins ​​were not a few years younger than Yu Dong. They often played together when they were young, and most of them didn't go any further in junior high school.

They don't know much about literature, and they don't usually read novels. They only know that Yu Dong has become a great writer, and they all think it's amazing.

In their hearts, the great writer and great writer should be born with a vision, no matter in appearance or family background, they are different from ordinary people.

But Yu Dong was not. Although he was smart since he was a child and studied well, he was still far from the image of a great writer.

One of the old cousins, Li Xiaobo, also said: "I remember that your Chinese performance was not as good as mine before. You said that if I became a writer, wouldn't it be okay?"

Another echoed: "Yeah, I heard that writers don't need a diploma these days, and those who graduate from universities like Yu Dong only have high diplomas."

"What kind of diploma does a writer rely on? It depends on luck. Look at the former principal of our elementary school. He wrote such a good poem, but he is still so downcast. The real everyone has to be among the people..."

Hearing these bitter words, Yu Dong was not annoyed at all. Instead, he encouraged: "That's right, there is no technical content in writing novels, as long as you can recognize the characters. I know a few writers, and I only know a few hundred commonly used characters." , but the book sells very well. You can also write in ordinary times. If you write more, you will always meet people who appreciate it. And writing books makes more money than working. The cost of a novel manuscript is less than a few thousand. Point, tens of thousands is not impossible."

These words immediately moved his old cousins, and they changed their attitudes, and began to ask Yu Dong how to publish novels, which magazine paid the most for the manuscript, and they seemed to want to write when they returned home.

"That's right, that's right, Shen Congwen only has a primary school diploma, he can write, and of course we can too."

Yu Dong almost couldn't help laughing out loud, but they still knew Shen Congwen.

 Thanks to [2long fungus] for the 1500 tip
  Thank you [The Man Under the Ice] for the 100 reward
(End of this chapter)

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